White Chocolate

Tea type
White Tea
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Chocolate, Earth
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Edit tea info Last updated by Oolong Owl
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 319 ml

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46 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Wooaaahhh. Not sure what I’ve done here, but this is crazy bitter/astringent too. I think this one was oversteeped… maybe I’ll see if adding some water helps, because this one’s usually pretty...” Read full tasting note
  • “Who knew that getting back home, just 550 miles from where I had been, one state away, would be SO COLD. It’s finally reached 60 here but that’s still 25 degrees cooler (more w/the heat index!!)...” Read full tasting note
  • “Did a little experimenting with this one today. I had the brilliant idea to add pumpkin pie spice! I thought, you know, I really like getting a pumpkin spice white mocha at Starbucks, and I happen...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sip down! I also did a brainless pour from my tea pot, missing my cup completely, pouring right on my lap. At least the tea wasn’t really hot. Felt like trying this tea at 185F instead of the lower...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

If you love white tea and white chocolate you MUST have this tea! It combines the naturally sweet, slightly malty flavor of a fine white tea mixed with the ivory colored, sweet, cocoa derived confectioners creation of white chocolate! We think you’ll agree that these two just go together.

Ingredients: Pai Mu Tan white tea, white chocolate flavor, white chocolate chunks.

Suggested brewing tips:

Serving Size: 1 tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 149-158°F

Steep Time: 1- 3 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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46 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Wooaaahhh. Not sure what I’ve done here, but this is crazy bitter/astringent too. I think this one was oversteeped… maybe I’ll see if adding some water helps, because this one’s usually pretty tasty :(

ETA: I drank the first infusion anyway, and then proceeded to have two more fabulous ones. I am really, really liking this tea. White tea blends where you can actually taste the tea (e.g. Butiki’s Cantaloupe & Cream, DT’s Strawberry White) are really quite delicious. This has certainly made my list to order 1-2 ounces of in my next Della Terra order. This and Winter Nog. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.


I have done the same thing before and it becomes almost undrinkable. Amazing how an extra minute or two can ruin it.


I know!! Irritating. I did power through though, because there was enough good flavour and I couldn’t bear to dump it.


ugh, that’s no fun. I had a similar issue with Plum Pudding today

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1220 tasting notes

Who knew that getting back home, just 550 miles from where I had been, one state away, would be SO COLD. It’s finally reached 60 here but that’s still 25 degrees cooler (more w/the heat index!!) than what I’ve been used to for days. Meh.

I haven’t felt like drinking tea because I was still upset about the reasoning behind all my changes on here (I hope you still know who I am especially if the picture hasn’t changed for you yet.) and I’m just so tired. But today coldness is as strong as tiredness, so I had to try this one.

I cooled off my water WAY too much but it still worked out. I took the strainer out and the smell of white chocolate was so strong.

This tea is a white chocolate lover’s dream. I love the stuff, especially if it’s a decent kind. And this has the real flavor instead of just like that horrible white almond bark stuff. I would never have thought white chocolate would work with a white tea, but it’s absolutely amazing. No bitterness, just white chocolate blending amazingly well with a white tea.

Even cold now, it tastes like a white chocolate malt. It’s so creamy that it comes off like ice cream.

This is definitely a keeper!

2 min, 15 sec

Oh just rub your 60 degrees in my face lol.
I got this tea too, sounds good!


Well Amanda, no worries we recognize you :)
I still can see your pic as avatar but in your comments I can see another little pic of a brown bear I think…are my eyes ok or I am dreaming ?
Whatever it is, I can clearly recognize your writing style when you are reviewing a tea and I am always so happy to read you…gosh, now I want a cup of this white chocolate !


Yes, it’s a little black bear! I am hoping everyone still can recognize me by the writing style like you can. That is one thing I definitely cannot change!


No worries. I was lost for a moment when momo showed up on my dashboard, but I only had to read a couple of sentences to recognise you. =)


Please don’t stop writing your reviews! I recognize your writing and enjoy the posts. :)


I definitely won’t. Steepster is a high priority in my life and only something super, super serious would take me away <3


Yay! Good to know you are here to stay!


I don’t know what’s up, but just wanted to send my love & support! You are one of my many favourite steepsters to follow, so it’s good to know you’ll be sticking around, regardless of name <3


Now I’m a bit worried about your reasoning behind the changes…

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818 tasting notes

Did a little experimenting with this one today. I had the brilliant idea to add pumpkin pie spice! I thought, you know, I really like getting a pumpkin spice white mocha at Starbucks, and I happen to have some pumpkin pie spice I bought and have yet to use, sooo…thats it! I know, it’s supposed to be spring and all, but it was foggy and rainy most of the day. And why can’t I have pumpkin year round?

Turns out, it was kinda good, but it left a silty residue on my tongue and a bunch of silt at the bottom of the cup. I don’t care! It was fun!!!


Nice! Creative!


I used to do that with coffee. Definitely need to try it with tea!


I really need to start experimenting with my teas like this. It sounds yummy!

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1271 tasting notes

Sip down! I also did a brainless pour from my tea pot, missing my cup completely, pouring right on my lap. At least the tea wasn’t really hot.

Felt like trying this tea at 185F instead of the lower recommended temperature.
It came out really malty and chocolately, but with a weird, dry aftertaste. I kinda like it like this for the flavor. Alas, good bye White Chocolate. If I can sip down a few more Della Terras, I probably will do another order.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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292 tasting notes

I had a few steeps of this before bed last night, and it was quite delicious. I only have enough left for one more cup, but I don’t think I’ll reorder this one. It’s tasty though, and I am certainly looking forward to having it again.

2 min, 0 sec

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1308 tasting notes

I picked this up during BrewTEAlly Sweet’s stash sale. It called out to me a few nights ago, during my New Year’s Eve tea cocktail streak. I’m calling this concoction a White Chocolate Snowman.

1.5 tsps Della Terra White Chocolate
7 oz water
180 F
3 minutes
½ oz Baileys Original

The result is a creamy drink full of rich white chocolate flavor with a strong vanilla note. I actually used 1 oz of Baileys, but it came out too strong. I changed my recipe to call for ½ oz instead. Alas, this is a sipdown, so I can’t test out the mod.

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652 tasting notes

Della Terra I think I love you
But what am I so afraid of?
I’m afraid that I’m not sure of
A love there is no cure for

(I will elaborate when I get home :) )


Ok, so this is pretty tasty. Reminds me of Davidstea Cookie Dough a bit, but less fussy. I was surprised at the decent sized leaves, and it actually tasted like white chocolate! For reals! I am becoming acquainted with Della Terra’s simpler offerings lately (such as this, Dubbele Chocolade, Cafe Vanilla) and am loving them. No need to get all fancy when your flavoring is this tasty and well balanced! That’s what I like about Della Terra. They deliver. There’s nothing worse in my book than calling something “Chocolate Marshmallow Tea” (just made that up) and leaving me smacking my mouth together obnoxiously trying desperately to taste the chocolate or the marshmallow. That never happens with Della Terra, they promise flavour, and they deliver. I wish they would just open up a real live store in my little Canadian city so I could get a job there and drink free tea all day. Totally would.

Sorry, tangent. So anyway, this is tasty, simple but effective. I might prefer it over the fussiness of Davidstea’s Cookie Dough. I’ll probably order some. Thank you Alysha for letting me try this one!


Isn’t that what life is made of?


I preferred this one over Cookie Dough as well. It’s simple but flavourful. Glad you enjoyed it!


I sure did, thanks!!


I like cookie dough a lot so I should try this out. Sounds yummy!


I definitely suggest you try it :)

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1379 tasting notes

Today I had a dentist appointment to receive a filling and have a tooth extraction which is a huge step for me as I hate dentists. It’s nothing personal but my childhood dentist scarred me for life (for reasons I shall keep to myself for the time being) and it’s taken me a few years to pluck up the courage to visit. The work went well but I was horrified when I was given a care leaflet about looking after the blood clot where the extraction took place. The leaflet stated NO HOT TEA! I have been into my black tea’s as of late and my heart broke into two pieces.

I visited my mum as she lives not far from the dentists practice and she said a parcel arrived for me (I get parcels sent to my mums address as she is always in). My Della Terra order had arrived after I went crazy on Black Friday ordering stuff, it was the light at the end of my dreary tunnel.

The only tea that told me to brew less than boiling was this one which made it perfect to try first since it’s the only one suitable for the next 24 hours.

Anyway I’m starting to ramble so I will get to my review.

The loose tea smells very chocolatey though not specifically white but I can see spots of white chocolate flakes amongst the brown chopped up leaves.

Once brewed the tea forms a dark honey colour that smells as chocolatey as the loose mix.

I have been waiting all day to have a cup of tea and it’s now 5:33pm. My first sip and I can taste chocolate mixed in with a slightly malty and earthy Pai Mu Tan tea. It’s a nice mixture but I still wouldn’t say this was specifically white chocolate, it just has the generic chocolate smell. Perhaps I’m being a little picky as white chocolate is my favourite.

It’s almost like a hot chocolate but without the milk and creaminess aspect. It sweetens the more you drink and the malt flavour blends in more.

Happy with the blend overall, it reminds me of Maltesers but in tea form. :) It helps ease my days pain.

155 °F / 68 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I still haven’t received my black friday order :( Wish I would have got this one.


i like Maltesers!

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1598 tasting notes

I’m not sure if maybe I oversteeped it or the water was too hot, but this didn’t really make me think of white chocolate. It did remind me of DavidsTea’s Cookie Dough so I guess that makes sense, but this was slightly bitter. I’m happy I was able to try it, but I think I’d order one of the other chocolate teas instead.

Thanks JennyFur for the sample!


Ya, try steeping this for only a minute or so. It’s better that way.


Thanks! I’ll try to remember in case I get another sample to try!


Huh! This sounds like something Kelly would like.

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106 tasting notes

Dry: Smells very strongly of chocolate
Brewed: Tastes strongly of creamy chocolate with this idk how to describe it flavor.. I suppose its the white tea base the tea just has this complex flavor to it that is just delicious.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Yeah, I really enjoyed this one and felt like the white base coming through really worked :)


the white base /really/ came through and made the tea quite amazing.

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