7 Tasting Notes


Imagine a bowl full of fresh peeled peaches ready to be made into jam, well that what this tea smells like when you open each packet! My husband doesn’t like hot tea at all but he caught a whiff of this tea and wanted some. I bought several boxes so I wouldn’t run out. This is a truly suberb quality tea!

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I bought this tea thinking it would be delicious but I hate it. Now I have an entire can of it smells like cheap chocolate that you get at Easter and a stale banana moon pie. The rooibos didn’t help the combination.

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Let me start by saying I do not like cinnamon candy, cinnamon cereal, etc. I do like cinnamon in bread and pies. I was given this as a sample. I was surprised that I absolutely enjoyed every drop and wished I owned it! I have since bought some because I find myself craving it!

Flavors: Cinnamon

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drank Mojito Mint by Stash Tea
7 tasting notes

A great tasting tea. The mint and lime are perfectly balanced so that neither one overpowers the other! It is a perfect tea for a cold day.

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Fruity and fun! This tea has so much flavor you will be shocked! Perfect for a blue latte!

8 min or more

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Smoky and mysterious. As delightful as it sounds and you will swear it’s got brandy in it, but it doesn’t!

Flavors: Alcohol, Apple, Brandy, Caramel, Clove, Smoke

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It’s difficult to describe this tea. It’s not bitter at all even though it’s a green tea. I’m not usually a fan of green as much as others but I fell in love with this tea when I tried it! It has a caramel like scent even though there is none in it.

Flavors: Almond

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