Pu Erh Impérial

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Wood, Earth, Oak, Peat, Hay, Wet Wood, Dirt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Sioul
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 45 sec 7 oz / 218 ml

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From Palais des Thés

A very fine crop containing an abundance of tender leaf buds. Pu-Erh Imperial’s powerful flavor is clean and harmonious with a very supple finish. We loved this tea as a great example of pu-erh, perfect for those new to this style and seasoned pu-erh drinkers alike.

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9 Tasting Notes

311 tasting notes

This was Day 8 of the advent calendar

I wanted to try two teas in a day and was cursed. I sniff the bags when opening and it went through my mind that this one smelled slightly fishy.

It was either psychological or something, but after the first sips of this I kept getting a fishy undertone, got sick, and had to throw the whole thing out.

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87 tasting notes

2022 Palais des Thés Advent Calendar

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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4338 tasting notes

Gmathis wrote a note for this one recently and I remembered I had a teabag floating around here, so I thought I’d find it.  That teabag is from TreeGal (a while ago)!  Thank you!  An odd shaped teabag and really, there doesn’t seem to be as much leaf here as I would want to steep up for a ripe puerh… I would probably use three times this amount.   So of course this is a very light colored cup for me, though honestly I steeped it lightly too.  Another starchy cup.   Nothing bad but too light for me.  Even the second steep, when I went full tilt and steeped for twenty minutes.  The resulting flavor was still not very dark, but points for this being a puerh teabag without any offensive puerh characteristics.  But if I want to steep up a puerh, I want it dark!
Steep #1 // 22 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 20 minute steep

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3011 tasting notes

Unless it was part of a blend, my poor, impaired tastebuds never equated pu-erh with much more than cave water or sweet tree roots. To see some of you mention menthol or camphor as flavor notes mystified me.

Well, today, I finally got it. Cave water first, tree roots next, but then I caught just the smallest breath of mentholated sippiness just after each swallow, which immediately created a mental image of Mama Bear lining the cave with pine and wintergreen branches so that it wouldn’t get too stinky while she hibernates. I’m ready to go back to bed now.


Yeah. This one was weird for me too. I can see how it equates to being a pu er but… idk

Mastress Alita

Most puerh I try ends up as either “dirt” or “marshy swampwater”. Whenever I taste something else I get pretty excited, hahaha.

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2069 tasting notes

I had it actaully in muslin sachet.

One steep only, 4 minutes long.
Yesterday was kind of crazy day. I had two exams (hard ones), and I passed both. I was drinking beer in the evening with friends – I did not had much (usually I have more) and it just went not good.

So, I took some strong taste tea and as I was lazy to make gong-fu, I decided for pu-erh from tea bag. I am rather sceptical, I never was friend of pu-erh (that changed) esepcially when in tea bags.

But this tea is actually really good. Very woody, but still very mild. It not very complex, though. But for tea bag it is good one.

This tasting note is not very long, I know. But I just do not feel writing in English today so much. Or at least, this morning.

Flavors: Wood

10 OZ / 300 ML

Hooray on your exams! Puerh was probably a good choice, especially if the beer was not sitting well with your tummy. It is used for both digestive issues and hangovers in China, although it sounds like you did not have enough beer to cause a hangover. Perhaps you were a little dehydrated and that is why the beer did not sit well. Hope you are feeling better!

Martin Bednář

Ashmanra: Thank you, you are probably completely right. I was probably bit dehydrated and beer did not sit well. And tea certainly helped.

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134 tasting notes

A surprisingly mild Pu-erh, with a hint of sweetness in later steeps. Initially very woody and earthy. A nice tea for those new to Pu-erh, and for those who enjoy medium complexity.

Flavors: Earth, Oak, Peat

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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19 tasting notes

My first pu ehr. I like it. I don’t have enough experience to compare with other teas.

Flavors: Hay, Wet Wood, Wood

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15596 tasting notes

free sample from my order. I was looking forward to trying this one to see whether it stodd up to some of my other shou favourites. I have to say, i’m sort of glad that it didn’t. While it was a pleasant enough shou, it was pretty middle of the road and generally average. on the earthy woody side and smooth enough in it’s finish. nothing to write home about.

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257 tasting notes

Dry leaf smells so woody and soil-like. I am not a big fan of shou :( so this is not to my taste.
The liquor is fairly clear and it’s pretty smooth. If I was ever going to drink shou, this would be pretty good for that type of tea. It is just a type that I really don’t care for so I am not a good judge of it.
It tastes like sweet wood growing out of the ground.

From the Steepster Select Box; November, 2014

Flavors: Dirt, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

Flavors: Dirt, Wood – haha


yummm. lol

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