Snuck one of these from omgsrsly’s piece of her order that came to my place. I’m glad i did because i am a fan. I’m sick today and this is exactly what i needed in terms of a no fuss, don’t have to think too hard tea. I’ve been drinking it most of the afternoon. For sure going on my re-order list!
i’m really trying to get all the packages out this week….few more (like 10? missb teas i need to get through before i can)
Not-so-min xD I love it :D
I’m drinking this one right now! My favorite from the variety pack, and I only got two!
Mmm, I can hardly wait to try it! I keep forgetting you have my teas.
i’m really trying to get all the packages out this week….few more (like 10? missb teas i need to get through before i can)
I hope you feel better soon!
Haha. Go Sil go! Still, no rush. Just keep reminding me in notes that you’re drinking my teas and maybe I’ll resist buying anything else. :D