backlog from yesterday – after work we went out to the liquor station and out for dinner AND did a bit of browsing at the jewellery store so by the time we got home i was pooped and just wanted to sleep.
I picked this one yesterday because i am DYING to try all the teas i received from stacy (it’s been forever since i had new teas from her!) and this was my flavoured pick. I need to have this again before making a final decision. It was more irish cream than cheesecake, which i think i recall seeing stacy say was what they were going for. The smell is AMAAAAAZING! It’s a smooth tasting tea. I’m just not sure if I like it. I need to sit with it again in a cup. When i’m focusing on drinking my tea, not doing work. It’s for sure not a cup i hate..i’m just not quite sure how i feel about it yet. :)
If you err on the hate side, I’m open for donations :P
(almost placed an order based on this one alone!)