1113 Tasting Notes
Ok, prepared as a blended with ice latte for breakfast this was astoundingly good! The texture is JUST right!!! I also have the coconut flavor of this and it’s to die for. Seriously recommended! And so easy!
I have been really looking forward to trying this! I made my first one at work today, so I did not have access to a blender. I took a mason jar with a scoop of the mix and when I was ready to drink it I added around 8oz of milk and shook vigorously. The caramel flavor is AMAZING! There is a slight chalkiness, but I’m going to blame that on me not preparing it according to package directions. I’ll try one this weekend with ice in the blender! Also I’d like to note that this is extremely sweet for me. It seems about the same sweetness level as a Starbucks green tea frappe. I normally drink my matcha lattes with probably half this amount of sugar. No biggie, I’ll just add more milk next time and I think it’ll be PERFECT! :D
R.I.P. too funny
Wow, that does sound amazing!