836 Tasting Notes
Good mix of coconut and chocolate flavouring. Nice nuttiness notes. Black tea base is smooth with a savoury sweetness and just a hint of a bitter note. This would be a great tea to pair with afternoon tea sandwiches and treats!
Thanks to Miss B for sharing with me!
Flavors: Chocolate, Coconut, Nutty, Sweet
Drank this tea gaiwan-style at the Pekoe Tea tea shop. The oolong and rose flavours were very nicely complimented with each other. I remember thinking that even if I was someone who didn’t like rose tea, I would still enjoy this one.
1 tea bag used
Extremely bitter and flat-tasting. I was given this tea bag as a part of “student welfare week” at my school so I’m not sure how fresh it is. It smelled fruity in the bag even though it tastes like a breakfast tea. I’m guessing that this may not be a representative of the actual flavour and I will withhold my rating.
oh i’m glad she was able to get your a few things to try out :)