Banana Cuppa Chocolate

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Banana, Blackberry Leaves, Carob, Chocolate Flavor, Cocoa, Flavor, Rooibos
Artificial, Banana, Candy, Creamy, Sweet, Wood, Chocolate, Smooth
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Kawaii433
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 307 ml

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27 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This VP debate is hilarious. Pretty sure the moderator wins. I haven’t seen this one around Atlanta so I had to grab it in Florida last week. Since RoT’s bags tend to produce an underwhelming cup,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really love banana-flavored foods, so even though this is a rooibos based blend and I don’t necessarily crave rooibos teas, I thought it may be good as an evening cuppa. The teabag smells really...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea blend is okay. I like the banana notes, but they seem a little artificial with alcoholic type scent… like an banana-scented ester that I made in high school chemistry class! I noticed the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really do like RoT’s cuppa chocolate tea collection. I enjoyed the red velvet cake tea and so I was eager to try this one. I very much am interested by the combination of banana and chocolate....” Read full tasting note

From The Republic of Tea

From chocolate banana cream pie to frozen bananas dipped in chocolate, this all-time favorite flavor duo will put a smile on anyone’s face. This caffeine-free cup starts off with the creamy, slightly sweet, tropical essence of ripe banana finished with the rich flavor of chocolate and rooibos.

rooibos, cocoa, carob, sweet blackberry leaves, banana bits, chocolate flavoring, banana flavoring

About The Republic of Tea View company

The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea sparked a tea revolution in America with the purpose of enriching people’s lives through the experience of premium teas and a Sip by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle.

27 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

This VP debate is hilarious. Pretty sure the moderator wins.

I haven’t seen this one around Atlanta so I had to grab it in Florida last week.

Since RoT’s bags tend to produce an underwhelming cup, I put two in a mug and added milk. I’m just going to leave the bags in there to steep while I drink.

This one is actually really good this way. It’s creamy and chocolatey. I can taste banana, and it’s not bad but just kind of fake.

I accidentally forgot about it and now it’s cold and it tastes like banana chocolate milk! So this is good either way when it’s with milk I would think. I was kind of iffy about picking it up but I’m glad I did it in the end!


I’m not a huge fan of RoT but, I don’t mind their rooibos blends too much. I really enjoyed their raw bush teas … I’ve just found that with the bagged versions you have to double up on the bags to get much flavor. I might have to check my local Whole Foods to see if they have this one… I do love banana and chocolate.


I second that on Republic of Tea. The plaintain coconut rooibos I got was pretty decent, but weak flavored. Awhile back I tried their “daily green” at a coffee shop and it was awful. I remember thinking, “who in their right mind would drink this every day?!”


Banana and chocolate! ♥

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358 tasting notes

I really love banana-flavored foods, so even though this is a rooibos based blend and I don’t necessarily crave rooibos teas, I thought it may be good as an evening cuppa. The teabag smells really strongly of rooibos with just a little hint of chocolate and no banana whatsoever, blah. The flavor is actually more of chocolate with just a little bit of rooibos noticeable, and a nice sweet banana finish that reminds me a little of banana popsicles! I like this tea because even though it is a rooibos tea there is none of the awkward rooibos aftertaste that I despise. Hooray, this tea surprised me in a good way!

-Round natural unbleached teabag.
-Teabag smells heavily of rooibos with a hint of chocolate. Tea liquor aroma is of ripe banana and rich chocolate.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy reddish brown color.
-Chocolate and slight rooibos flavor with a sweet banana popsicle finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Nice banana flavor with very little rooibos aftertaste.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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1629 tasting notes

This tea blend is okay. I like the banana notes, but they seem a little artificial with alcoholic type scent… like an banana-scented ester that I made in high school chemistry class! I noticed the chocolate, which helped the banana a little bit, but not enough IMO. This is good with a little milk to subdue the banana notes. Otherwise, I don’t think I will be purchasing this beverage in the future; however, it is a good beverage for bedtime just because its rooibos.

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618 tasting notes

I really do like RoT’s cuppa chocolate tea collection. I enjoyed the red velvet cake tea and so I was eager to try this one. I very much am interested by the combination of banana and chocolate. Plus, rooibos? Yes! This tea had a similar taste to the red velvet cake tea, but with the addition of banana flavor (slightly artificial). I drank the whole cup, but will I go back and purchase more tins of this? Probably not. If it were more creamy or flavorful and not as artificial, I think I would like this one much more.

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772 tasting notes

Upon starting to sip this drink, it’s cooled off quite a bit because I forgot about it, and I can definitely taste the banana flavour, a bit fake but okay, and I can hardly taste the chocolate at all.

Okay, so I reheated it in the microwave and I’m drinking it a little hotter and I can taste the chocolate now. This is a pretty good tea when all the tastes are out. I did add milk and sugar, like I normally do to dessert teas.


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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 2 teabags
Water: boiling 12 oz
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: fake banana, hint of chocolate
Steeped Tea Smell: rooibos, fake banana
Flavor: fake banana, rooibos
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: coco nibs
Liquor: dark red-brown

Yet another chocolate tea I am disappointed by, in addition their banana flavoring is subpar – 52teas was much better.

Post-Steep Additives: German rock sugar – helped a bit with bringing out the coco flavor

Rating: 2/4 leaves


Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1314 tasting notes

You probably would have laughed if you saw my face when I took my first sip of this tea. It was one of those, WHOA it actually tastes like chocolate and banana, faces. Though I don’t taste artificial banana like everyone else seems to. When I think of artificial banana I think of Runts bananas. Which is surprisingly close to banana flavor for a candy but this and that are still a bit different to my tongue. Now I just have to find out whether or not it’s dairy free so that my husband can have a cup too.

150 °F / 65 °C 8 min or more

Artificial banana flavor always reminds me of Now and Laters. That is where my love of that flavor began. I can’t remember where I heard it, but I was told that artificial banana flavor came from one random variety of banana which is why it tastes different than the bananas we are used to eating fresh. Now I want to research it. I can see a good 30 or more invested in this quest!


It’s dairy free!!! The company e-mailed me back today and said there is no dairy! Woot!

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35 tasting notes

A little artificial, but honestly, I haven’t had banana flavoured anything that didn’t taste that way.

That said, this is my second favorite RoT “Cuppa Chocolate” tea. Very tasty, and really hits the spot when I want something sweet. I add milk and sugar…YUM.

I use two teabags with this, because it can be a little weak. (Although, I add two teabags to just about everything, so YMMV.) I also let this steep for an unusually long time, that is, if I don’t just leave the bag in there out of laziness. ;)

Oh, and I also love that I can have this tea at night, which is when I usually want to curl up with a dessert tea. I usually have to avoid my other teas because I’d be wide awake at bedtime.

8 min or more

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1777 tasting notes

This tea is very similar to the Mudslide tea from Teaopia and later Teavana. It has a good balance of chocolate and banana (a little less artificial than the Mudslide tea) and without the yummy nutty flavor. I really like banana flavoring and I think this is a bagged tea worth my restocking.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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768 tasting notes

Another of the chocolate dessert teas from my self selected sampler from Republic of tea. I liked it. It was pleasant and inoffensive. I have a second tea bag I will be able to drink, but I won’t look for more of this.

The dessert teas have been nice, but none of them has wowed me. I’m glad to have tried them but I have no urge to place an order for any of them.

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