Champagne Rosé

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Devilish
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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43 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Happy Easter! This was my easter morning tea while I made french toast! Mmm, this tea is good – I love the candy like strawberry and tangyness! No chocolate in me yet, though I tend to buy all my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Mmmmm Just what I needed today to get me started! Something a little special! I tend to hoard my Lupicia tea for those special times but today needed a special treat just to get a jump start! This...” Read full tasting note
  • “omg has it really been since last June that I tried this one?!? I know I’ve had it since then…because I know for a fact I love it. I bought myself a celebratory growler of Woodchuck’s summer cider...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks Azzrian! It’s been 2 years since my last cup of this. I will say…I think this is a tad different than the one I had years ago because I do NOT recall the sugar gems in it. They are lovely...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Black tea flavored with sweet strawberries and champagne. Perfect as a festive gift.

*Pink & silver argent is not included for US market.

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43 Tasting Notes

1271 tasting notes

Happy Easter!
This was my easter morning tea while I made french toast! Mmm, this tea is good – I love the candy like strawberry and tangyness!

No chocolate in me yet, though I tend to buy all my easter chocolates tomorrow!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

I OD’d on malted milk eggs this weekend…the brain trigger that says “enough” just sorta tripped off.


Yes! 50% off chocolates day! :) I’m just sad I haven’t been able to find pop rocks mini eggs.

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807 tasting notes

Mmmmm Just what I needed today to get me started! Something a little special! I tend to hoard my Lupicia tea for those special times but today needed a special treat just to get a jump start!
This is good!


Might need to try this one! I didn’t order it.


There are so many I want to order from them and an order with them has been a LONG time coming!!!

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1220 tasting notes

omg has it really been since last June that I tried this one?!? I know I’ve had it since then…because I know for a fact I love it.

I bought myself a celebratory growler of Woodchuck’s summer cider (which to me is tasting like iced tea right now) but I needed to get in at least one cup of tea today, so I figured the celebratory theme could continue, and what’s better than champagne?

I didn’t realize this was more of a strawberry champagne than really resembling rosé grape taste but that’s ok. Well, I guess in the past I realized it, but today it just seemed more strawberry.

I hope next year at some point I have the free use of funds to make a Lupicia order. I would prefer to have far less tea at that time because I’m pretty sure I want to spend $100 if not more there. Haha.

Oh I forgot I have no idea if I mentioned my garden at all. I kind of killed the seedlings by transplanting them so I had to buy some bigger plants, which is okay. Less work. I have cherry tomatoes and an heirloom tomato in front there. Then there are 3 seedlings that are either cucumber or squash, I honestly have no clue. Behind them, I planted habanero seeds so I hope they work and a strawberry plant. Then moss roses, followed by the empty space where broccoli is planted. Then there’s 3 more pepper plants: purple bell, red bell, and jalapeno, and at the very back is a watermelon plant! It’s an icebox style so once it starts growing more I’m going to tie it to a trellis to grow vertically.


Ok I think I have come to the conclusion it’s cucumber, because the seeds are smaller, and what I assume to be squash has way bigger leaves. I have no idea if that’s right but I’m going to eventually move one of those over so both will be there anyway haha


Your peppers are looking great!


Is that a community plot, ore are all of those beds yours? Because I might have to be stunningly jealous of you.


It’s a community garden! Just the one for me, haha. When I was there picking it, I think I heard someone say they split one with a neighbor. I was just like HOW I want more than just this one myself!


I agree with that! Because at this point, I have (for my family) 13 tomato plants set for my backyard. It makes me sad that I had to stop at 13 in order to have room for my other plants!


13!!! Wow I am jealous of the space you must have! I was giving someone advice on what to plant on a big patio they had and they didn’t want to fill it up with plants. I was like HOW CAN YOU NOT WANT THAT.

I can’t wait to have the bell peppers. I hate how much they cost and they should do really well here.


I love cider too! Been drinking Angry Orchard with elderflower limited edition.


Ooh that sounds good! The summer cider has a bit of blueberry and I am loving it. Have you ever had one of Crispin’s with maple syrup in it? It is so awesome. Last time I got a bottle I got a free glass of theirs and it is the prettiest glass I own, I can’t even bring myself to use it.


I have had a few Crispin but not maple syrup. You add the syrup or do the offer one with maple? Sounds yummy.


It’s made with maple syrup. I forget what name they gave it, but it has a red label.


Oooh watermelon! I love gardening! I never have to buy veggies in the warmer months because both my parents and my in laws have large gardens. I wish I had my own plot of land to tend to though.
Are you going to throw in any herbs there? It’s a little crazy how much a handful of basil can cost.


That is a garden setup of which I am mighty envious. My yard doesn’t get enough sun for me to be able to do any kind of garden. I really want to do raised beds and I really, really want fresh herbs. All the shade is awesome to be in the yard with but I wish there were a few sunny spots. :)


Nicole, have you tried any of the plants listed here?
If anything, mint seems to thrive anywhere so maybe give that a try to start with. :)


Also some things can grow with as little as 3 hours of sun a day. And if you can’t even provide that, you may still get them to grow, they’ll just be a bit smaller.


I like gardening in video games (Harvest Moon FTW!) but I kill everything in real life. Good luck with your garden!!

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks Azzrian!

It’s been 2 years since my last cup of this. I will say…I think this is a tad different than the one I had years ago because I do NOT recall the sugar gems in it. They are lovely and make it look even more elegant! The flavor is gently and sweetly strawberry and champagne and I totally need that today! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…if you can’t drink and alcoholic drink (on the job or otherwise) – drink a tea that reminds you of it! BOY OH BOY do I need it today! LOL

Upping rating a bit. A Delight!


You are SO welcome! :) ITs a goodie!

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2970 tasting notes

Oh no. Oh the drama. This is now all gone! Oh the humanity! Why?!?!?! I wanted it to last for much longer in the springtime. Obviously I could not stop drinking it, and its how we got into this trouble in the first place.
Yum. Elegant rose tea with little sugar crystals. It tastes so glorious.
I got to sleep in today, which was a pure delight.
Today my plans are to write, drink a lot of tea, and then read my book (I am not getting nearly the amount of reading I want too lately. That must be remidied!) and eat my seasonal package of Peeps. Peeps!
Its going to be a good day.

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4348 tasting notes

I took the last few teabags of these out of the HH teabox. I tried this a while back and it seems to be my favorite Lupicia tea I’ve tried (up against Strawberry Vanilla). I only had a bit of it before, so I was happy to see it again! The flavor is just as a remember it – a candy sweet strawberry with champagne flavor on a nice black tea. It seems to be a bit mouth drying this time around. I didn’t notice the sugar crystals last time though!

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2201 tasting notes

I got this tea as a sample in my last Lupicia newsletter and I remembered to save it until today. Happy new year!

When I see the name of this tea I think it’s going to be champagne and roses, but it’s not. I guess I need to try Butiki’s champagne and rose cream. The sachet smelled like strawberry candy, but it mellowed a bit once steeped. The strawberry flavor is nice but I don’t get champagne from this at all. There is maybe a hint of dryness that reminds me of champagne. Overall decent but I’m not in love.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Happy 2014!

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 24 for the year 2014. I’ve vaulted ahead of the one per day average! OK, that’s an exaggeration. More like I’ve taken a baby step ahead. Lol.

What to do, what to do. Just the other day, I tried Carol, which was also a Lupicia Strawberry, so I thought I’d try this—also a single teabag in my work stash. And now, dammit, I want ALL THE STRAWBERRY TEA. Ugh.

This one smells really good in the bag, the same sweet strawberry smell as the Carol had, minus the vanilla and plus… well, it’s supposed to be plus champagne, but to me it’s not really that so much as a whiff of Orange Fanta, which sounds terrible, but is really quite delightful when mixed with the strawberry. The liquor is a lovely mahogany color.

I think perhaps I like the Carol slightly better, but only slightly. The vanilla in the Carol makes for a very smooth, mellow strawberry. The strawberry in this one has a brighter taste. Although the tea obviously isn’t bubbly like actual champagne, there’s an impression of effervescence that’s hard to describe. How the heck did they do that? I’m not really tasting champagne though, or perhaps I am but I’m confusing it with something else because I tend to drink champagne that’s rather dry?

Still, I want to drink more of this and try to pin the tail on the champagne. If I do, I’ll bump the rating.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Strawberry vanilla sounds really good to me right now….mmm…

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431 tasting notes

This is a sample that came in with my Lupicia Magazine. I have been considering ordering this one so I am happy I had the chance to try it. It really does taste like strawberry champagne. I do think next time I will steep it at 3mins instead of 4. Nevertheless, a solid tea I know need to order more of.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I love the name of this tea!

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4843 tasting notes

I received my Tea Magazine from Lupicia today with a sample of this inside.

I am very pleasantly surprised by this tea. It has such a lovely champagne and strawberry scent – very strong scent! – and that carries through in the taste. I’d prefer a cup of this on New Year’s Eve rather than champagne!

Very nice indeed! I like this very much!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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