this is probably going to be the last time i bring this tea to work, which is a shame, but there are more teas to be had :D

the next one will probably be the herbal I talked about, that way I can cut back on the amount of caffeine I drink throughout the day :)
(also OCD says I MUST drink the one closest to its expiration, and honestly I have bigger fish to fry in terms of energy, so….. I’ll let my OCD decide this time)

On a personal note, my country had elections and it seems that the new government does not care about science and research, which is great considering that my career in that field is about to start… :)
But as my mom’s godfather always says: what is ours will be ours (in English it sounds weird, but it’s something along the lines of “if something is meant to be for us, then it will happen, no matter what”; it’s just a saying, but it always gives me hope)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I like that saying!

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I like that saying!

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