63 Tasting Notes
I LOVE this tea. Part of my winning contest prize pack from Rachel.
I was a bit leery as I’m not a rhubarb fan, but the strawberry is awesome and the rhubarb is mellow in the background. I loved the oolong as well. I did a quick rense of this then just 180 for 2.5 minutes (pretty fast and low) and it worked great. Good stuff!
Yikes,what an odd tea!
I’m generally not a black tea fan (get that out there). This one smelled and tasted strongly of chocolate and cocoa powder to me. I may have made it a bit strong (used 4 balls for about 12 oz). A tad astringent and as described bittersweet.
Thanks Stephanie for the sample!
It a good tea. I’m a huge rooibos guy and I love the taste of lemon in all teas. The lemon in this guy didn’t “wow” me but it was there. It’s a mellow evening kind of tea. I prefer my Lemon Dreams I think at night, but this guy would work in a pinch no problem.
Such a different tea.
I was sure it wasn’t my thing after a few sips. I can taste the cilantro mostly (not a bad thing I like cilantro) but the pineapple was strangely absent. So I’m sitting here looking through a couple message boards ignoring the tea for a bit when out of nowhere I taste pineapple. It had been a good half minute since I’d taken a tip and it just popped up out of the blue when I wasn’t thinking about it (so strange!).
So now that it’s cooled some and it’s got me intrigued, I’m back to it and it tastes a bit different. I can now taste a LIGHT flavoring of pineapple mixed in. The strong cilantro has mellowed a bit and the flavors seem to be getting along better.
What an interesting tea. Not sure it’s my thing but I can certainly appreciate it.
I noticed this. At the start I tasted mostly cilantro and little/no pineapple. After it cooled some the cilantro retreated and the pineapple came out some and it was very well balanced.
For most of our flavors, the flavors tend to come out more after the tea has cooled a little but when other herbs and spices are added they are noticeable immediately and it can take some time for the flavor to catch up. That’s interesting that you didn’t taste any pineapple at all right away and then it suddenly appeared.
Getting late in the evening so time to see if this stuff works!
It, of course, smells like lemon and chamomile. Nothing hiding there.
It’s relaxing for sure. Nothing sharp or lasting in it. Smooth to drink. The lemon is the most distinct but it’s not “overdone”. A very tasty treat. I plan to have this tea on many a late night!
It is a wonderful thing to find these teas in our lives…the ones we know we will love for many a cup or pot to come!
Got this in a swap with Starfevre Thanks!
Ok, I have to say that smelling this brings back a drink I have long forgotten about….TANG! It smells just like tang with the citrus orange smell….mmmmmm
In taste it reminds me slightly of the seven berry sangria in that it’s bold and in your face. Nothing subtle here. It’s a pleasant citrus taste though. Still think I’m drinking tang …
Short review on this one
They certainly smell the part, but the taste is like a poor clone of my treasured Phoenix Jasmine Pearls. A washed out, shallow flavor. It’s still easy to drink but I miss th depth I normally get with jasmine green teas.
I am so thrilled you enjoyed this! You helped make my day!
how “oolongy” is this one? lol I love me some strawberry rhubarb but oolongs are usually not my hapy place. Glad to hear that this blend is a winner though!
I don’t “personally” feel the oolong is too strong. I thought it melded good with the other flavors. However I generally like oolongs. If that helps
yep! thanks :)