drank Strawberry Pie Honeybush by 52teas
15257 tasting notes

Having a cup of this tonight while i wait to get on a call with canada. It seems i can’t win no matter which country i’m in, i always have to take the evening calls lol. The only upside to this is that i’m getting more work done (after meeting with the bosses, i have a crazy number of things to help china with). Also, my colleague and i have our day tomorrow planned out, though it sucks that her idea of sleeping in, is to have breakfast at 8:00…sigh oh well…at the very least i know i’ll get to see some things since it appears my sunday may be fully taken up with work :(

However on the scary upside? downside? i’m not too sure yet? there is talk of China seconding me… which basically means i stop my day job and come here to do the job they want me to do here…for however long that might take. O.o yeah i’ll get back to you on how i feel about that heh.


Wow. That would be a major change. Exciting and yet… :)


yeaaaah…not sure how i feel about it yet. The other half is having a hard time even getting through the week without me. though until there’s a more concrete conversation, i am not going to worry about it


Ohh, changes are so scary. As is the unknown! Hopefully you will have all the details and facts soon. In the meantime, enjoy what is in front of you and your travels. :)


Wowsa! that’s big. Can he come to China with you?


IB…not if I’m gone for as long as I would be….if its what I think they would want, I’d be here until at least October….so like 7-8 months


Eeeeps! well hopefully he can atleast visit

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Wow. That would be a major change. Exciting and yet… :)


yeaaaah…not sure how i feel about it yet. The other half is having a hard time even getting through the week without me. though until there’s a more concrete conversation, i am not going to worry about it


Ohh, changes are so scary. As is the unknown! Hopefully you will have all the details and facts soon. In the meantime, enjoy what is in front of you and your travels. :)


Wowsa! that’s big. Can he come to China with you?


IB…not if I’m gone for as long as I would be….if its what I think they would want, I’d be here until at least October….so like 7-8 months


Eeeeps! well hopefully he can atleast visit

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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