Earl Grey Cream

Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot, Black Tea, Black Tea Leaves, Black Teas, Orange Peel, Orange Peels, Vanilla
Cream, Creamy, Orange, Orange Zest, Bergamot, Vanilla, Pepper
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 9 oz / 255 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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123 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was in my cup for most of the day yesterday. I wanted to relax and play video games with my family, and this was the perfect tea to sip while getting my butt kicked in Mario Kart and while...” Read full tasting note
  • “So now that it’s actually kind of cold out (-6 C), my office is actually freezing. So cold. I am bundled up in my sweater and my scarf I got on the weekend, and this tea is keeping me warm enough...” Read full tasting note
  • “Earl Grey Cream? Good LORD it’s Earl Grey Cream! Smell it out of the bag and the first thing I smell is CREAM! Super super sweet CREAM! I have more of this tea than I originally intended. I was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea #38 from HHTTB2 I can’t get over how sweet and creamy this is! This is amazing! The leaves just smell sweet and vanilla-y. I want to fall into this cup and just chill for a couple hours. All...” Read full tasting note

From Zen Tea

If you are fan of Earl Grey and hae not tried this, you are in for a treat. Cream Earl Grey has a taste that is smooth with vanilla overtones which stand out above the premium bergamot flavor the signature taste of Earl Grey. Our flavoury Earl Grey mellowed with a delicious creamy taste. An excellent all day tea with a superb finish.

Price: $9 /100g

About Zen Tea View company

Company description not available.

123 Tasting Notes

1118 tasting notes

This was in my cup for most of the day yesterday. I wanted to relax and play video games with my family, and this was the perfect tea to sip while getting my butt kicked in Mario Kart and while building my fortress of solitude in Minecraft.

My thoughts on this tea are the same as always. It’s an amazing EGC.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
tigress_al 11 years ago

Your reviews of this tea are the reason that I wanted to check out this company. And I am glad that I did, because this tea is awesome!

Veronica 11 years ago

Yay! Zen Tea is a great company, and this is a delicious tea. :)

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1186 tasting notes

So now that it’s actually kind of cold out (-6 C), my office is actually freezing. So cold. I am bundled up in my sweater and my scarf I got on the weekend, and this tea is keeping me warm enough to use my computer without numb hands haha. Everyone is complaining about how cold it is in the office too lol. Ah well, only going to get worse haha. More tea will be required! See previous notes on this awesome creamy tea!

ETA – It’s actually -8 out :( winter must be here! Booo :(

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OMGsrsly 11 years ago

We all have space heaters at work. We’ve been using them since August…

mrs.stenhouse12 11 years ago

I’m thinking I will invest in one soon haha, other people have them and I think it’s time I get one, put on an extra sweater at lunch though and made more tea, so I should last through today!

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Space heaters make a world of difference. I’m surprised it’s not even colder in Edmonton, actually.

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336 tasting notes

Earl Grey Cream? Good LORD it’s Earl Grey Cream! Smell it out of the bag and the first thing I smell is CREAM! Super super sweet CREAM!

I have more of this tea than I originally intended. I was just going to buy a little bit, but then shipping was $5, and I didn’t know/see that other samples would be included, so I bought a bigger bag. I read several reviews on Steepster to find the highest rated EGC, and this one swept them away.

I’m trying to decide how I feel about this tea. The bergamot is pretty punchy, and the vanilla is REALLY REALLY SWEET, and the two flavors put together are kind of like that photo of Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon shaking hands:


OK so drinking tea is a little more fun than they look like they’re having. But like, the two flavors both have such distinctive reputations and personalities, but put together with both flavors turned up to the max, it’s a bit of an awkward combo, at least to my tastebuds. I think it’s the vanilla’s fault; it’s a little too sweet for me. Which was what I was afraid would happen. Maybe it’s something I’ll get used to, but I think I prefer Mahamosa’s version.

I feel like I’m the Simon Cowell of Steepster Idol! I keep having cynical things to say about teas everyone else raves about!

That said, however, I have a side question. Pumpkin flavored teas. I want access to pumpkin flavored beverages without always having to go to Starbucks for their pumpkin spice latte, which I find delicious. What are your recommendations? I’ve heard numerous good things about Butiki’s Pumpkin Creme Brulee.

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Dexter 12 years ago

Of the ones I’ve tried, Della Terra Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie was my favorite. Tealux Pumpkin Spice Rooibos is really good but is more cantaloupe than pumpkin. Fusion Tea Pumpkin Mate is good, but the mate isn’t the best base (but I like it better than their rooibos). Sleepy Hollow Pumpkin Chai – Culinary Teas is too spicy, drowns out the pumpkin. Butiki Pumpkin Creme Brulee didn’t taste like anything (but I know others loved it). Davids Pumpkin Chai had candies in it, and I found that made it taste artificial to me – again others really like it. I’ve tried two from 52teas, and thought they were pumpkin pie spice, but without the pumpkin flavor. That’s all I can think of right now. This is just MHO, you will need to try a few to find what works for you. Good Luck :))

Anna 12 years ago

The Presley/Nixon thing really cracked me up. I wish I got the Cowell feeling – I tend to mostly get very paranoid when I despise a much beloved tea; ‘Am I wrong? Are they wrong? Is this the right tea? Are these people BOTS?!’.

Anna 12 years ago

Also wow, Dexter, that’s a good list!

Fjellrev 12 years ago

That really is a great post, Dexter! I found the same with the ones that I have tried, but never bothered with Della Terra’s Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie since I thought it may be too close to David’s Pumpkin Chai. But now you have me thinking otherwise!

TeaKlutz 12 years ago

Thanks, Dexter! Now, which one to try first? :D

Anna, don’t worry, I feel the exact same way that you do a lot. There are one or two teas in particular that everyone else considers the Nectar of the Gods that I find absolutely disgusting, and I can’t help wondering, "What am I doing wrong?!? Are we even drinking the same tea? "

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I love the Simon reference. I’ve been feeling a bit like Simon as I work my way through the Here’s Hoping Traveling Tea Box (HHTTB). I’ve had very few nice things to say about any of the teas I tried, & I keep reminding myself that (with some obvious exceptions), most of the teas in there are people’s rejects.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

The love of my life, Tony, doesn’t hardly ever like any of my teas, & I don’t care much for his favorites either. But we are each entitled to our own opinions, & as I pointed out a long time ago, disagreeing doesn’t make anybody wrong! What’s right for me just isn’t right for him, & I can live with that! We can agree to disagree :)

tea-sipper 12 years ago

Nixon and Elvis shaking hands. I think this tea will remind me of that now! haha.

For pumpkin, my favorite is Della Terra’s Grandma’s pumpkin pie because they put something like dried canned pumpkin pie filling in it!

Dexter 12 years ago

Wow, how did I miss the rest of these comments. Thanks guys, I too am questing for the best pumpkin tea. I keep trying them. I’ve ordered more of Della Terra Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie – it’s the current winner, and I added some of the chocolate pumpkin pie. I’ve also arranged a swap for some of Harney & Sons Pumpkin Spice. Will see how those go.
I think it’s AMAZING how different people have different experiences with teas. I agree with Terri that it doesn’t make anyone right or wrong, they just have different opinions. That’s one of the things I LOVE about Steepster is seeing those differences.
My pumpkin tea experience may be different than yours. I might hate a tea because it’s too spicy, but that spiciness might be what makes you love it. Best advice, try as many as you can – don’t worry about what everyone else thinks. Enjoy the teas that you love. :))

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615 tasting notes

Tea #38 from HHTTB2

I can’t get over how sweet and creamy this is! This is amazing!

The leaves just smell sweet and vanilla-y. I want to fall into this cup and just chill for a couple hours.

All the flavors are in perfect balance. The bergamot isn’t overdone, but definitely has a refreshing punchiness. And the vanilla cream component is smooth and not at all artificial tasting. There’s actually a lingering creaminess after each sip!

When I run out of my current EGC you can bet this will be the replacement.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec
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Veronica 11 years ago

This is my all time favorite EGC. Love it.

keychange 11 years ago

I need to try some of this!

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

I know I LOVE the Creamy Earl Grey from David’s Tea
That WhiskeyBuzz sent me….my new FAVE
Please tell me what is your current EGC?

moraiwe 11 years ago

California Tea House’s Vanilla Cream Earl Grey. And only then because I got 4oz for free. Don’t get me wrong, it’s quite good. All the components are there and it’s vanilla-y and creamy. But this is definitely better.

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

Thank you.
I have never been to the Zen Tea site…
Do you have any other recommendations for them?

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

I just tried to look this up on their site and got “no results”

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

Thank you :-)

Veronica 11 years ago

CelebriTEA, I’m a big fan of the Strawberry Cream from Zen Tea. I think it’s out of stock right now, but I’ll definitely be picking up some more once they have it back on the shelf.

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

Just what I needed to know…sounds good

tigress_al 11 years ago

I really enjoy Toffee dream white tea from zen tea as well

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

That sounds good as well

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3515 tasting notes

I have read so many great reviews for Earl Grey Cream teas from various companies that it made me curious. Why do people love it so much? When Zen Tea offered to let me pick three teas to sample, it was easy to decide to put this one on the list!

And WHOA! I tore open the pouch and the creamy vanilla swirled up and kissed me smack on the lips. I am pretty sure there is a puddle of drool where I was standing because it smelled so good.

I don’t know quite what I was expecting, but I can tell you what I got. This IS what it says it is – Earl Grey tea with cream. But not just cream…it is rich, homemade fresh-whipped vanilla-imbued cream that has been sitting on top of a hot and decadent dessert.

Yummy! No wonder people love it! Thank you, Zen Tea, for allowing me to finally experience this tea! If you like Earl Grey and you like vanilla, you really should try this.

gmathis 12 years ago

Sorry…the kissing and drool just about made me fall out of my chair laughing!

Nicole 12 years ago

Onto the shopping list it goes!

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1792 tasting notes

Sad sip down! I actually finished this last night, as a pseudo London Fog again and was it ever scrumptious. That means I ripped through my 1 oz. bag in one week. It’s safe to say that I should pick up more.

If you’re looking for a smooth, creamy, vanilla-packed EGC and you haven’t tried this one yet, I urge you to do so.

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TeaLady441 11 years ago

Wow. One week? That’s awesome.
Is this the best EGC you’ve had? I think I’ve had Murchie’s, DAVIDsTEA’s and maybe one or two others but I’m open to trying more!

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Hmm, I think I can say that this is the best so far? I really enjoyed Tea Desire’s and Steeps’, but I haven’t had either in a few years, so it’s hard to truly compare. I think Tea Desire’s is quite close to Zen’s, very creamy, while Steeps is closer to David’s, heavier on the bergamot.

I think Murchie’s is the worst I’ve tried so far haha.

TeaLady441 11 years ago

Haha. I can see that. I’ll try to remember this if I order from Zen anytime soon!

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4344 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge Wednesday, December 15th: International Tea Day Tea #1

I don’t know, the world is really getting to me today.  I just really appreciate that Steepster is a group of great people.  I’m wishing all of you all the positive things!!  I went with this tea today because really I just needed a cup of comfort.  Which I guess is the reason I drink tea.  Even with all of the parameters a tea can have, leading to a different cup each time, tea is still something very stable and reliable in this world.    First sip: ah, immediately makes things a little better.  And this was a sipdown of my dear harvest of this EGC.  Seems fitting today. 
2021 sipdowns: 152

Also, I want to share my favorite song of the year.. Unkle – If We Don’t Make It

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tea-sipper 3 years ago

This flavor is still PERFECTION. Hoarding successful on this one.

Courtney 3 years ago

Ooh, I think I’ve discovered my perfect EG Cream with Camellia Sinensis, but now you’ve intrigued me!

Dustin 3 years ago

Things are rough and exhausting lately! I was barely able to bribe myself out of bed with tea after oversleeping. I need to figure out which cup of comfort I’m in the mood for today!

tea-sipper 3 years ago

Courtney, Zen’s is long gone but I will keep CS’s in mind!

Courtney 3 years ago

Well, shoot! But perhaps easier for me haha! I adore the one from CS (I actually drink 1-2 cups daily)!

whosbradpitt 3 years ago

“The world is really getting to me today” summarizes how I feel exactly. Wishing you all the comforting tea you can enjoy today.

Martin Bednář 3 years ago

I reply with same wishes back to you tea-sipper. Indeed I feel I am in a group of friends with same hobby and that’s lovely. And getting cup of tea as a cup of comfort, is there other beverage that can do that?

Michelle 3 years ago

Wishing you all the positive things too tea-sipper! You inspired me to brew my own cup of Vanilla comfort tea :)

tea-sipper 3 years ago

Thank you much everyone. :D

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2291 tasting notes

Yay! Another sample. I think this one is from Veronica, but I might be wrong. (ACK!) I need to be better at labelling my samples and swaps when they come in.

I added a little honey to this because my throat is still sore. Ugh. And I have a horribly long day at work as well. I worked late yesterday, then slept in by accident and rolled out of bed and have been working at home drinking tea and eating breakfast. I have to head in soon, though. I’d rather go grocery shopping and set up some stuff in the crock pot and do the paperwork from home…

This Earl Grey Cream is actually pretty good! Normally I’d add loads of milk and honey to an EG, but with this no sugar thing, I’m appreciating the flavours of the teas more. With just a tiny bit of honey, this is moderately bergamot-y and fairly creamy. Not as creamy as cream, but I can tell it’s there.

I don’t know that I’d stock it, as I prefer Paris for an alternate EG, but this is nice.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Feel better. My throat is finally unsore after almost a week, and I am so relieved.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

I swear this is something going around Steepster! How is that possible? ;) Glad you’re feeling better!

Fjellrev 11 years ago

Aww, hope you’ll feel better soon. Wish they’d just let you stay home, rest, and get better faster rather than have you force to do certain things RIGHT NOW.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Me too! I’m not feeling too bad. Just sore throat still and tired.

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107 tasting notes

Oh dear, it looks like I might be ordering from Zen Tea after all…now I know why everybody’s abuzz about this! It has a very light note of coconut and a sweetness that is not in the other EGCs. What more can I say? I like this EGC a lot!

Thank you for sharing this tea with me, sweet Veronica ! (pretends to be visiting for afternoon tea) :D

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Veronica 12 years ago

It is a good one. Enjoy!

Rob Rauschenberg 12 years ago

You have definitely made me curious about this one…

yssah 12 years ago

go pick up a can of matcha from them while you’re at it. it’s almost half off and if you haven’t registered for Zen Tea yet, pls use my referral link
http://zentealife.com/index.php/rewardpoints/index/goReferral/referrer/360/ ^^

Rob Rauschenberg 12 years ago

I will check it out. I’ve been going tea crazy lately. haha. So much tea on my shopping list. :-)

yssah 12 years ago

it is a relatively safe indulgence :)

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790 tasting notes

Um, yeah, wow. This is seriously good EGC. Majorly creamy, smooth and definitely bergamotty. If I were to have to pick one EGC to have in the cupboard, this would be it. I wish Zen had other teas I liked or wanted to try. I thought I ordered some this past weekend, but scrolling through an embarrassing amount of email order confirmations I don’t see one from them. I guess I’ll see if something comes in the mail soon. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Sil 11 years ago

LOL silly nicole

Nicole 11 years ago

I’m not telling my mother about what I bought. She has already mentioned a possible need for a tea intervention…Pft. No such thing as too much tea, right? :)

Sil 11 years ago

i agree! though these days i’m trying to be good…so hard though…

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