Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Butter, Cake, Frosting, Malt, Smooth, Sugar, Vanilla, Brown Sugar, Pineapple, Cream, Roasted Nuts, Caramel, Cherry, Pastries, Overripe Cherries, Molasses, Sweet, Creamy
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Edit tea info Last updated by Nik
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 303 ml

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164 Tasting Notes View all

  • “this may be headed for my swap list in short order. I had a cup of this to since i hadn’t had any in a really long time and couldn’t actually manage to finish the cup. I’m not sure if it’s the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am STILL steeping this tea! I am SHOCKED at how many re-steeps I have got from it! I lost track lol I think probably 6 steeps now! I have worked several hours on one project and this is the tea I...” Read full tasting note
  • “After much talk/begging/bullying from a friend I broke down and started watching Doctor Who. I don’t need one more thing to potentially suck hours of my life away, but I told my friend I’d give the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve accepted that this is just a really good cake tea without much fruit to it, so that what I was wanting when I grabbed it this afternoon to make a mug – although this has lots of larger fruit...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Pineapple, check. Brown sugar, check. Creamy butter, check. Delicious cake, check. What do we get… Pineapple Upside Down Cake. This tea starts off with a delicious tea base, and finishes off with a rich pineapple, brown sugar and creamy cake taste. Absolutely one of our owner’s personal favorites!

Ingredients: Black tea, pineapple bits and flavor, cream flavor, cherry bits

Suggested brewing tips:
- Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving
- Water Temp: 210°F
- Steep Time: 2-3 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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164 Tasting Notes

15620 tasting notes

this may be headed for my swap list in short order. I had a cup of this to since i hadn’t had any in a really long time and couldn’t actually manage to finish the cup. I’m not sure if it’s the result of being slightly sick or because i’ve just grown out of it but i’ll give it one more shot before it goes on the chopping block. I know there are tons of others out there who would love it way more than i do today heh


The Christmas tea I went to served this. Probably not Della Terra’s blend, but I really don’t know. It was definitely a black tea and tasted just like Della Terra’s blend. The tea room sells loose leaf teas in their own canisters and I know for a fact that some of them are from Harney & Sons, so maybe it isn’t a stretch to think they got this one from Della Terra. :) It was still good to me, though I will admit to having grown out of it somewhat and I wish they had offered more than just the one tea for the meal.


interesting heh. Yeah i’m fairly certain that i’m just over this. Which is OK. I thought of you today Nicole and i’m making cookies. If the recipe works i will share them with you because so far…the dough smells amaaaazing lol


Oh… that’s unfortunate. Amazing smelling dough often doesn’t live long enough to become real cookies in my house. LOL But yes, do share!!


This one is faaaar too sweet for me, and as I was making my way through my 1 oz. pouch, I’ll admit that it was getting harder and harder to finish.


sil….. i am not even looking at that link. not going to happen.


OMG I so didn’t even need to know about those. Just this morning my husband was saying I don’t make chocolate chip cookies nearly enough… I think these won’t fit into his definition of chocolate chip cookies, but I bet he’ll like them… :)


So. Good. :) now to work on improving the recipe mwahahaha


oh…my…I can’t even.


I liked my small sample a while back. I’d be interested in trying more, for those who don’t want it.


As for the link…I sent it to my friend who makes cookies when we visit him, and he said, “Yes, yes we will have to make these when you visit.”

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807 tasting notes

I am STILL steeping this tea! I am SHOCKED at how many re-steeps I have got from it! I lost track lol I think probably 6 steeps now! I have worked several hours on one project and this is the tea I keep resteeping! YUM still great flavor from it.


I LOVE this stuff but apparently have missed out on some extra steeps. Glad I have only had it once :)


Yeah I mean I had no idea either. Mainly the reason I was re-steeping at all was because I was too busy and tired to get more fresh tea out. But when I re-steeped the third time I was not expecting much from it lol but I was shocked to find this stuff re-steeps and re-steeps again!


Crazy! I find Della Terra teas generally don’t have enough flavour for re-steeps, although this one I did get one (and tbh, the leaves still had good aromas after that, but I threw them out). I’ll give more infusions a shot next time!


This one has been in my shopping list for a long time, want to try it so much! :D

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1118 tasting notes

After much talk/begging/bullying from a friend I broke down and started watching Doctor Who. I don’t need one more thing to potentially suck hours of my life away, but I told my friend I’d give the show a fair shot. In turn she is going to read Jane Eyre or The Brothers Karamazov, two of my favorite classic novels. I guess we’ll each broaden our horizons.

Before settling into the show I made a big mug of this tea. It’s very cake-y tonight. There’s still pineapple but not as much as usual. I am getting toward the bottom of my bag, so that might have something to do with it. At any rate, this is a wonderful dessert tea and perfect for curling up under a blanket while watching tv.


yay! another who-vian.

Lariel of Lórien

‘I drink pineapple cake tea. Pineapple cake tea is cool’.


I want to try this. I keep waiting for the chocolate covered strawberry to come back in a small size so I can order more things from Della Terra. :)


Lariel – hahah.
Which episode(s) are you starting with? For a reluctant first-timer that could make a very big difference! I started with 2005’s Series One, but it took me a few to get into it because some of it was cringe-worthy. It got so much better though. <3


Cavocorax, I’m starting with 2005’s series one, also. Nate, my friend, really likes the Doctor in season 2, but I started with the previous season just so I would have an idea of what’s going on. I’m only a few episodes in, so I’m still reserving judgement. :)

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17027 tasting notes

I’ve accepted that this is just a really good cake tea without much fruit to it, so that what I was wanting when I grabbed it this afternoon to make a mug – although this has lots of larger fruit chunks in it that my sample from Janelle didn’t have (that one had no extra stuff in it other than black leaf) so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t maybe secretly hoping for just a bit more pineapple from this cup…

Parameters were 1 1/2 tsp, for the 10 oz. mug of boiling water steeped for four minutes. The steeped smell is just the regular brown sugar heavy cake smell this normally has.

Taste wise it’s the same; perhaps the best cake tea I’ve ever had and very rich with deep, caramelized brown sugar notes. Sadly not even a touch of fruit taste – but that’s ok, I’ve accepted that’s not something I’m gonna get from this one. It’s amazing regardless, just with a poorly fitting name. No milk in this cup, but still super creamy regardless.



I didn’t get any fruit from this either. Maybe if I tried imaging hard enough, I’d get a bit haha.

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1271 tasting notes

I’ve been thinking about this tea for days. Every time I open my tin that has all my black Della Terra teas, I can smell this tea.

Sooo good! Had a small pot of this tea with some caramel waffle cookies, and they paired amazing together!
The yellow cakey flavor with pineapple is super yummy!

Only a couple days till Animal Crossing for the Nintendo 3DS!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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361 tasting notes

After dumping the previous tea, but still wanting something sweet, I pulled this one out. I haven’t had it hot in ages. This was my cold brew favorite over the summer. Happily, this tea still makes me smile. I’m sipping on this while seasoning my little tea yellow yixing teapot that has the orchid on it:

I’ll be using it for my taiwanese black teas. I know it’s recommended to brew them in glassware as they are pretty mild, but that teapot is so darn cute and delicate and just reminds me of what taiwanese tea would look like if it were a teapot, so I’m doing it!

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1792 tasting notes

My first order just arrived! I decided to go with this because I was oh so curious about this cake note everyone keeps talking about.

The dry leaf smells like… DT’s Red Velvet Cake. If you haven’t smelled that before, it is basically extra sweet, warm sugary cake with a a vat of frosting dumped on it. But almost to the point that it just smells like a sugary toothache. So, not a good thing after all.

This also tastes very similar. There is no pineapple to be had, unfortunately. I can at least taste the base in this blend more, and Pineapple Upside Down Cake lacks the oily film that DT’s has. It has a tiny bit of a film on top, but not nearly as much, most likely because there aren’t any sprinkles or white chocolate chips in here.

The aroma of the steeped tea is very tantalizing, though. The gooey sweetness has filled my entire bedroom. As a matter of fact, a while ago, I was trying to read an academic article for a paper while this was cooling, and I couldn’t for the life of me concentrate because it smelled so freakishly good. I had to drop what I was doing, come on Steepster, and talk about this.

PS: While I was brewing this up, my roommate asked me how/why the kitchen smelled like pancakes.


I made a sample of this one for a friend in a ziplock bag and left it in my bedroom….smelled up the whole room, but it smelled delicious! Ha!


It’s crazy how strong it is. I finished my cup half-an-hour ago and I still smell it haha.


Haha! Yum!!


Yeah, I love having some of this brewed up because I keep getting amazingly delicious whiffs of sweet caramel. Same deal with Red Velvet Cake.

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284 tasting notes

After a traveling ordeal which ended 60 hours later with us getting home (at least I am thankful for that), we are without luggage. ALL that’s important to us is in those suitcases. power cords, medications, three weeks forth of clothing…

anyway, I am home and I am alive, for which I am thankful. But I am cold, starving and exhausted. Can’t go anywhere until we chip away three weeks worth of snow that’s now frozen. Somehow have to make it to work tomorrow on whatever fumes I have left in me. Not in my car, in ME!.

So I made a pot of this. It’s gotta be good if you reach for it after weeks of deprivation, right? :) I sweetened it. Got nothing else I can put inside (unless curdled cream is your fancy) but it is so good. It raises my blood sugar enough that I don’t feel I’m going to pass out from exhaustion anymore.

Now I have to deal with more pressing problems. Happy 2014 everyone!

EDIT: I am not sure this is going to work but this is a shot of pearson this morning. There are THOUSANDS of unclaimed luggage. all the cancelled flights’ luggage being sent back, plus all the passengers who made it somehow, their luggage. there is not enough staff to deal with it all and some aircraft is frozen so the bags cannot be obtained. anyway, for your entertainment… hope it works.


eep! i hope you get everything sorted out!


My gosh, what an ordeal! I do hope you get your luggage, because that’s such a stressful experience, and you get hit with a fresh wave of panic every time you remember yet another thing that you don’t have until you find it. Yikes. I’m so glad you like this tea, though. I should try mine very soon.


How awful! I, too, hope that your luggage soon returns to you.


Luggages are a problem obviously, but I am so happy you are home finally. If I was closer, I’d give you a hand (though a small one!) with the shovelling part :-)


thanks for the kind words you guys! or gals, more like it.


oh no! hope it all sorts out!!


Ooh, sounds rough :/


hah. Trudeau’s twitpic could have been mine. And he wasn’t even there. Bah.


Sympathies, travelling and the weather… Memories. It once took us 4 hours to push off the gate in Montreal. First the gate was frozen, then not one but two AC got stuck behind us then we had to deice twice!. Nothing you can really do about it, just pray that everyone is a patient lot. The worst is when your stuck on the tarmac waiting for your gate to clear which could be minutes could be hours, with no way to get fresh catering and trying to keep passengers in the seats so you can move when your given permission. If it gets too cold nothing works, the baggage equipment freezes, the waterlines freeze etc. Altogether not fun. Glad you got home safely. My friends house has once again lost power after being out for more than 72 hours the last time! Hope you had a blast in Romania though.


Please don’t turn into an icicle. <3


(Or would it be a tea-sicle?)


(Oh NO, that looks so much like another word. I’m just going to be quiet now.)



@yyz Yes, we were on the tarmac for over an hour after finally being able to land. All the troubles you mentioned, we experienced. Thankfully our house was ok and we were able to get warm and sleep a bit. ANyway, that’s enough of this saga. Thanks again everyone!

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818 tasting notes

Drinking my last cup of this and I’m a little sad to see it go. I was pretty blown away by this tea when I first got it. It’s got such a great cake flavor. I do get the hint of pineapple that others find lacking, which makes this a great “tea copy” of the real thing. I feel like I’ve grown away from these super sweet dessert teas to more natural flavored ones, but occasionally, it’s nice to go back. This tea also has the most penetrating aroma ever, and in a good way! Maybe Della Terra should get into the candle business!

Overall, I’m not positive that I will buy more of this, mostly because there are so many teas out there to try, and I’m only one person! Ha! The other reason is that I really like this tea, but it doesn’t blow me away anymore. It sure is interesting to see how our taste buds evolve.


I’ve always liked Della Terra “dessert-y” teas. They doo a good job of replicating the real thing.


I really enjoy this as a “drink” but i can’t taste any actual tea flavor. But I really do like this as a sweet treat in the afternoon.


Ya, you’re right. The cakey flavor overpowers the tea flavor.


Definitely no tea flavour!

Della Terra Teas

Tealizzy, we actually used to make candles! haha.


Della Terra – that’s hilarious! Maybe you should do both! Ha! :)

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6119 tasting notes

Mmmmmm. Just getting pretty much a caramel flavour here, but man is it delicious. Sometimes I wish that there was actually some pineapple here, and then I remember that it seems I’m not actually terribly fond of pineapple in teas, as it turns out, so best it stays this way, haha.

ETA: Nom nom nom, delicious infusion #2. Tea is really hitting the spot for me today.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Since the pineapple is faint here I find it great for mixing to make other “cake” teas. Blueberry cake, chocolate cake, chai cake…


Ahahaha, chai cake. Yeah, the caramelly flavour is wonderful in this tea. Probably the strongest I’ve had! I imagine it would be great mixed with anything needing that boost of sweetness. I don’t find it particularly cakey myself, but it’s quite tasty.


dang now I wish I asked for this one in my sampler


Well, if you’ll notice on the spreadsheet, there’s a Della Terra order list, ahahahaha….


lol true!

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