Bombay Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Not available
Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Creamy, Pepper, Anise, Cream, Ginger, Peppercorn, Smooth, Spicy, Tannin, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Nicole
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Did up a pot of this at work today for our tea group. Half 2% milk, half water, some sugar. I tasted it at about 4 minutes and then just left the infuser in the pot for the rest of the time it took...” Read full tasting note
  • “I can’t really get past the black pepper in this…It’s like at the beginning of the sip it’s intent is to be a sweet yet spicy chai but then the idea gets thrown out the window into being all about...” Read full tasting note
  • “From: These teabags are adorable; little bendy strings with the leaf, the pyramid shape leaving room for the leaves to...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was surprised to read the tasting notes on this chai, because I am actually quite enjoying it. Perhaps I like it for the reasons others don’t – the black pepper. I like the way it really perks...” Read full tasting note

From Tea Forte

A lively, exotic blend of Indian black tea and aromatic spices. Cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and ginger flavor this warming cup.

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17 Tasting Notes

790 tasting notes

Did up a pot of this at work today for our tea group. Half 2% milk, half water, some sugar. I tasted it at about 4 minutes and then just left the infuser in the pot for the rest of the time it took for us to drink it.

It was very, very gingery. The other spices were noticeable, but ginger was the obvious and over the top star. Not one I’ll keep on hand but this will be enjoyed to the finish of the bag. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

I can’t really get past the black pepper in this…It’s like at the beginning of the sip it’s intent is to be a sweet yet spicy chai but then the idea gets thrown out the window into being all about the black pepper. It’s extremely dark in color and it’s a little artificial tasting in every other way but the black pepper. It’s weird – I can finish the cup but I can’t say as I like it much.

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411 tasting notes


These teabags are adorable; little bendy strings with the leaf, the pyramid shape leaving room for the leaves to dance, the packaging. They’re highly engineered and very cute.

However, it’s what’s inside that counts, and as a chai, it didn’t really stand out. Chai should be bold and brave and spicy. This is a delicate chai. A demure chai. Not quite a wall-flower chai, but definitely not the belle of the ball. Nice to drink, but not something I’d actively seek out.

What I found that I really liked using this tea for was making cocktails with it. I originally got this idea from a class I took at a local tea shop. They had gotten the Tea Forte tea cocktails set in, and this is a modification of one of those recipes. This is a LOVELY decadent drink, to replace dessert when you feel like laying about and being pampered.

1 Bombay Chai Tea Pyramid
Double shot of Whipped Cream flavored vodka (can be done with regular vodka, but this adds an extra dimension of yum)
simple syrup
whole milk (or half and half if you feel REALLY decadent)

Take the bombay chai tea pyramid and put in a small cup. Pour the vodka in, let sit approx. 5-8 minutes. Remove tea pyramid. Take a large juice or highball glass, fill with ice. Pour in steeped vodka. Then add at least 2 tbsp of simple syrup, more if you like things sweet (you can adjust after finishing the drink). Fill the glass with milk. Taste, adjust the sweetness with more simple syrup as needed. Then enjoy.

The tea pyramid can be resteeped two to three times for more drinks. (For you, or your friends – if you want to share.) It’s amazingly yummy. Completely decadent. Lovely.

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4843 tasting notes

I was surprised to read the tasting notes on this chai, because I am actually quite enjoying it. Perhaps I like it for the reasons others don’t – the black pepper. I like the way it really perks up this chai.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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230 tasting notes

I am not really a chai person but like the black pepper in this. Otherwise it is pretty unremarkable. If you do not like peppery teas this would not be for you. I can’t really taste any other individual notes.

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3495 tasting notes

I shouldn’t have tried this on a day when I have a bad cold. It smells good, and I thought the spiciness was going to come bursting through the stuffiness and let me taste the tea, but alas! It was not to be! I can smell the cardamom and clove, and they smell so bracing and bright, but I can’t taste them much and that is probably the fault of my cold and not the tea. Because my tasting ability is off, readers should probably disregard this review if you want an accurate picture of how this tea tastes! I can’t even taste the black pepper that two others mentioned! Do I detect a citrus scent, or is that just the spice?

A friend from India gave me chai once and her recipe was very close to this one, but another Indian acquaintance was horrified at the thought of including black pepper in chai, so I guess the recipe varies widely by region. It smells really nice with this cold, so while I am not planning to drink it I do plan top cuddle the cup and sniff it!

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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154 tasting notes

Brewed 5 min. 1 Tsp raw Sugar. Hot.
The pepper in the mix I feel is misplaced. The rest of the blend is very complimentary but there is a bitter under current that takes me out of the pleasurable experience.
Chai shouldn’t have black pepper in it.


Haven’t tried this one. The only chai I like black pepper in is the Wissotzky Chai Masala, it blends but doesn’t overpower – maybe because there are so many other strongish spices as well.


Actually traditionally Masala chai is supposed to have black pepper in it – in moderation.

Madison Bartholemew

in moderation I agree with you… this one tastes like I ground tellicherry peppercorns in it.

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22 tasting notes

Well that was disappointing. The leaf quality seemed much lower than other Tea Forte teas, and as others have said the black pepper unpleasantly dominates. It reminds me of the Tazo Chai tea, so if you like that maybe you would enjoy this.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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252 tasting notes

After reading the reviews on this one, I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it. I actually had been gifted a tea set from a tea friend that was made specifically for Tea Forte tea bags. There is a space for the little leaf to poke out of the top of the tea cup lid. The minute the hot water hit the tea bag I could smell the spices. I steeped for about 5 minutes and love the dark amber color of the tea.
My first few sips were very creamy. I attributed that to the buttered bread I had for breakfast while waiting for the tea but the creamy flavor lasted through the cup. The pepper is there and the other spices seemed to jump around from sip to sip- cloves, cinnamon, cardamom. Often with chai blends, I do add a splash of milk but I didn’t feel the need. It’s not the spiciest chai I’ve had but if this is representative of their blend, I would purchase it again.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Creamy, Pepper

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I remember this one as being decent.

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2986 tasting notes

Wow, this is a really unique chai. I’m actually extremely impressed. I’d drink this over most other chais for sure. I love the spicy peppercorns and ginger. It has a nice kick. I can almost tastes French vanilla in the background. Super creamy, would take milk well (but I enjoyed it a lot plain). Traditional spice combination (anise, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, clove), but in a better ratio than I normally experience in a chai. The black base is plenty flavourful, but I really like the spices + vanilla flavouring.

Flavors: Anise, Cream, Ginger, Peppercorn, Smooth, Spicy, Tannin, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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