I realize that for a lot of people working 9 or 10 hours a day isn’t any big thing. ut it’s killing me. Or actually, I think it’s the evening commitments that are killing me. Monday it’s my local writer’s group critique meeting, Tuesday night it’s my university class, Wednesday night it’s church, and this week, Thursday it’s supper with friends. So I work from 6:30 am until 4:30 or 5:00, and then have to be somewhere an hour or two later. Last night I went to class, sat in the back and started crying. I got up, went home and punch back into work for another hour. I think I’m crazy.
I decided I needed a good breakfast tea this morning. I love this one. It’s robust without being astringent or bitter, and it re-steeps quite well. I got three good cups out of one teaspoon of leaf.
Tonight I’m playing hooky from church. I really enjoy it because Wednesday night is really laid back and I get to hang with friends. But really, I’m in need of some ME time. Tomorrow during our team meeting we’ll find out if the mandatory overtime is going to be extended. Fingers crossed for “no” LOL