89 Tasting Notes
Leaves unfolded quickly, and were very full. Color is a green-gold. Aroma is slightly buttery, a bit nutty. Flavor however was very disapointing. Too earthy for an oolong. Something vegetal, but I can’t place it. Slight bitterness on only a 3 minute steep.
This was a free sample from Teas Etc.
Leaves are green and finely chopped. The Honeydew aroma is strong both before and after brewing. Brewed, it tasted like Honeydew melon. The tea provides the dark-gold color. If you want a honeydew drink, this might be it, but as a tea, as a coworker commented, a waste of good water.
Followed vendors steeping, but 3 minutes always seems a bit long for a white tea. Leaves are like many other white teas, with their furry edges, but there are also pieces of dried green leaf included. Body is excellent. Initial aroma was surprising, very pleasant, more than vegetal, but I wouldn’t say buttery. However, as the tea cooled, the buttery taste did come through.
The leaves do have a distinct aroma. Abundantly apricot, and subtle cocoa. The dark gold brew aroma is reduced, more of a roasted apricot. Flavour is woody and sweet. As it cools, woody taste dominates, and astringency increases.