Strange VariaTEA TTB #23
After a week of unseasonably warm weather here in Wisconsin, temperatures have plummeted and fall is here! Grey, chilly weather just screams chai latte to me, so I grabbed this one from the box and steamed up some milk to go with it…and was shocked by how much I enjoyed it! Maybe it just hit the spot so well for the mood I was in, but this came across as a perfectly balanced chai blend: lots of flavor, but not too spicy and not too sweet. There’s enough left in the bag for another latte or two and I may be hanging on to it for the winter…
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Spices
Sound like fall dropped in on a lot of us this weekend! (Remind me how much I’m enjoying this in February when I’m begging for spring.)
The fall weather is supposed to hit here by the wee hours of the morning!