Bolder Breakfast

Tea type
Black Pu'erh Blend
Not available
Cocoa, Artificial, Creamy, Dark Chocolate, Metallic, Butter, Chocolate, Cream, Cookie, Malt, Wet Earth, Leather, Maple Syrup, Sweet, Mineral, Wood, Caramel, Earth, Honey
Sold in
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Edit tea info Last updated by Carolyn
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 13 oz / 394 ml

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133 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I really enjoy this tea, with it’s blend of Black, Puerh, & chocolate. It’s bold & beautiful, deeply satisfying, & it can stand up to the BAB (that’s Paleo-speak for Big Ass Breakfast)...” Read full tasting note
  • “someone drank this yesterday and i’m supposed to give someone some of this but i remember nothing of that now. But it was the reason this got pulled out of the cupboard today and it was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok Bolder Breakfast, work your magic!!! I just finished Season 3 of Supernatural last night, around 2, and instead of going to bed like a super responsible person I HAD to watch the first ep of...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I tried this a few more times over the weekend and enjoyed it much more than I did previously. I infused for less time about 2-3 mins – max 3. I will increase my rating for now. It’s not to...” Read full tasting note

From The Tea Spot

This new American black tea blend combines bold flavor, rich color, & full body with hints of chocolate. This robust breakfast blend is made from our favorite strong black teas from high altitude estates in China, India and Sri Lanka. We have combined these black teas with pu’erh, an aged black tea from Yunnan China, and dark chocolate essence. This tea yields a rich, dark liquor and a warm, well-rounded flavor that takes very well to milk and even better in the form of a tea latte. The high caffeine content and robust flavor makes this the perfect tea to help kick your coffee habit!

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133 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea, with it’s blend of Black, Puerh, & chocolate. It’s bold & beautiful, deeply satisfying, & it can stand up to the BAB (that’s Paleo-speak for Big Ass Breakfast) that I’m having today.

I have a gig today, playing a mix of classic rock & jazz with vocals at the Schnucks Grocery store. I know it seems like a strange place to play a gig, huh? They have a coffee shop in there (with a limited selection of teas), & I’ll play my electric harp & sing my heart out for 4 hours, while people squeeze produce, sip coffee, & smile! I love it, I get paid well, I love my life!

This is the last of this tea, so I guess I’ll have to start contemplating an order from The Tea Spot, because I like to keep it in my morning tea rotation. Enjoy the day, everyone!


That sounds amazing! Classic rock with an electric harp?! I would love to be there!


That sounds like a lot of fun! I’m a piano player myself, and I’d love a job like that!


Awww, you bring beauty to the world, that is so cool


Adding Schnucks to our must-visit list next St. Louis run ;)
(We go to Dierberg’s recreationally every time.)


Did you get this at the Rocky Mountain tea festival?

Terri HarpLady

@gmathis – next time you’re coming to town, check my gig calendar at, hopefully I’ll be playing somewhere. Where are you, down around Springfield?
@Rachel, nope, I got it at Whole Foods, but they aren’t carrying it now, apparently. I’ve been through a couple cannisters, & I’ll have to order some more!
@everyone else, thanks! I have lots of fun playing! You can hear a few samples at my website

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15575 tasting notes

someone drank this yesterday and i’m supposed to give someone some of this but i remember nothing of that now. But it was the reason this got pulled out of the cupboard today and it was DEEEEEELICIOUS! so yay for life’s simple happy moments!


Was it OMGsrsly? Because you gave her Chocolate “O”? Or do I have that backwards.

Yeah. This is a great one. <3


that is very much a possibility… today i know nothing….my brain is on hiatus from me..almost said it was on hiatus from my mind… yep. that’s me haha

Terri HarpLady

It was me that drank it, & I think dexter wanted it…

Terri HarpLady

At least that’s what ms Theresa said…


HA! yes! you are correct terri :)


goes to write that down


:)) Unless you are enjoying it and would prefer to keep it.


dude please…even if i am, there’s always room to share with friends! i have a tin!

Terri HarpLady

(enjoying fond memories of planning that massive order with Sil & Cavo while I was in Florida)


You did mention this to me, but I don’t want any more teas right now! EEP! This weekend I’m going to have to drink tea till I’m sloshing and buzzing with caffeine, just to make a dent.

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1598 tasting notes

Ok Bolder Breakfast, work your magic!!! I just finished Season 3 of Supernatural last night, around 2, and instead of going to bed like a super responsible person I HAD to watch the first ep of Season 4 to see how they were going to make things ok!

And I got to meet Castiel. Finally. Like cripes – I’ve heard that name bounced around the internet for ages with no reference. And now I get it. :) It only took my staying up til 3 to do so. :P (I’m basically a closet Supernatural watcher – I wait for my bf and daughter to be in bed and then go craaaaazy).

So 4 hours sleep might not have been the best decision when I am off to meet the lovely SIL today and do a tea swap and hang out! My eyes feel heavy, but I have all the tea and I’m excited and it’ll be great.

I gotta say though, bringing a toddler and a stroller complicates everything. (Will she be grumpy? Tired? Bored? Will we fit on the bus ok or get stuck waiting for one? Are the sidewalks clear enough for the stroller?) Some days I miss the freedom of just leaving the house with nothing but my wallet, keys and phone. HA!

But – you guys can see why I hermit, right? RIiiight?

Ok, time to finish this cup and move on to the next!


you just need to carry her around like a backpack :P get a work out AND not have to worry about strollers lol


Yeah that might be easier than trying to carry/hold/fight her when she doesn’t want to be held! Although she might be getting too big for that – over 25lbs now.


Sounds like a good work out haha

Terri HarpLady

All I’m saying is, “Take pictures!”


Hermit schmermit. You sound like one busy momma!

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6768 tasting notes

So I tried this a few more times over the weekend and enjoyed it much more than I did previously. I infused for less time about 2-3 mins – max 3. I will increase my rating for now. It’s not to shabby cold either. Actually I think I might like it a bit more cold than hot.


Ooh, I never though about trying this one iced. I’ll have to check it out.


I think the big difference was less infusion and maybe even less loose leaf as well…it seemed VERY different this time around.

OH! LENA – I think you should get your package today or tomorrow, too! Let me know when you get it!


Sweet! I will let you know for sure!

Paul M Tracy

This is one of my favorite “cheap teas” and I think it’s great for someone switching from coffee.

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1040 tasting notes

The last time I tried this tea I wasn’t feeling well and blamed my impressions of not being able to taste properly. I really wanted to like this one. It sounds so much like something I should LOVE.
Sadly, I still don’t like it. There is something really nasty (at least to my tastes) in the “dark chocolate essence”. I wish they would have just left it alone and let the teas shine through.
Thanks for the opportunity to try this one Sil.


I would have loved this as a straight blend! No flavouring!


Dark chocolate, as in dark chocolate ???


teafairy… i can send you a sample of this sometime in the future. It’s…i dunno. it was one of my favourite chocolate type teas but now it’s not..but i still like it but i have to be in the right mood.

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807 tasting notes

This is really amazing! Thank you Terri Harp Lady for sending some my way!
I do not recall ever having anything from The Tea Spot before but I plan to check them out if they have a web presence!
Excellent chocolate flavor and the pu-erh is lovely as well. A very nice blend!!


Their Organic Chocolate “O” black tea is amazing. Probably my favorite chocolate flavored tea I’ve ever found because the base tea is really high quality. I also love their Meditative Mind if you like jasmine and rose.

Terri HarpLady

yep, Bolder breakfast is part of my breakfast tea rotation (all black teas that I take turns starting the day with) & I love their Meditative Mind as well! Their Puerh tuo chas are pretty good too. I drank the last of my Bolder Breakfast a few days ago & will have to place an order soon, which will include the chocolate O, cuz I’ve wanted to try that one for awhile.

Terri HarpLady


yes, the Chocolate “O” is the best chocolate tea that is available now. There was once a better chocolate tea. But, I don’t blend teas any longer. :)


:) Too bad for us too!
I have read great comments on the Chocolate O – I definately need to check them out soon!


I got a free sample of this when I went to the Rocky Mountain Tea Festival. I need to try it. :)

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892 tasting notes

Black Friday was today… Which is no fun for retail workers(aka me). It actually wasn’t too bad. I took this tea to work today because it has a nice chocolate flavor and I wanted something that might help me relax through the rush. It did nicely :]

Terri HarpLady

I ordered a refill of this & a few other things from Tea Spot today.


This one is one of my favorites! The Whole Foods by my house carries moat of their teas :)

Terri HarpLady

My local Whole Foods used to carry them. That’s where I discovered this one & meditative mind. Now they only carry red rocks, I think, but for awhile they had several.

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911 tasting notes

This has pu-erh in it but it also has other stuff which, I will admit, is the reason I picked it up. The thought of chocolate + pu-erh was interesting to me especially since the reviews I’ve seen for the Numi Chocolate Puerh make me want to try it. But the store didn’t have the Numi, just this. So I got it.

This is like pu-erh with training wheels – serious training wheels. I can pick some pu-erh characteristics – the smell has a faint sweet hay note to it and the taste has some light earthy notes that can only be the pu-erh. But if I hadn’t had pu-erh before this one, I might have missed those things so it certainly doesn’t strike me as a strong pu-erh blend. The main taste I’m getting is mostly a fairly standard Yunnan-like taste and a bit of chocolate. The chocolate smells a lot like Lupicia’s The Au Chocolat (of which I am a big fan) but the taste is milder. The chocolate really comes through as a cocoa aftertaste for me. Occasionally I get a hint of tart on the end of a sip but not so much to impede my enjoyment of sipping.

The tea is smooth and a little silky. Pretty full-bodied texture but not chewy. I’m not sure if I would really call this ‘robust’ – I suppose with my lean towards Scottish and Irish breakfast blends, ‘robust’ is fairly typical for me so while this is more robust than your typical English breakfast blend, I think this guy might be intimidated by a few of the other blends I have in my pantry (Samovar’s Russian blend would kick its butt and the Samovar Breakfast blend would laugh while it happened… Shoot, Thomas Sampson might get in on the action but ultimately, he is a gentleman).

Anyway, this seems a little gentle to me to be considered (what I view) a breakfast blend. That might be the chocolate to it, though. Well, the chocolate and the overall smoothness to the tea. But that’s not a bad thing. Not ever tea can be an aggressive, wake-me-up-so-I-can-attack-the-morning tea (though it does seem to have a good caffeine kick). So as a breakfast blend, I think I’m missing the boat (probably mostly because it is chocolaty). But as a general tea, I think this is pretty tasty. Smooth, rich, dark, chocolaty and caffeinated. Not the best chocolate tea I’ve had (that’d be Lupicia’s The Au Chocolat) but certainly not the worse (TeaGermanname anyone?). But I won’t be sad to have to drink this and I could see repurchasing it under certain circumstances. Though I really don’t think this has the taste profile to actually qualify as pu-erh.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Incidentally the post just below this one is precisely Numi’s chocolate pu-erh. :)

Hmmm… I think I still have a bag of that lying around. I think I’ll have that after dinner.


Hahah – how ironic!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

lol Great tealog.


:) Thanks!

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676 tasting notes

Thank you DHart1214 for this tea sample!

This is my very first tea from The Tea Spot. I know they have a shop in Boulder,(for goodness sakes that’s the headquarters of the company) but with so many shops to choose from in that tea wealthy town…I have yet to get around to it.
I chose Bolder Breakfast this morning for DUH obvious reasons. And, the tease of chocolate with pu’erh was begging me for a review. Please little package of tea from Boulder, Colorado…(I thought) don’t make me lose face and look like an idiot in the tea community! This State has awesome beer, great tea houses, but can’t we please have some decent Colorado blended tea (I’m leaving Celestial Seasonings out of this)?!

I brewed my 8oz in a mug with a finum filter for 4 minutes.

The scent was delicious with cocoa steaming a promising cuppa tea.

The first sip was Very mild. I could taste cocoa, no pu-erh, and a very mild black tea. Nothing but mild, non-assertive and middle of the road tea flavor. Even a bit sour probably due to the flavoring.

I didn’t like it.

I added sweetening and cream. The additions helped the tea but the black tea base is so bleh that I didn’t enjoy the tea. Probably people who are sensitive to strong flavor would like this tea. I can’t imagine why though. And the sourness. And lack of pu-erh flavor. Oh no! Yucky!

I would never choose to buy this tea. Thumbs Down!

Appreciate that Dhart1214 sent me some of her The Tea Spot teas for me to try!


I’m so sorry that you didn’t like this tea. I have been disappointed with many aspects of the Tea Spot, the lackluster flavors of their teas being only one thing on the list. A couple of weeks ago, I talked with one of their representatives at the Boulder Farmer’s Market. I asked about where they sourced their tea leaves from, and he told me it was “top secret.” This answer never bodes well with me. I have learned that the best companies are the ones who are willing and able to communicate to their consumers about how they work directly with tea farmers or estates, giving names and other information, to produce the very best tea. The best tea companies that I know of (Verdant, Seven Cups, Red Blossom) never have secrets. This makes me think that the Tea Spot has something to hide, a button of shame, that when pushed, will reveal a series of red tape where tea shifts hands from hopelessly destitute growers and pickers, through a series of middlemen, and into the hands of innocuously ignorant buyers who do not know the destructive repercussions of their buying practices. Okay, I’ll stop now, I’m sounding a little down.


The tea tasted old. The flavors were sour. Too bad. Maybe someone from the tea spot will begin to read the distress of consumers like us who want them to be better for their good and ours.

The Tea Spot

Hi Bonnie, Chadao—I’d like to take the opportunity to respond to your comments as this thread has just come to my attention.

Bonnie: It’s true that the Bolder Breakfast is a mild blend—we see this as the tea’s strength in some ways. It is a complex blend designed to reach a median flavor, inoffensive but slightly sweet, and bold enough to appeal to the coffee drinker. The fact that you taste sourness in it does concern me, and I’ll be cupping Bolder Breakfast tomorrow in the office. I’m wondering if the sample you received was old. It’s actually our top selling blend, but suits the palates of some better than others. I would like to suggest, however, that you give our Chocolate “O” a try, and please let me know if I can get you a sample of that to review. Chocolate “O” is a chocolate blend on a single base (a Hong Mao Jian black tea), and is better suited to a more advanced palate in my opinion. Again, please let me know if you’d be willing to try it or any other teas on our website that catch your eye.

Chadao: While I am sorry to hear your opinions on our teas, I would be curious to see as well if we have any that might match your palate more closely. We carry near 50 teas at the moment, from flavored blends to single origin organics. I’ll be happy to get you samples as well.

In regards to the Farmer’s Market—that employee was a contracted hire for select Saturdays who has since been let go for this exact reason. Regrettably, his response to your question reflects his lack of knowledge about our teas, but NOT anything related to our company’s policies. We are firm believers in transparency in the tea industry, and are happy to answer any questions about origin, grading, age, etc.

Communication with our customers is of the highest priority to us, so I feel fortunate to have come across this post tonight. Please let me know what I can do to rectify the rude response you received at the Farmer’s Market. If you’re available to come by this Saturday, you’ll find me there for the duration of the market’s hours, and I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have about our sourcing.

Please, Bonnie + Chadao, feel free to contact me in whichever way suits you so that I can see how to turn those frowns upside down.

Bo Olson
Sales Director & Tea Specialist
(303) 444-8324


I am happy that my very own COLORADO tea company is being responsive to comments. I don’t write critical reviews lightly or on a whim or purely because of personal taste. I would be glad to try the other suggested sample or samples. Prove me wrong!

The Tea Spot

Bonnie, shoot me an email or message here with your address and I will get some out the door to you tomorrow!


Just sent an email…


cream in puerh? that’s desperate! 0_o

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3010 tasting notes

Tazo purrs like a Tribble. We let him in for breakfast because it is a nippy 48 outside and he (Who am I kidding? He spells I) was cold.

So we (that’s us, not the royal we) are enjoying this sweet, stout, rich, chocolately cup with a little swish of milk and a little scrap of peace. Again, this is not what one expects with a typical breakfast tea. It far surpasses those sleepy expectations.

Then…off to my 10-year-old bundles of mayhem. One of them, last week, demonstrated his skills in forward somersaulting, backward somersaulting, cabinet climbing, table diving, and chair balancing. Rough family life. He needs a lot of love. I’m praying for an ample supply of it.


So, how cold does it have to get before you show Tazo the guest room? Who didn’t see this coming? :) They have a way of doing that.

As for the 10-year-olds you are a special sort of person. I would not survive one week. The only thing possibly worse is junior high. Not nice of me I know, but at least I know my limits.


I love fifth graders—I really do. Around spring break they start turning like bad cheese, but that’s just part of the process. There are just a couple in this bunch that suck all the air out of the room. My usual no-fail lines to get their behavioral attention (“That’s so third grade”) aren’t even registering. I will not, however, concede defeat. Knowing what I do about middle school demographics, this is our last shot at really reaching them.

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