Mmmmmm. . . Good morning Steepster! My daughter is still sleeping and I have the day off. Nice cup of Irish Breakfast Tea, some toast and jam and now I’m watching the cult classic “Heathers.” Should be a great day. Especially once I talk myself out of covering someone’s shift at work! lol.
I definitely need a new steeper though, this tastes a bit like the puerh I had yesterday.
This is currently my favourite breakast tea. Feeling cozy at the moment! :)

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TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

Oh, Boxermama, your day sounds so appealing, I’m about to have one very similar to that! Yay for days off and good cuppa!

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

Agreed I’m off today too. Now to make my first cup of tea!!

Butiki Teas 12 years ago

Haven’t seen Heathers in a long time. Enjoy your day off! :)

BoxerMama 12 years ago

I love Heathers! I came across it on netflix

Butiki Teas 12 years ago

I will have to see if I can find that.

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TheTeaFairy 12 years ago

Oh, Boxermama, your day sounds so appealing, I’m about to have one very similar to that! Yay for days off and good cuppa!

IllBeMother221B 12 years ago

Agreed I’m off today too. Now to make my first cup of tea!!

Butiki Teas 12 years ago

Haven’t seen Heathers in a long time. Enjoy your day off! :)

BoxerMama 12 years ago

I love Heathers! I came across it on netflix

Butiki Teas 12 years ago

I will have to see if I can find that.

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There are few things in life that I enjoy more than a good cup of tea and the company of my dogs.
I’m a down to earth person very true to my Virgo roots. I own two Boxers, Octane (male, 6 years) and Rally Rims (female, 3 years). I do not breed or show, they are an integral part of my family. I also have a loving husband in the Canadian Military and a beautiful daughter who amazes me with her wit and intelligence everyday.
I love Autumn, for it’s colour, smell and general ambiance.
I’m just a girl, looking for a good cup of tea.


Thunder Bay, Ontario

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