Alpine Punch

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Almond, Apple, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Coconut, Ginger, Rooibos, Rose Petals
Coconut, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Nutty, Rooibos, Spices, Sweet, Almond, Amaretto, Apple, Cinnamon, Wood, Caramel, Cardamom, Pleasantly Sour, Spicy, Tart, Alcohol, Cherry, Cookie, Hibiscus, Creamy, Marzipan, Smooth, Butter, Cream, Nuts, Thick, Vanilla, Berries, Roasted Nuts, Pecan, Pineapple, Tropical, Walnut, Stonefruit, Rose, Cranberry, Pastries, White Chocolate, Floral, Ginger, Earth, Peppercorn
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 32 g 25 oz / 733 ml

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305 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! (158) I’m especially happy to finish this one as I bought it last February and it’s time to clear it out. Sure, I didn’t open the bag up until a month or so again so it was fresh but I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum. This one’s getting bedside-table-chilling treatment, as I’m tired and it’s time to sleep. Although I still enjoy this one, it’s one of the mistakes I made where I purchased 100g because oh my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok, so when i read VariaTea’s back log about mint to be, I was like hell no am I missing out on this shiz. So after a delightful supper of a grilled cheese sandwich and alphageti (mmm so...” Read full tasting note
  • “My tea stash has been shrinking and although I have a couple of tea orders on the way, my selection has been looking a little sad lately. Every day I think, “o.k. this is the day that the mailman...” Read full tasting note


This is the kind of creamy rooibos we imagine they serve in fabulous ski chalets in the Swiss Alps. With apple, cinnamon, ginger and the heady scent of almonds, it’s a caffeine-free dessert tea that’s warm, comforting and totally decadent. Just cozy up in front of the fire with this sweet, fortifying tisane. If a splash of brandy makes it in there too, all the better.

Rooibos, Coconut rasps, Apple pieces, Cinnamon, Ginger pieces, Natural and artificial vanilla flavouring, Cardamom, Black pepper, Rose blossoms, Almond flakes.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

305 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Sipdown! (158)

I’m especially happy to finish this one as I bought it last February and it’s time to clear it out. Sure, I didn’t open the bag up until a month or so again so it was fresh but I’m pretty happy with my recent efforts to keep my tea rotated! So when I log a tea that I already have in stock, it gets a seperate entry on my sheet so I know how old the oldest stuff is and how new the newest. (Thanks Sil for that tip)

We were talking about tea earlier (right? who does that?) and I realized that 90% of my teas were purchased AFTER July 2013. So, that’s damn fresh.

Damn fresh.


Fresh to death.


…so what you’re saying really became an addict in july


Define: addict




Addict – someone who uncontrollably buys tea and considers themselves a heffalump. A-D-D-I-C-T Addict.


Haha. My earliest teas are August, Cavo. Now I just need to drink them up soon (or send them away, that also has helped) to ensure my stash remains at maximum freshness.


I’m not addicted! I can stop ANY TIME!!!


I just don’t want to! And you can’t make meeeeeeee!

What if you’re a woozle?


That’s what they all say. :P


VariaTEA – that’s pretty awesome too! I try to rotate between my newest exciting tea, and my oldest nearly forgotten stuff.

The spreadhseet makes it so easy to track though. I love sort. (excelnerd)


I think I will have to add a column to my spreadsheet to mark when I got things. Typically I drink swaps first though and then go back to my own tea. Though I do make exceptions for cravings and for sipdowns.


I do he the same variatea….try to get to sample swaps first, then on to my teas. My oldest tea is from march at the moment but there’s only 1 and then it jumps to May….not too shabby, and of course I don’t count puerhs


Hi I really love the Winnie-the-Pooh reference undercurrent to these comments. Okay. Izzy out.


I should probably try to drink my sample sizes down. Usually I rush through as many as I can when I first get them, but if I get a lot of new teas at once it’s hard to do it, and then some end up getting pushed to the back. I don’t like to let them sit more than a month. Maybe two?

Sil – You not counting puerhs makes more sense than me not counting my ‘guest’ Tetley Orange Pekoe box that just won’t go away (for ppl who don’t want loose tea), and my eucalyptus/mint/ginger blend for colds that I only drink 2-3 times a year if I’m lucky! At least puerh ages nicely.

You changed your picture!!!


shhhhhh don’t tell the woozles!


“Addict – someone who uncontrollably buys tea and considers themselves a heffalump”
I’m not a heffalump……does that mean I can buy tea….?


uh oh… i think i found a woozle!


Heee. slightly tempted to change my pic to a woozle, but…
I’m a sucker for this cat. And this is my fav pic of her.


You guys…sheesh! Lol!


A heffalump or woozle
Is very


Geez. Between that, Fantasia, and some of the super weird cartoons on TV when I was a kid, it’s amazing I didn’t turn out weirder.


Isaila! yay!


I have a lot of this tea, and the last time I had it, my throat prickled. I had a different rooibos and no prickly issues from it, so maybe it is from a spice in this that I got too much of in that steep? I hope it was a fluke, cuz this one is sooo good, and one of the few rooibos I like.


Hmmm. Did you buy any this year? From what I hear this blend is slightly different than the one from last year, so that might be part of it.

That sucks though. I get that once in awhile with rooibos, and I don’t know what it is, aside from the rooibos that triggers it because it’s not consistent.


I’m not sure. Miss B sent me a packet, I think, and I had some from before. It may be that it happened with the tea from her packet.


OMGsrsly: Kids shows are weird. I remember being super freaked out by many Winnie the Pooh movies. And I cried when I saw Finding Nemo in theaters…


I freaked out with ET and Snow White… just to show my age. :D


I love that we can date people by movies now… I guess I showed my hand there a bit too.

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6119 tasting notes

Yum. This one’s getting bedside-table-chilling treatment, as I’m tired and it’s time to sleep. Although I still enjoy this one, it’s one of the mistakes I made where I purchased 100g because oh my goodness, I needed to have it forever and ever. Now, I’m realizing that for the most part, I would much rather try new teas every day than stock up (although there are a few exceptions to this). Unfortunately, even though I’m about a cup away from a sipdown of this bag, I have another entire 50g bag in my office that is still sealed :(

Boiling 8 min or more

You must drink even more tea than me!!

I love Alpine Punch, it’s the first rooibos I fell for


Give it a break and come back to it in a few months. This is one of my favorites, but I find that I need a break between cups.


i too am learning that small quantities often are the better purchase. no matter how much i love a tea, there are always new teas to try! and my tastes seem to change quickly when i’m not looking.
i will say though that Alpine is one of the best herbals i think. so you were thinking clearly when you got 100g. summer is coming and i’m sure it will come in handy.


I know what you mean about the balance between stocking up and trying new teas!


I’m totally getting the whole “many smaller packages” being better than a few large packages thing. 50g is starting to seem like a lot for some of my teas!


Yeah 50 seems like too much for me. I’m starting to buy 20-30g of all the teas I’m interested in, and drinking them while they’re still super exciting. Then, if I’m still excited, I’ll know whether it’s one to restock or not. I think I’m up to 110 teas now, but… most of them are under 30g so that’s ok, right? right


I got the Northern Lights by DavidsTea in the 100g version as well (so I could have a tin). Would you like to trade a bag for a bag? I opened both my bags to put into the tin…but I can put it back:)


I appreciate the offer, but I’m not a big fan of Northern Lights :) I actually read through my tasting notes for this one, and saw that I loved it cold brewed! So now I know where the rest of it will be used up! :D

Btw guys, I try to buy the absolute minimum of all new DT now, and then I can stock up later. Even 10g is sometimes too much for me though, as it’s ~3 cups.


I concur….I’m definitely going to get the smallest size possible since I can’t really walk into a DT or anywhere else (besides Teavana) and get a sample cup to try.


I used to stock up on every tea I fell in love with, but the reality of not being able to drink so much really gives meaning to the phrase “too much of a good thing”. Now, when I go tea shopping I go more frequently for just 10-20g of each type at a time – borderline ridiculous, but that gives you a chance to taste more variety AND fresher tea. Besides, in-store tea shopping is fun :)

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513 tasting notes

Ok, so when i read VariaTea’s back log about mint to be, I was like hell no am I missing out on this shiz. So after a delightful supper of a grilled cheese sandwich and alphageti (mmm so under-rated) and a rousing game of Jeopardy, off to DT i went. I did sample mint to be, but that’s obviously not for this note.

I’ve always loved the way the dry leaf of this tea smells. It’s how I imagine an amaretto tea to taste, and it also smelled slightly nutty, but a sweet nut—actually, smelling this wasn’t entirely unlike smelling pistachio and cream from their fall collection. But knowing that this was on a rooibos base got all sorts of red flags waving around frantically in my head. Thankfully, one of the dt employees said he also hated rooibos but pretty much promised that it wasn’t prominently featured in the taste of this tea. Taking his word for it, I asked for a soy latte version. And by george he was right! Either you can’t outright detect the rooibos because of the multitude of ingredients (that all meld together to taste like amaretto), or they ingeniously chose this as the base because its woodiness would only accent the fresh piney almondy taste of the tea. Either way, brilliant, I say. I’m definitely going to scoop up a sample package next time i’m at DT, and may even consider adding it to my collection depending on how much I drink it. But I am in desperate need of more caffeine-free options, and this one seems promising. I do have to say, however, that something about this tea makes me thirsty. I don’t know if it’s a lingering drying effect, or if that’s just what the taste of amaretto does to my mouth, but it’s a very minor criticism nonetheless.

And omg! Look what I got while I was at David’s! There was no point in even attempting to resist. I just couldn’t! and omg, the steeping basket is huuuuuge!!


Wow, the basket really is nice and big on that mug!


Yeah,it’smassive! I’m so excited.


I’m so tempted to get that mug! Does it keep your tea hot for long?


I just got it yesterday, so I haven’t tried it yet. I’m sure the lid helps to keep in heat, and although the glass is thick and sturdy, there’s no additional insulation.


I keep eyeing that mug! I think it’d be perfect for cold brews. :)


I think so too! you should get it!


Shh, keychange! I don’t need more encouragement! I just got 2 new 2-litre jars for cold steeping. :)


This is different though…it has a handle…and a basket…oh! never mind. I mean it’s a piece of crap. worst investment ever. I’m going to sue the company.


Hahahaha. ILU guys.

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357 tasting notes

My tea stash has been shrinking and although I have a couple of tea orders on the way, my selection has been looking a little sad lately. Every day I think, “o.k. this is the day that the mailman is going to knock on the door with a special tea delivery”. But with each emptied packet and passing day of a tealess mailbox, I question if any of my tea orders will arrive before my collection is depleted. So I caved and treated myself to a Davids shopping spree which included this tea. I probably bought more than I should have, considering I have the mail orders on the way, but I bought sample sizes, so I tend to polish those off fairly quickly.

I was especially running low on the caffeine-free options that I drink in the afternoon/evening/night. It was busy at my DT store, so I selected this one based on a quick sniff. When I got it home I had a better look at the ingredients and realized that it had a few of my not-so-favorite ingredients including the dreaded cardamom. The very thought of cardamom makes my nose crinkle, and my brain think “ugh yuck”. I should also add that I tend to be indifferent to red rooibos tea most of the time, and cinnamon and rose blossoms are also ingredients that I don’t want to dominate a tea. This tea is an exception to my fussiness towards these ingredients. It’s delicious! I’m not sure how DT managed to find such a perfect balance of ingredients that I tend to be fussy about in my tea, and make them dance so wonderfully on my tongue. I kept waiting for the disappointment…Drank it hot – I liked it…Tried it cold – delicious!

Minor imperfection – This tea has a light grease residue on the top, and it’s left behind on my glass, which I suspect might be from the coconut, but it’s not that obvious, that’s just me looking for something wrong in a tea that’s so right. It’s not a tea that I’d keep stocked year round, as the flavors taste like a Fall/Winter tea palette to me, but I’d definitely look forward to repurchasing this as a seasonal treat.


I love surprises like this. My most recent one was Della Terra’s Mayan Mist, which is a combination of flavours I really, really didn’t think I’d like. Instead, it ended up being something I want to always have in stock.


I haven’t tried any Della Terra tea’s yet. When I do I’ll be sure to check out Mayan Mist, it sounds intriguing.


I was surprised with this one, and I can say that it is one of my favourites!

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1186 tasting notes

Second cup of the day. This tea really smells so good. And the taste is really good too. I might restock this one if I remember to, it’s a very nice red rooibos blend. Tasty and hitting the spot. See previous notes!


Uh oh… Still have to do my own tasting note on this one, but I’ve tried it for the first time last night. Actually, I’ve toasted a New Year with it, lol. Wonderful taste and the aroma is just divine.


Awesome tea to bring in the new year with! I just love the smell, sat breathing it in for a little bit before drinking it :)

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516 tasting notes

Dear friends,
I have just christened my brand new teapot and cups with this sweet nectar of a tea. Bags of it were on sale for 2 for 5 bucks at the downtown halifax Davids, so I picked some up along with this: (Olive green coloured – my favorite colour!)

Alllllso – I bought a teeny tiny clear gongfu teapot! So. Freaking. Cute. It’s not on the DT website yet, but I am SO pumped to try it with the teas I ordered from Verdant! Double David action.

I digress! I am so happy to be able to try this deliciousness again. mm the sweetness of the almond/marzipan taste with a hint of spice. It’s one of the best rooibos blends I have ever tasted, and I’m happy to have it as the first tea in my pot.

Yum! Happiness!


Wow you are going to drink 45oz. hope you have your own bathroom! Ha! I have trouble finishing my 24 oz. sometimes. I think that’s doing good 2 or 3 times a day! It’s pretty though! I like the glass too. I use my glass one 24oz, a 8oz glass puer infuser, cup infuser, gaiwan, small 12 oz pot. And assorted others. Fun isn’t it…and I live alone. What if I had friends? Congrats. Do you like Halifax?

some crazy person who loves tea

what is up with tea sellers being named david? i swear it’s some sort of unwritten rule.


Stacy owns Butiki Tea! But I know what you mean!

Daisy Chubb

Phew, well, as I found out tonight it is a lot to drink! I did convince my boyfriend to share it with me, but I still ended up with the bulk of it. I’ll have to save it for teas I really really want – or company if I ever make friends here! haha

Halifax is lovely so far, just doing the job hunt right now! Can’t wait for Spring to really show up, I love fresh green things – so far just the grass has a little peek of green but I bet it will be gorgeous in the summer!

ooo also we bought some ice cube trays today finally, so come on hot weather so I can make some iced tea :D


I’m being bad and reading things when I know I shouldn’t, but you have to tell me how that little teapot performs! I nearly bought one myself last time I was there, but there was no price listed, and then I forgot.

Also, tea on sale? What?? I just bought 100g of Alpine Punch at full price a short while back. Bah.

Daisy Chubb

Hey you – go work on stuff!
If it helps, it looks like the tea packets were from the Winter Collection box, so I’m guessing whatever stores had lots of boxes left are the only ones that had them on sale. In other words, only one out of 3 David’s here had them – so it must just be dependent on location! :)

The teapot was 14 bucks I think, which was about the price I wanted when looking for gaiwans online – I will definitely review it in full when my Verdant teas come in :)


I just called the DTDT to ask if they had gaiwans and totally confused the girl who answered the phone – Whoops. Then I re-read your post and saw that I had leapt to conclusions. Nonetheless, I’m checking out new teaware tonight after work! :)

PS – the bubble teapot is awesome. I got mine (the smaller one) in blue and have two sets of cups so far. Yay!


I purchased my gaiwan (8oz) for $8.99 in an expensive tea house in Boulder so they should be inexpensive anywhere. In small towns like mine they’re harder to find but online they are cheap. I’ve seen quite a few under $15.00.

Daisy Chubb

Oh no I’m sorry Uniquity! haha well, it’s a good substitute for a gaiwan but I can see how that would be confused :) They had 4 or 5 boxes yesterday, you should definitely check out the little pots _ Let me know what you think! The holes are pretty big in the strainer part, but I think a good quality full leaf would do the trick. :)

@Bonnie – I haven’t been any to find any gaiwans locally.. although I haven’t been to too many places in Halifax yet. Uniquity – do you know if there’s any places to buy gaiwans around here?


I got mine from Sawadee Tea House (on Granville street downtown). There is also World Tea House on Argyle, but the only time I went in there I didn’t really get any service so I haven’t yet returned. Sawadee’s are cute though! : )

Daisy Chubb

Yay thanks very much!
I’ll have to check it out asap :)

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761 tasting notes

Oh my god, I love this tea, and I am so so so happy it is back! I like Amaretto too, but Alpine Punch just has something that I can’t put my finger on that I like better. It’s more like an almond dessert, like marzipan, than the alcoholic drink that Amaretto is. Amaretto is stronger too; Alpine Punch is almond and amaretto, but the fruit in it does something to balance it all out so smoothly. It’s like one of those almond croissants you can get, only if it had spiced apples with it. Dee-licious!

On a side note, to all the Victorian Steepsters…would y’all like a tea date meet up some time? I have talked privately with a few of you…wondered if we could set something up as a group. Comment below if interested. Thanks!

Bear With Me

as you already know, I’m totally game for a tea meet!

It’s funny that you like Alpine Punch more than Amaretto, I’m the opposite! Amaretto + Lemon Myrtle = Amaretto Sours, by the way ;)


I do, I wasn’t sure til now. They do both have their redeeming qualities though, and they soothe certain desires. But I do have a soft spot for anything amaretto. :)

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525 tasting notes

Holy cow! I didn’t know I still had some of this! It reminds me of winter. Tastes the same as ever. Punchy, almond and probably good with a shot of rum. It’s really a gorgeous day but the nip of winter is definitely in the air. Winter always seems to last too long. Gotta go out with the pups for some longs walks and running in the park while there’s still time. :)

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1220 tasting notes

I think it was a one off when I liked this the first time. I couldn’t stand it this time. I still have like 3/4 a tsp but there is no way I’m using it, unless someone can help me think of something good to add it to. I was thinking a chai.

Of course I probably should have done what I did last time and added milk + sugar, but instead I decided to see if I’d like it better iced, and indeed I did not. Almond, why can’t we be friends?


Awwww :( I adore this one so much. Oh well, another tea not to have to buy again, right? :P


Mix it with cranberry juice.


and maybe a splash of vodka ;D

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1379 tasting notes

NOOOOOO …. I just finished the last of this tea :( My beloved Alpine Punch is no more. They say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, but those people did not experience the yumminess of A P.


i noticed you’re looking for more…is it because it’s a pain to get in the UK or you’re just trying to be good and not buy more tea :) If it’s a pain to get in the UK, i may be able to help


Unfortunately for me Davids Tea do not ship outside of USA and Canada, so I have to rely on the kindness of Steepster-ites. I would be grateful if you could swap some with me but please don’t put yourself out in order to get some.

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