Unless it was part of a blend, my poor, impaired tastebuds never equated pu-erh with much more than cave water or sweet tree roots. To see some of you mention menthol or camphor as flavor notes mystified me.
Well, today, I finally got it. Cave water first, tree roots next, but then I caught just the smallest breath of mentholated sippiness just after each swallow, which immediately created a mental image of Mama Bear lining the cave with pine and wintergreen branches so that it wouldn’t get too stinky while she hibernates. I’m ready to go back to bed now.
Yeah. This one was weird for me too. I can see how it equates to being a pu er but… idk
Most puerh I try ends up as either “dirt” or “marshy swampwater”. Whenever I taste something else I get pretty excited, hahaha.