836 Tasting Notes
This tea has gone rancid after purchasing 50 grams 4 months ago. It must be the coconut and other nuts. I’ll have to make sure that I’m drinking it down more quickly next time or put in in a tin as well as the bag it came in!
Oh no that’s awful! So sorry to hear that. On the plus side, it’s great seeing a post from you!! Hope things are great across the pond :)
That’s rough! That’s why I try not to purchase too much of a permanent one at once so it can stay fresh.
1 tea bag used
There are too many flavours in this tisane which can be detected in the aroma which is slightly off-putting. Flavour does not have a focus- it is mostly bland, savoury-tasting. I can pick out the orange note as well as the licorice.
1 teabag used
Smooth and not too bitter.
Setting on aside for you in your samples package!! :) Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to try in my cupboard!
Brewed tea has aroma of creamy lemon.
Excellent mix of flavours and good balance of lemon with the black tea. Sharp sweetness. Great black tea flavour.
Thanks Sil for sharing!