Gong Ting Pu-erh in Tangerine "Golden Horse 8685" Ripe Tea

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Citrus, Dust, Earth, Musty, Wood, Leather, Medicinal, Pepper, Smoke, Smooth, Tangerine, Mushrooms, Wet Earth, Wet Wood, Broth, Fruity, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Citrus Zest, Clay, Dirt, Malt, Cocoa, Tobacco, Caramel, Chocolate, Orange Zest, Spices, Sweet, Apple, Bitter, Cream, Red Wine, Tea, Orange
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Edit tea info Last updated by Matthew Powell
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec 7 g 5 oz / 138 ml

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29 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Special Thanks to John R for this one! The process of this amazes me! “A delicious high quality pu-erh leaf has been stuffed into the rind of a whole tangerine! The leaves were stuffed in wet, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is an excerpt from my blog that also has a picture of this tea and a story with review at www.teaandincense.com I received a gift box of Pu-erh from a kind and generous friend, I was so...” Read full tasting note
  • “Not available from Yunnan Sourcing at the moment; sourced from Grandness Tea on AliExpress. Over the past week I have been sipping on two lovely “dark teas” (both are new to me) – this one and a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I love ripe Puerh and I love citrus fruits. I tried EVERYTHING, I’ve steeped longer time, I’ve steeped smaller times, used a lot of leaf, small amounts of leaves… EVEN talked to it. I cant make...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

A delicious high quality pu-erh leaf has been stuffed into the rind of a whole tangerine! The leaves were stuffed in wet, and then allowed to dry in the sun for about a week. The smell and taste of citrus is VERY present in this tea. If you want extra citrus taste, break some of the dried tangerine rind and brew with the tea together.

Each piece is about 25 grams in weight

Producer: Golden Horse Brand (He Shan City Tea Company)

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29 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Special Thanks to John R for this one!

The process of this amazes me!

“A delicious high quality pu-erh leaf has been stuffed into the rind of a whole tangerine! The leaves were stuffed in wet, and then allowed to dry in the sun for about a week. The smell and taste of citrus is VERY present in this tea. If you want extra citrus taste, break some of the dried tangerine rind and brew with the tea together.”

I really like this!

I took the “top” and some pu-erh along with a small chunk that was in with the loose inside the tangerine. I’m going to send the brunt of the base and rest of the pu-erh over to my Sororitea Sister LiberTeas to see what see thinks.

I REALLY like this! I could see how purist of pu-erh might not because this IS very orangy…it doesn’t have that stereotypical pu-erh aroma or taste. BUT…I wouldn’t call myself a pu-erh purist and many of you know I like to try different things :)

I really like this because it IS different and because of the process AND the tangerine flavor is really true and juicy!

I’m so blessed I was able to try this one! Thanks again John R


You are my hero for liking this one. I Still have one whole tangerine left. I’m trying to ‘forget’ about it. So I can retry it objectively without being biased.

And you ARE lucky, yunnan sourcing stopped shipping this around 6-7 months ago.


:) I have to admit was was worried when I read your note….eeeeek…perhaps I like it for the wrong reasons but it just tickled my tea fantsy for some reason! LOL :)


well, I am a bit more of a purist for puerh. So that might be 70% of it. But that’s why I gave most away but saved some to retying later. I feel sometimes coming back to a tea lets you appreciate it once you go past the ‘shock’ of something unexpected.


yay! glad you liked it.this was one of the pu-ers that got me into the scene. and yes the citrus is strong n it.

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676 tasting notes

This is an excerpt from my blog that also has a picture of this tea and a story with review at www.teaandincense.com

I received a gift box of Pu-erh from a kind and generous friend, I was so overwhelmed that the first person I told was a fellow Pu-erh lover Eric, who works at Happy Lucky’s. I shot him a quick note on Google+ and we arranged to bring my treasure by HL on Friday.

When Friday arrived, Eric was laughing at the amount of Pu-erh I had received! I told him to pick out anything for us to taste and his face lit up.

“I’ve never had a Tangerine Pu-erh,” he said. “Me either, I replied, and there’s three in the box, take your pick!”

I hopped up onto a bar stool to watch the opening of the plastic wrapped dry tangerine. (You couldn’t actually see with all the wrapping and the labels).

First, he opened the larger of the tangerines which had some mold on the fruit skin. We didn’t know what to do about this. Would we get sick if we drank the tea inside?

Eric went to the computer and shot a note out for our tea club members who might shed light on the safety of drinking the tea and then we made a decision to wrap it up and try another one of the tangerines just to be safe. (Later we found out that unless it was extensive and close to the Pu-erh it was probably OK).

We were determined!

The next tangerine is the one pictured. A Gold Horse grade 5 (that refers to the size of the leaves). http://flic.kr/p/dphcWo


sounds like some good tea bonnie. i may have to try this one. tangerinepu or putangerine? what a dilemma!


Sounds heavenly, Bonnie! At first, I wasn’t catching that the link above didn’t have the .com on the end, which lead to a “could not find” message. I was thinking you must have been in the middle of reconstructing the website. www.teaandincense.com to those not familiar with Bonnie’s blog. Very nice blog – btw. Love the “Music for Tea Drinking”. Nice addition!


Put on the .com. Thanks for the reminder! Try this mrmopar. Good to see you have power and are fine! I know this would be a treat and your “Love” would like this too!

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301 tasting notes

Not available from Yunnan Sourcing at the moment; sourced from Grandness Tea on AliExpress.

Over the past week I have been sipping on two lovely “dark teas” (both are new to me) – this one and a 2012 Supreme Purple Bud Raw Puer Mini Cake (8g).

This is a highly enjoyable find! Gong Ting fermented in an orange rind and it is delicious. The first 2-3 steeps are a bit strong with a pleasant astringency but the later steepings are more mellow – very enjoyable cups from the first to the last. If you break up a bit of the rind with the tea leaves, you can adjust the flavor to match your individual preferences. I find the orange flavor to be quite subtle and the leaf itself is of a good quality. Each orange package weighs 22-24 grams so it’s good for four different sessions (each session with many resteeps).

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

Mrmopar knows sources for this too. My local tea shop sells this to customers (they actually prepare it at the bar and send the rest home for you too for around $4). I think you can get them for $3.50 or less each.


I purchased a pack of 9 in mid-October when they were on sale. Price for nine was $11.54 ($1.28 each) including shipping.


call me naive, source direct is not just the name? i have access through an aliexpress account…. didn’t know i could get tea.


JustJames – not sure I understand your comment but yes, I’ve ordered several different teas from a few select suppliers (I got started thanks to Mr.Mopar). Here’s the direct link for the 8685 Gong Ting but you’ll note the price difference since they are no longer on sale:


I got my orders in too. I just haven’t had a lot of time to post yet! Justjames, I know some good sellers if you need anything from Ebay and Aliexpress. DigniTea, have you tried the Menghai centennial yet? I hope you like it as much as I do. Bonnie knows also I have pretty good contacts. Bonnie I hope this storm hasn’t hit you too hard. I think we may get lucky and have this pass north of us. What Bonnie is saying is Happy Lucky’s gives the customer what is left from the orange puerh to take home. That was a great idea for them.


mrmopar – No to the Menghai centennial. I’m purchasing the larger cakes for aging (and you know that this collection has grown quite a bit due to your experience and advice shared over the past few months). I don’t like to break them until I know there is a possibility that I’ll start drinking them. That’s why I’ve been enjoying these and other mini cakes lately (and a few 100g tuos or cakes).


Haha that’s why I always get an extra “good” one. 100 gram ones are good! I had some small 5 gram touchas but they are gone now :(


No big storms here. We are burr cold! We had a few inches of snow and arctic chill in the minus and teens the past week. We don’t get ice, too dry at a mile high. Sitting in with my tea. Glad I’m retired! Stay warm mrmopar!!!


i tried a chen pi puerh tea before, and it tastes like spicy black tea and orange tasting too

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187 tasting notes

I love ripe Puerh and I love citrus fruits. I tried EVERYTHING, I’ve steeped longer time, I’ve steeped smaller times, used a lot of leaf, small amounts of leaves… EVEN talked to it. I cant make myself like it. I tried it 4-5 different times 4-6 steeps each time. I will try another ‘Pomelo’ or citrus fruit because I want to make sure it’s not a quality issue.

I have two more completely new oranges… I will be making donations.

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

I forgot to add: 1. the ripe puerh seems really smoky, sort of like really dark chocolate or heavily roasted coffee, if you make it too strong it will be ‘critusy’ charcoal 2. the tea now says it can’t be shipped to the US, I’m not sure if it mine made by mistake but I got it somehow.

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63 tasting notes

Earthy, mushroomy pu-er. For the life of me I cannot detect any citrus taste to it, though the idea of aging in a mandarin peel is interesting.
Not a lot of cha-qi to this one. Maybe a good starter for introducing folks to pu-er.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 15 sec

it’s still a good tea

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147 tasting notes

Ok. This is the first puerh that I can really get into… Dumping rinse of first steep was critical, and this is not too fishy. The tangerine definitely tempers the earth/dirt notes with some fruit. There is a fascination to the aromas. Like a real mycelial, loamy smell of freshly turned, decomposing wood chips. And it has decent smooth texture and body. Maybe my gateway puerh?

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1271 tasting notes

Happy Father’s Day! Today the prompt is to “drink a tea that reminds you of your father.” Just like during the Mother’s Day prompt, I’m the only tea-drinker in my family so I don’t simply have a tea they favor to drink, and have to think a little outside the box.

My Dad’s morning drink of choice is Tang… yes, that extremely fake tangerine-flavored powder you dissolve in water. I think he’s been drinking it since he was 16, and he still attests that “if it’s good enough for astronauts, it’s good enough for me!” I used to have some strongly tangerine-flavored teas (I remember a green one in the past) but since I’ve been going gangbusters on sipping down and strict about not reordering anything, I couldn’t find any in my current stash. But I did find this pu’erh stuffed in a tangerine, which I thought would be a good choice, both for the “Tang” inspiration tangerine flavor as well as the earthy notes of the pu’erh, since my Dad is a very “down to earth” sort of guy.

I actually got this tea for free from a barista working at Snake River Tea one year during my yearly trip there during a local anime convention; my friend and I ordered tea there every day of the convention, and on the last day I made a $100+ loose leaf order, and he just tossed this shrinkwrapped puerh-stuffed tangerine into my bag. It was easy for me to find the same one on Yunnan Sourcing, so if I like it, at least I know where to get it… because Snake River Tea closed down during COVID, for good. I was pretty upset about that…

I know I’ve tried a “tangerine stuffed pu’erh” before and I had a WICKED time breaking it out of the shell… the inconvience sort of offset the enjoyment I had from the tea. This one was SUPER easy though; the top was scored off, and after pouring out the tea, the rest of the shell was easily crushable to get little eggshell pieces of it distributed throughout the tea. I brewed this cup western with about 3.5g of the leaf and the tangerine “lid,” for 5 minutes in 205F water.

The brewed tea is thick and dark, with a sort of medicinal/peppery citrus scent. The cup is quite nice! The base pu’erh is strongly earthy but doesn’t taste like dirt in a cup, which is my typical experience with pu’erh. There is a hint of smoke, and a noticable peppery taste. The tangerine itself is not overpowering, but leaves a slight citrusy note in the cup which definitely makes the flavor more pleasing for someone like me, who typically avoids pu’erh. I also loved how easy it was to open and break down compared to the “Xinhui Green Mandarin Orange Ripened Pu-erh” by TeaVivre that I’ve tried in the past.

A satisfying cup… which I’m going to sip on while I call my dad.

Flavors: Citrus, Earth, Medicinal, Pepper, Smoke, Smooth, Tangerine

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

ha, love the Tang inspired choice here.


Sorry to hear your Idaho tea shop went out of business but happy you enjoyed another puer!

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75 tasting notes

Earthy, mushroom-y goodness. I’m a fan of the citrus as well. Loved the first two steepings but it just sort of fell flat really quickly. Possibly needed less than boiling water.

It’s a cute novelty, it being in a dried tangerine and all. Huh. It’s a novel-tea.

Flavors: Citrus, Mushrooms, Wet Earth, Wet Wood

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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135 tasting notes

A local tea shop gave me a single one of these tangerines as a sample; they were thinking of carrying it regularly. I think they ended up not doing so, which is a shame because it’s quite a nice tea. However, it’s available from Yunnan Sourcing, so I can always get it there.

The texture is kind of thin for a shou… It doesn’t have too much of a citrus taste; this comes out more in later steeps. Nice, but not what I’d pick when I want a pu-erh specifically. Like most of the fruit-packaged tea I’ve tried, it steeps well both grandpa-style and gongfu.

Flavors: Broth, Citrus, Fruity, Wet Earth

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

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226 tasting notes

Now this is one divisive tea – based on prior reviews. I always thought that puehrs stuffed in citruses are just a marketing gimmick. Finally, I ordered this puehr-in-a-tangerine to try it and check off the box.

Well, I was wrong. This rather simple earthy, autumnal-decay type of puehr blends with the citrus peel in a very natural way – like bergamot, ginger or chrysanthemum do. I always add part of the peel to the brew. The result is a simple, calming, autumnal drink. Dirt, mushrooms, a smell of the lake in the woods full of peat and fallen leaves.

There is not much of complexity, and definitely not the best choice for precise gong-fu sessions – but it is perfect for leisurely drinking the grandpa style.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Citrus Zest, Clay, Dirt, Malt, Mushrooms


I don’t think I’ve reviewed any of them on Steepster yet, but I’ve been a big fan of the Golden Horse pu-erh offerings for several years. They take some time to get used to, but are great brewed Western or grandpa style. I like to keep several of them around for when I’m sick. Oh, and they can make a pretty solid gongfu session too, but it takes some experimentation.


Huh, I did not realize that there were other Golden Horse pu-erhs. I will try the other ones then. What is appealing to me that the one that I tried tastes pretty unique and original to me, with a distinct and strong emotional profile. To me this is not a tea for every day, but when a certain mood strikes it is a great option. And it’s not like with greens when you have a nagging urge to finish them before they deteriorate.


Yeah, there are several blends. The only ones I’m familiar with are the 8685, 8681, and 8682. You can find the 8685 blend at a number of places. It seems to be the most popular and readily available. The 8682 is referred to as “Rosin Fragrance.” I recall seeing it at Chawangshop. The 8681 I usually buy from Puerh Shop. I’m pretty sure there are others too. I recall seeing a Golden Horse sampler online several years ago, but I don’t recall which vendor offered it. I’ve also seen lemons, pomelos, king oranges, limes, and grapefruits stuffed with ripe pu-erh.


Okay, scratch that bit about not knowing which vendor sold the sampler. I just found it. The Golden Horse sampler was offered by Dragon Tea House, and they still offer it. It includes one each of the 8681, 8682, 8683, 8685, 8691, and 8890 blends.


Oh, thank you. I will definitely try a sampler. Dragon Tea House has been on my radar for quite a while and Golden Horse may finally nudge me to place an order and explore what it has to offer.


No problem. Once I’m in a spot where I can buy more tea, I will probably buy one of their samplers myself.

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