Boysenberry Matcha

Tea type
Fruit Matcha Blend
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Berry, Mineral
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 0 min, 15 sec 2 oz / 59 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh My Goodness! No I am not sorry at all that I got the Boysenberry Matcha that is on sale here: Just wow. You know I have been...” Read full tasting note
  • “mmmm morning smoothie today. Glad to be back and in business with matcha! I’ve got too much in my cupboard and I’m already looking for my next order in April haha” Read full tasting note
  • “I had not planned on having a second bowl of Matcha today … I usually limit it to one per day because it really does have an energizing effect on me and if I drink too much, I’m bouncing off the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been really excited to try this Boysenberry Matcha since I saw it on sale, but I needed to wait until I was ready and able to purchase the other various things for matcha (bowl, whisk, etc.)...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Boysenberry is an interesting fruit that greatly resembles a big sized raspberry, loganberry and blackberry. Its sharp and tart taste is mellowed by Matcha’s velvety flavour to make a Boysenberry Matcha treat that blends perfectly into the palate. This richly fruity treat is perfect for those people who want to expand their fruit filled snacks with different fresh new flavours. Boysenberry Matcha can also become a perfect hot weather treat to both cool and excite the palate with its enlivening sharp taste. It forms an interesting addition in the occasions of young children with its interesting reputation for being the surprise fruit-based treat.

With its unusual name Boysenberry Matcha brings with it many questions and expectations from its wide audiences. Since it a combination of many fruit taste sensations combined with exotic Matcha, Boysenberry Matcha fulfills the unexpected in terms of its delicious taste on the palate that lingers long after it has been partaken. For adventurous people who are not afraid to venture into the unknown, this fine delectable Matcha treat is the perfect way to start. Once it has been enjoyed, its tart taste is no longer a factor in its overall appeal on the taste buds. This makes it a true favorite among many people of walks of life.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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40 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Oh My Goodness!
No I am not sorry at all that I got the Boysenberry Matcha that is on sale here:
Just wow.
You know I have been throughly enjoying Red Leaf Tea’s matchas over the past couple of weeks. Be that via friends here who sent me samples, and my own first purchase of Bavarian Creme matcha which was DELICIOUS.
But most of the flavors, other than the orange (also amazing) have been more creamy, dessert like, heavier matcha flavors. So I was eager to try this one!
Let me just say MMmmmmmmmm.
So when I first smelled the dry powder I thought, oh tart, crisp, light, berry!
My daughter’s first impression was “Mom this smells like Red Bull energy drink.”
I was like OMG you are SO right!
It does! I have to admit. I do love Red Bull. Actually I had a bit of a Red Bull problem not too long ago, before tea! Thank you tea!
Nonetheless it has that exact same tart smell to it!
Don’t worry though this is totally healthy!
Plus after preparing my matcha, adding some ice and milk, it tastes NOTHING like a red bull!
Okay maybe a little something like it in the sense that it is light, crisp, refreshing, not too tart but just a slight berry tartness but nothing that is going to make you pucker!
I love this!
I feel bad and I owe an apology to summer. Here I was craving autumn and forgot all about berries, fruits, juicy ripe tasting delights and had went totally for heavier, richer, creamier, flavors. But you know what … it is still summer and I am going to totally enjoy drinking this and many other light matchas to come!
So my set up was as follows:

Boysenberry Matcha
Size: Small
Matcha Quality: Royal (Premium Grade)
Flavor: Robust
Storage: Add Small Container (3.00 extra)

Total cost after discount: 21.58
That to me my friends is a steal for a high quality matcha like this!

Now to add to the amazing flavor of this matcha and the quality of the matcha itself I would also like to notate that Red Leaf Tea got my matcha to me in TWO DAYS time! Yes thats right and lets all face it when we place a tea order we want it YESTERDAY lol but that just isn’t possible. What IS possible is that I received my shipping notice the same day I placed my order and it was being handed to me by my always befuddled mail carrier two days later! And yes in fact I did stifle a squeee because my mother was there and so far she is not really onto my tea addiction at least not how far it sinks. But the point here is TWO DAYS! That is some super fast shipping in my opinion! It means that when I am craving the next flavors (already am) I can make my order and know it will be in my hands before the craving can end! :)

Now back to this tea … As I am sitting here in delight sipping away I am noticing this almost earthy flavor to it – no not the normal earthy grassy flavor of a matcha or green tea, but something else. The prominent flavors are still the same, tart, juicy, etc, not to be redundant, but there is something more, its one of those flavors you swish around in your mouth, tap tap tap your tongue around, make those smacking sounds trying so hard to pin point it but it is eluding me! I want someone else to get some of this so they can help me figure it out. Hey it IS on sale after all!

Yes this one is a delight and to think I almost passed it up I mean I was not too sure what to expect and didn’t want something too overly tart but thank goodness I went for it!

Oh oh wait I think I may have just figured it out! Oh I am tempted to make a second round to be sure but yes people I know what it is…. Now this may turn some of you off so I almost hate to say it but for me, its not only a good flavor, but brings back memories from my childhood. So here it is be it a good thing or a bad thing you all deserve to know…children’s vitamins!!! Yup you know like Scooby Doo, Fintstones, etc… Well I may have just lost a few of you on that but for those of you who want a trip back to your childhood then get this! Ah ha! Its the same flavor in Red Bull that is very detectable! Vitamin B!!! Oh boy, I fear I may have lost a few more of you now… the thing is I LOVE that flavor! As a former vegetarian of 7 years (don’t ask why I stopped being a veggie – long story – irrelevant – no excuse for me really) I used to take Vitamin B daily as a Veggie diet does not provide Vitamin B (I think B12 specifically) so for me this is a flavor I like and am used to. Some people do not like it so I guess if you are not sure at this price it is still worth a try! I am sure if you don’t like it SOMEONE around here – I don’t know who – maybe me, would enjoy it being sent their way. :)

Again here is where you can get your own Boysenberry Matcha from Red Leaf Tea:

Will Work For Tea

I think you just beat your old record of 856 words. New record: 942 :D

Will Work For Tea

And yes, I do have too much time on my hands – lol!


LOL awesome!


Now I have that song running though my head lol

Will Work For Tea

You’re welcome…. =D


Its not a bad song so its all good :)


Anyway…those vitamins were good heh. Used to want to eat them like candy ;)

Matcha Outlet

Thank you for the review. I just told my wife 20 minutes ago that I was going to quickly check a review can go back to painting a room (remodeling, don’t ask). She thinks that I’m playing games cause no one reads review for this long. Couple more reviews like this and you’ll have to send me a good divorce attorney info as well. LOL.


Don’t know if you all need this info but there’s a word count site I started using when I started this Red Leaf matcha thing.
Faster than opening Word just to use the word count tool. :)

Also, I have no idea what a boysenberry tastes like but it sounds luscious.

Daisy Chubb

Awesome review! I’m kind of jealous of the shipping time I have to say ;)

Daisy Chubb

(That’s just my inner Canadian talking ;) )

Matcha Outlet

How did you know I was using Word to do word count?! LOL
Great link, tx.

Matcha Outlet

Please note that we have ran out of Starter Matcha and new shipment should arrive on Thursday next week. Our loss is your gain. All orders with Starter Matcha will be automatically upgraded to Royal Matcha free of charge :-)


You’re welcome. :) you only save seconds but when brewing a finicky tea, every second counts!


@RedLeaf rofl that cracked me up! I was out eating dinner with my daughter and read that – was laughing and had to explain it to her. :) Too cute.

Mercuryhime – its sort of like a blue raspberry flavor to me anyway.

DaisyChubb – yeah I mean that was like a magical tea fairy delivered it lol
I don’t think my mailman would agree he is a magical tea fairy!


I love boysenberry… it makes me think of my home (Southern California) because I consider Knott’s Berry Farm to be the “home” of the boysenberry whether or not it really is. That’s where I got to know it, by eating funnel cakes with a dollop of Mrs. Knott’s boysenberry jam in the park, and the other treats throughout the park that have been boysenberry-ified. So, I think that this one is one of the next ones that I will need to add to my order.


LiberTEAS it is on sale right now AND with the bonus of getting the Royal matcha instead of Starter (select starter) until the next Royal Matcha shipment comes in YOU CANT beat the deal! Go for it! I do really love this one and was NOT expecting to!


I hope this sale continues a little while. I still have three matcha from them that I’ve not yet tried! I need to get busy and drink tea. LOL!


LOL indeed you do! Which three have you not tried?


I have a strawberry Matcha that I think I will try today, Pear Matcha and also Hemp Matcha, which I am trying mostly because I was a huge Hemp advocate in my college days, and I guess I still am when all is said and done. (and no, I don’t smoke it, you can’t smoke hemp … well, I guess you could, but you’d probably end up with a headache … you won’t get high from it)


Strawberry is next on my list PLEASE let me know if you like it or not! I do want to try Hemp as well in time. I absolutely a hemp advocate and totally understand what you are saying however I am also a medical M advocate as well. Anyway lol thats another forum probably :)


Oh and wanted to add – I do not smoke it either but still an advocate for those who could benefit. Just wanted to clarify I am not one of those who want it medically legalized for the wrong reasons.


I know this isn’t the forum for this, but, I personally think it should just be legalized. Why not? We have other things that are destructive that are legal … alcohol and tobacco … they can be just as destructive and harmful to the body (and arguably more so), so why not legalize it and get tax dollars from it? I do not smoke it, I’ve never done any kind of recreational drug (except caffeine), and I won’t start smoking it if it’s legal.

Hemp though would be a very beneficial product if we chose to legalize it, the first vehicle that Ford made ran on hemp fuel, and I think it could offer a sustainable fuel source if people just got their heads out of their butts about the whole thing.

OK… now I’m stepping off my soap box (tea box?) and resuming the sipping of tea.


I will simply say I could not have said it better myself. :) Back to our regular programming lol

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15575 tasting notes

mmmm morning smoothie today. Glad to be back and in business with matcha! I’ve got too much in my cupboard and I’m already looking for my next order in April haha

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4843 tasting notes

I had not planned on having a second bowl of Matcha today … I usually limit it to one per day because it really does have an energizing effect on me and if I drink too much, I’m bouncing off the walls… However, my new chawan arrived in this afternoon’s post, so, I decided I needed to try it out, and this is the matcha with which I chose to christen it.

This is AWESOMELY good. Mrs. Knott would be proud of how far her berry has come… and this certainly does the tasty berry justice. It is so sweet and tart and tasty. I love how good this is. I am so glad … SO VERY GLAD that I tried this boysenberry … happy it was on sale when I bought it, but, I would have purchased it (and will get it again in the future) without the sale. It is one of the best Matcha that I’ve tried from Red Leaf yet… this one is a MUST TRY. If you like berry, you’ve gotta try this!

Will Work For Tea

I think this is my favorite out of the few I have! Can’t get over how delicious the boysenberry flavoring is!


It’s outstanding… it tastes so very much like the boysenberry preserves from Knott’s. And now, I’m thinking about funnel cakes topped with boysenberry… I seriously need to go to Knott’s. :)

Will Work For Tea

lol – now you’re making me home sick too! ;)

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63 tasting notes

I’ve been really excited to try this Boysenberry Matcha since I saw it on sale, but I needed to wait until I was ready and able to purchase the other various things for matcha (bowl, whisk, etc.) first. And then it was also prudent for me to order another flavour at the same time to help justify the shipping to Australia. (On a side note, Red Leaf Tea’s international postage prices are very reasonable, at least to Australia! I’m so glad it’s a calculated rate, not a flat rate.)

Here’s what I ordered: the small (30g) size in Starter Grade matcha with the Distinctive Flavor level and a small tin. And here’s where you can get yours:

When I opened the gold foil pouch (non-resealable, by the way, so get a tin if you don’t already have one), I knew I did not let myself down in getting this. There were only one or two reviews for the boysenberry here when I placed my order, so I was taking a little leap of faith with it, but I did not go unrewarded for my boldness. Sweet, juicy boysenberries with their playful tartness filled my senses. Oh, but that’s not all. There was also that lovely floral smell I noticed in the caramel matcha I had for the last two days, the scent of good sencha and gyokuro, lurking in the background.

The lattes I made with the caramel matcha were a success, but the berries smelled so good that I continued in my resolve from earlier in the morning to make this one with just water. And a little Splenda, mind you. So I used 2 scoops (about 1 teaspoon), poured in about 60ml (2oz.) of 80C water and got to whisking. I didn’t get quite as much froth this morning, but that was more than likely me. Then I topped it up with what seemed to be close to another 175-200ml (6-7oz.) of water. It looked like I had right about a cup of emerald goodness in my bowl, so I think my eyeball estimates were pretty good.

And as if on cue, a little someone needed their bottom to be cleaned. Now I wouldn’t normally include something like this as part of a review, certainly not one meant to be appetizing, but it has a purpose: just trust me here. As Lil’ Miss and I reached the top of the stairs to come back down to my awaiting bowl of warm matcha, I was taken aback by the definite smell of boysenberries from all the way down in the kitchen! Remarkable!

So I was now even more excited to try this. Oh, it was just wonderful. Juicy and sweet-tart with a hint of that white floral I noticed in the dry matcha. I liked this one quite a bit more than the caramel matcha, and that one was good too. But it’s so hard to pass up beautiful fruit, and the same goes for fruit flavoured tea.

I know I got this on sale, and it’s not at that sale price anymore, but I tell you it is worth every penny and more. Don’t be the least bit afraid that there aren’t that many reviews for this flavor (yet). It’s a rather new option, and I’m so glad it’s there. More than that, I’m glad it’s here with me too!

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772 tasting notes

Just made this. Looked through my old tasting notes and noticed a comment to make an italian soda with this one. I have soda water at home, but I can bring some in, or bring this home, and make a boysenberry soda. That sounds like it would be tastier than just plain because I like berries in general but this one just doesn’t wow me.

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133 tasting notes

Matcha, matcha, MATCHA!

That’s what I was chanting when my first order arrived from Red Leaf Tea this morning. I’m sure my husband thought I was crazy as I ran back into the house to tear open the package that contained both boysenberry and caramel matchas! Let the matcha fest begin! =D

LiberTEAS mentioned a few days ago that Boysenberry reminded her of her home in SoCal – Same with me! My family lived about 20 minutes from Knott’s Berry Farm during my high school days. If boysenberry isn’t already, I think it should be the official berry of Knott’s! So needless to say, the boysenberry flavored matcha Red Leaf Tea offers has a little nostalgia for me – that and the fact that it was on sale – win, win!

I purchased a 30 gram pouch of the Boysenberry Green Matcha, basic grade with robust flavoring.
I like my teas to be bold!

As I poured the matcha from it’s pouch into the small metal tin RL offers for a nominal price, I became giddy! This smells soooooo good! Whiffs of sweet berry start swirling in the air around me. I could nearly taste the boysenberry! I already have a feeling I’m going to regret getting a small tin of this…

For this particular review I’m sticking to a basic preparation – matcha and water. I usually like to enjoy my matcha latte-style, but I want to get a taste for what it’s like at it’s most basic preparation.

First, I sifted a teaspoon of matcha into my glass mug. Then adding 2 ounces of warmed water, I wisked it with the matcha with my electric frother. There was a nice layer of freshly formed foam atop of the liquid. Looking through the bottom of my mug, I could see there were no clumps of unmixed matcha to be seen. (Yay!) I added the rest of the water (6 oz.) and stirred.

Wow – this is really quite good! I like that the boysenberry doesn’t completely mask the matcha, but it does a good job of detracting from the grassiness green matcha has. (Remember, I did go all out and use “robust” flavoring!) This is really drinkable without sweetener, but I have a feeling adding it would just take this over the top into crazy good territory. So for now I’ll refrain.

I bet this is gonna be awesome iced! Can’t wait to play around with this and make fruity smoothies with this too – the ideas are endless!

Now I’m curious about trying the Boysenberry White Matcha – I think that’s going to be on my next order, which will be very soon! :)

170 °F / 76 °C

This would be really good I think with a bit of half & half and some ice cubes, and then blended with the blender. I did that with the strawberry a week or so ago, and it was so incredibly yummy!

Will Work For Tea

Oooo – that sounds like a delicious idea! Thanks for passing that along. :)


Knott’s Berry Farm! I first went there in 1955 or 56 (about the time Disneyland opened)…when there were not really rides other than the stage coach and scenic train. It was rustic and cool. The berries were the deal! And…the jam! I’ve taken my son and daughter berry picking and my daughter has taken her kids and made jam just because of Knott’s I think. Yum!


Mmmm this sounds good too damn you all!


OH… and not just the berries, but, the FRIED CHICKEN from the restaurant. OMG my dad would take me there for dinner, and we’d stand in line for an hour or more, but it was worth it. Best fried chicken ever! I don’t know if they still put all the effort into their fried chicken or if they’ve changed in an effort to streamline and update things … if they did that, it’s a shame, because the fried chicken when I was a kid… OMG so good.

Will Work For Tea

Oh, man LiberTEAS – you’re making my mouth water! You’re right, those chicken dinners were awesome!

Daisy Chubb

My best memory from Knotts (we went to Disney too but I preferred the GhostRider @ Knotts woo!) was the giant pickles, panning for gold, and definitely the GhostRider! Of course, berries on everything as well ;)

Will Work For Tea

DaisyChubb – I think I still have the tiny vial of gold we panned at Knott’s 20 years ago!

Daisy Chubb

Wow what a great memory and a great keepsake! That’s SO wonderful that you held on to it! Good times, would love to go back <3

Matcha Outlet

Any chance we can ask to get the rating for this tea?

Will Work For Tea

RLT – you twisted my arm. =D


was it purple in any way?

Will Work For Tea

laughs No, it wasn’t purple – that’d be pretty awesome if it were! Green’s my fav color anyway, so I’m just as happy. :)


Oh… purple Matcha. Now that would be really cool!

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6768 tasting notes

Azzrian – a BIG thank you!

This smell delighfully fruity-sweet without smelling tart or fake.

The aftermath-color is a murky dark olive green = a bit dark than the others I’ve tried from RLT so far. BUT…it still smells dandy! The flavor is ‘just right’ – it’s a tasty fruity-sweet flavor without being too overpowering but it’s still standing it’s ground! It’s a plump berry much like a combo of loganberry with a bit of citrus even.

Yup! This is a WINNER! I like this a lot!


This one may have been … wait I’ll check … Yes that is the ROYAL premium grade base! That is why it is darker I believe :)


Cool! Thanks! :)

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137 tasting notes

Yet another incredible matcha from Red Leaf. I still can’t believe how quickly I’ve fallen in love with matcha. All of the flavours are so true to life, perfectly balanced, and darn addictive. I’ve even come to love the preparation process, whereas I used to find it a bit of a pain in the butt. Something about scooping out the fragrant powder, sifting it into my cup and then whisking like a madman is soothing, in a way. A nice little break from whatever I’m doing to just focus my energy on preparing my tea.

I was a little wary about trying this flavour since I’ve never had a boysenberry, so I didn’t really know what to expect. Blackberries are one of my favourite fruits though, and boysenberries look pretty much identical, so somehow I just assumed that they must be delicious. I was right! This matcha is the perfect fruity treat. The best way I can describe it is as a fresh, light, perfectly sweet/tart berry. When I opened my package of delicately flavoured matcha, I was overcome with a burst of sweet, almost candy-like fruitiness. I was reminded almost of
those delicious, chewy blackcurrant pastilles that I loved growing up.

Once prepared, I was treated to a nice balance of earthy matcha and bright berry goodness. The candy quality is a bit muted, and the fruitiness really shines. One thing I love about this matcha is that I don’t have to add as much sugar to it as I do with the more dessert-like flavours. With this, I like to let the tartness of the berry shine through, but with the dessert matcha I crave a good amount of sugar since they’re supposed to taste like something sweet and decadent. This is delicious unsweetened or with just a touch, and I never miss the extra sugar.

I have posted my favourite smoothie mix for the cheesecake matcha, which is strawberries, bananas, matcha, vanilla yogurt & pineapple orange banana juice. I haven’t tried a smoothie with this flavour yet, but I’m thinking blueberries, bananas, vanilla yogurt, and apple juice or cider would be absolutely perfect.

I’m hoping to make another matcha order soon, to try out some more unique flavours and experiment a bit with the bases. So far I’ve only tried traditional green matcha and the 50/50 base, but I am super curious about black matcha. I’m thinking it would make an amazing latte with one of the richer flavours, like pumpkin pie or mocha. And recent reviews have got me tempted to try cookies and cream black matcha. I love that with Red Leaf, the possibilities are truly endless.

Boysenberry matcha far surpassed my expectations. You can find it here:


I agree – the preparation has become part of my morning ritual usually after a black tea wake me up LOL but the energy I get from matcha is unmatchable! I love whisking now where I too used to find it a pain in the butt! Love matcha!


Un-matcha-ble. Teehee! But you’re right..matcha energy is the best energy :)


woa, there’s black matcha?! I am super curious as well.

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200 tasting notes

Ever since I’ve been ordering from Red Leaf, I feel like all my matcha purchases had been “desert type matchas”. So, when I saw that the Boysenberry matcha went on sale again (since I missed it the first time), I knew I had to grab it. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had boysenberry on its own, but I definitely know I’ve had it in yogurt form. There are several companies that make boysenberry yogurt, and it’s delicious.

I ordered the 30g of Boysenberry Matcha, Starter (Basic Grade), Flavor: Robust. I really really like berries, and thought about upping the flavor even more, but decided to keep it at robust for now and see how it goes.

For all my previous matchas, since they were desert matchas, I had been making them hot the traditional matcha way. Usually, after my first sip, it was a little too intense for me, so I added some milk to help bring out the flavor. But for boysenberry, hot and milk added just didn’t sound appealing to me, so I thought I would try something new. On the Red Leaf site, under all the matchas, they have a “steeping” tab that talks about how to prepare them. There’s the traditional way, and the “traditional with a chill”. I’ve always wanted to try this, but none of the matchas I ordered sounded appealing cold, so I was excited to finally try something new.

I took my water bottle and measured 1/4 teaspoon for matcha, per the instructions. I then filled my bottle with 16oz of water. You can also use a water bottle, but since I want to be environmentally friendly (and I like my filtered water), I decided to just use a regular bottle. I debated whether or not to sift the matcha, but decided I wouldn’t the first time around. I shook my bottle vigorously, and then sipped the results…

WOW!!! I was really impressed. With all the other matchas, I had a hard time tasting the flavor just straight, but here I can definitely taste both the matcha and the boysenberry. The matcha is not overpowering, but there are definitely berry undertones. I didn’t need to add any sweetener, although I bet if I did it would bring out the flavor even more.

I can’t believe how easy this is to make. It sure beats using a whisk (no pun intended) and making water on the kettle. Those are good too, but this is better. I’m thinking I need to order some more fruity matchas in the future, since I liked boysenberry so much. I’m not sure how this would taste hot, but it’s definitely delicious cold.

As a reminder, you can get the matcha here:


That sounds awesome, I need to try it cold now


Me too – going to try one that way tomorrow.


It worked really well, and it’s perfect for lazy people like me. LOL.

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62 tasting notes

Mathathon last of the day I just did a small size of this or ill go nuts! I tired to space my matchas apart by a couple of hours. I definitely did not drink them all at once. That would be crazy! So when this went on sale I was like what the heck is a boysenberry? So I completely passed it over. Then I kept seeing reviews and people where like oh its so good. I was like is it a blackberry? Red leaf says it resembles a big sized raspberry, loganberry and blackberry so I was like okay I love raspberry’s and blackberry’s. Then I saw Azz reviews that it smells like red bull. I love the smell of redbull!

So what I got was Size: Small (30 grams), Quality: Basic Grade, Flavor: Delicate. So what I did was half a teaspoon of the matcha shifted with one third a cup of hot water and half a cup of milk and some ice. Okay so smell kinda get redbull. So first sip I can taste the berrys. Its nice and sweet and tart. I like that its not just a sweet berry flavor. I get the tartness that reminds me of blackberrys. You definitely get the matcha but the boysenberry holds its ground with the matcha. Its not overpowered by it at all. I did add some sweetener which really made the boysenberry shine some more. I’m gunna need to try these berrys now! Get it here:


I do love the boysenberry matcha. I think it’s one of the best! Yum!


Yeah I really liked it. I wish I had tried it sooner.

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