77 Tasting Notes

drank Lady Grey by Twinings
77 tasting notes

had a terrible night of sleep (yay nightmares!) so this is a necessity

the next couple of weeks are going to be HARD (I want to send my thesis to my supervisor before going off to Paris), so don’t be surprised if I spam my notes with black tea !

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hard black tea is a requirement for writing and thesis deadlines!

Martin Bednář

Wishing you all the luck to send thesis on time and have fun in Paris :) Lots of tea shops there, but psst, I haven’t said anything, right?!


How exciting! Oh, the tea shops you can visit!!!

Sofia Vaz

thank you everyone for the encouraging words!

I hope to get some tea when I go, even as a souvenir — tea’s light, so I can get a lot without messing up my luggage weight limit!

but for now, rewrites!

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Had at a café, and was delicious! Made me want to buy it and make for myself, but properly (I think this steeped, at most, 2 minutes)

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drank Rou Gui by Unknown
77 tasting notes

I stayed home to work today, but yesterday’s holiday made my brain really slow. I decided to have some tea but genuinely did not know what could help. Then I remembered I had some rou gui that I got for gong fu purposes and thought… what if I used my metal infuser and a mug instead of my gaiwan? Could that make gong fu easier for slow brain days? That way I can keep the tea coming!

well, after a full mug and a half, I can tell you that it worked like a charm :)

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec

Hooray for a good way to enjoy your tea!

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drank Lady Grey by Twinings
77 tasting notes

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drank Lady Grey by Twinings
77 tasting notes

really nice to kickstart my day!
I’ve been struggling with my thesis, so this works as a nice pick me up, not only taste wise but also caffeine wise!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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light and airy, but I feel that my steep is not as blended as it needed to be (probably scooped it wrong)
it has a clear pineapple something, and with the mixed-in green and white tea, it makes for a nice brew for a sunny day

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Lady Grey by Twinings
77 tasting notes

today’s brew had warmer water, and it’s much stronger! I feel that it may have lost some of the citrus, but it is still distinctly a grey, instead of a straight black tea (i.e., english breakfast, prince of wales, etc.)
this tea is shaping up to be quite versatile, and I’m glad I got it! might consider adding it to the repurchase list :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I prefer Lady Grey teas to Earl Greys. There was a wonderful one that I had trouble sourcing again but you might find it easily. It was called Genteel Lady in translation where it was purchased in Amsterdam. I found it from a German company under the name My Lady. You might love that one! I reviewed it here on Steepster under Genteel Lady.

Sofia Vaz

I’ll definitely be on the lookout; thanks, RA!


I decided to hunt for it again. I found it years ago from a German company but you had to buy a ton or they wouldn’t ship to the US. It is sold by Mount Everest Tea Company GmbH under the name My Lady. I remembered it as a Lady Grey type but I see it has no bergamot and it mango-pineapple primarily. I think it has been over ten years since I had it, so I am pleased to see it is still around.

Sofia Vaz

RA! I think I found it on a reseller! Or at least something extremely similar; I’ll also check on my local tea store, I have a theory that they sell tea from a Spanish and a German distributor (private labelling?)


I am sure Luis in Budapest bought theirs from a large distributor, so I believe you are quite right!

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drank Lady Grey by Twinings
77 tasting notes

Really pleasant! Maybe I’ll try a 4min steep tomorrow, as this seems a bit.. weak? I played it safe today because last time I tried it for 3 and it tasted entirely too bitter, almost like an English Breakfast; then again, I think that last time I poured boiling water directly into the leaves, instead of using 90ºC :)
(I’d try 95, as that seems to be the best temperature for most black teas, however, my kettle only works with 10º increments, meaning I’ have to guess what temperature the water is at, and I’d rather not burn the leaves)

This is much closer to what I was expecting it to be, as it has the citrus and softer black tea base

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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