You know me and roses—picky as all get out and more often than not I’m just like to hell with ‘em—but I’ve had this weird informal project of trying as many Butiki flavors and blends as possible because they impress me so much (and they’re so unique too), including flavors and scents I normally dislike. And people have been talking about how good this one is, so I thought I’d give it a shot. And lo. It is really good! It is definitely WHOA ROSES when you open the package (visually too, just loaded with stunning vibrantly hued rose buds—what a gorgeous tea, my gosh), full on, but it’s not musty at all. It is perfume-y granted, but it smells fresher than normal, heady and lush. Most importantly, once steeped and tasted, it’s the champagne that gets me—it does not TASTE at all like perfume; the aroma sort of wilts you in flower steam such that it’s like taking a scented bubble bath, but the flavor is a wonderful tart-yet-somehow-also-smooth thing that somehow evokes fizzy, crisp champagne (including champagne’s aftertaste, that transition of flavors…how does it do that?!). A lot of “romantic” teas end up tasting and smelling too weirdly sickly sweet, just…off. This is bright and fizzy and fresh and wonderful. As it cools it gets creamy and sweet. It really is like a genuine rose petal-strewn hot bath and champagne and creamy sweets. And it could not have come at a better time; I had a crappy blah day (nothing majorly catastrophic, just lots of grueling mundane toil and feeling grumpy and edgy and tired, you know?). This was exactly what I needed to relax and get my hackles un-raised. I can barely believe I truly dig a rose tea full on now.
I must seem like such a Butiki shill lately, eh? In case anyone’s curious, my binge Butiki drinking was brought on by my tea buddy mentioning she’d ordered a bunch of the fall flavored ones and was really digging them, which lead me to placing an order…stumbling upon a handful that made me go whoamygoshthisisincredible-mustreorderimmediately, and realizing that, looking back, I’ve had tons of perfect teas from them and now that I’m kind of “settling down” and phasing out of the “try every company ever” exploratory newbie phase, deciding which handful of tea vendors I want to regularly do business with, Butiki’s definitely going to be on the list. So it’s kind of made me want to just go through all the ones I’ve got around but haven’t tried yet. Hence the Butiki tealog fest. Sorry guys. I tend to get obsessive fangirl about some things (I was the same way with Verdant when I first joined here). Sheepish me.
I have so much tea though haha. In other news, I am planning to drop your tea off at the post office tomorrow or Wednesday. I will let you know once I do drop it off.