Mint To Be (Organic)

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea Leaves, Coconut, Cornflower Petals, Natural Flavours, Peppermint
Chocolate, Creamy, Mint, Cream, Earth, Flowers, Grain, Vanilla, Peppermint, Coconut, Butterscotch, Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Nutty, Tannin, Corn Husk, Honey, Pine
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec 14 oz / 424 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The moment of truth…this tea is not how I remembered it. Not drastically different but not the same either. I recalled this being a York peppermint patty. Instead there is a stronger dark chocolate...” Read full tasting note
  • “This I just had to try ASAP. For one, I’m a coconut whore, and secondly, I love mint. So theoretically, this should be a win, right? The dry leaf is mostly pepperminty, kind of like an After Eight....” Read full tasting note
  • “The dry leaf for this tea smells so, so good. It smells like everything i’d hoped Santa’s secret would smell like but didn’t. I found Santa’s secret to taste like a very generic, mint black tea. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I tried this as a sample when it had no name, but thought I would order a bag to try again and form a real opinion. Firstly, good lord has my steeping skills improved since I first brewed this up!...” Read full tasting note


It’s no secret that some of our best ideas come from our customers. So when you guys asked David for a minty black tea, he knew he had to deliver. He took a rich base of black tea and cool peppermint, and added a creamy hint of coconut. To top it all off, he asked our customers to help him name it. We got tons of amazing name ideas, then everyone voted for their fave. We hope you all love the result as much as we do. Trust us – you and this tea are simply mint to be together.

Ingredients: organic black tea, peppermint, blue cornflower petals, coconut flakes. With natural flavouring.

Allergens: coconut

Price per 50g: $7.50

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

66 Tasting Notes

2 tasting notes

This is one of the few black teas i can stand, as i can drink it without sugar or milk, Love it, it is a staple in my collection

Flavors: Peppermint

6 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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2816 tasting notes

Picked this up at David’s recently, it is ok if you like a bit of mint in your tea. I like the way they described it with the coconut. Made it sound like it would be really creamy.

I don’t detect a lot of coconut and the black tea blend is a bit on the light side for me. It was good with some soymilk and a touch of sugar. Eh, this stuff is ok and I will probably finish it but it isn’t knocking me over with being fabulous. ;) Might try it as an iced tea someday, that would be really refreshing.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I was so excited when I saw this in their lineup! but then I realized it has coconut in it. Ugh.


I like coconut!


I do to, just in my teas… well I have become wary. I find it either takes on a profile I don’t like, takes over the tea entirely, or adds a sour/scratchy note (coconut oolong not counted). That said I have been pleasantly surprised on occasion :)

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326 tasting notes

Had this tasty little number as a latte today.

Mint is definitely the most prominent flavour, followed by coconut, then chocolate. I recall the chocolate being more noticeable and not even realizing there was coconut when drinking this black, but it’s been a while and I had a cold then. Overall rather cozy. A coconutty (totally a word) After 8 vibe that would probably make an excellent post-dinner tea session if it weren’t for the caffeine (not like that’s stopped me before). Not one I’d restock, but I could see picking up a to-go cup from time to time.

Flavors: Coconut, Mint

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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16967 tasting notes

From my Queue…

Ok, finally writing the tasting notes from the date I had with Face Eater like three weeks ago; these are essentially the last things in the queue (a few things from the last couple of days are left; but nothing this old).

To start the date off we went to DT; he got this one hot To Go and I got an iced Secret Weapon – review for that to come right after this one. Honestly, this isn’t the tea I would have recommended since it was essentially his first cup of tea ever – but he saw the name and decided this was going to be what he was having, before even really looking at the others or learning what was in it other than the, rather obvious, mint.

He did like it though; enough that after his cup he decided to buy 50g. Part of me really, really wanted to talk him out of it because I don’t think he’ll actually drink it regularly – and so the coconut in it is probably going to turn before he can finish it. But he was so proud of himself buying tea, so I just didn’t say anything…

We also decided that it’d be fun to make a DAVIDsTEA’s “Worst Hits” sampler for him; things that he just absolutely wouldn’t like at all. Don’t ask me why he wanted this because I don’t know – but the sort of cruel part of me was more than happy to oblige.

His sampler included:

- Lapsang Souchong Star
- Genmaicha*
- Hibiscus Punch
- Queen of Tarts
- Garcinia Goodness
- Coffee Pu’Erh**

*The sales associate recommended this one because we suspect all of the teas FE makes are going to be terribly prepared and fucked up, so he thought this would get really bitter and gnarly.

And this one was picked less so because we thought it’d be bad but more because he was curious what “earthy” tea tasted like and we thought it’d be a good way to introduce him to Pu’Erh without it being super unfamiliar since he’s a coffee drinker.

So far I know he’s made the Lapsang – and hated it. He did it side by side with Mint To Be as a ‘control’ and about halfway through each cup he mixed them together. Yeck.

The rest of the date was kind of nice too; we went to a comic book shop and I helped him pick out a Spiderman comic and a Deathpool comic to start off with (Spiderman’s my favourite hero, and Deathpool is the hero he was more curious about). I can’t remember what arc we decided on for Deathpool, but for Spiderman I thought it’d be fun to start him off with the Clone Saga. I know it’s controversial, but I really liked it…

The rest of the date was ok; we went out for pizza and had a good conversation. At the end he dropped me off, and there was another kiss – with less face eating! But if I’m being honest, I don’t know if there’ll be a third date. I mean, I feel terrible considering I just put together a super nasty package of tea for him and convinced him to drink it all – but as interesting as I find him, and as great a time as I have there’s just one really important problem…

I’m just not attracted to him. Ugh.

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43 tasting notes

A decent tea.. usually not a fan of mint teas but this one was not overly minty and had a nice coconut undertone

Flavors: Coconut, Peppermint

200 °F / 93 °C
Chris Coppens

Sounds good, I would definitely like to try it sometime!

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56 tasting notes

I love mint teas. I find them very comforting. When I got this in my 12 Days of Tea from DAVIDsTEA I was excited to try it. Then I got really confused. I had two tins of Mint to Be in the collection, but I was missing Cream of Earl Grey. Dry, the two look similar, so it was kind of hard to differentiate between the two in such small containers and I couldn’t tell if they were the same or if CoEG was placed in the wrong tin. It was kind of a hassle and I thought I had it figured out the other day when I wanted to have a minty tea….except it was CoEG. I can’t win! Today I decided I’d try this one, which is now clearly Mint to Be.

I don’t really smell mint in this dry tea. I don’t know what it smells like. To me, it smells similar to CoEG, but that could just be because of the confusion with the two tins (haha). I didn’t smell much mint or coconut really, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I made this as a hot tea. When I make my teas hot, the tea bag stays in for a long time. I’m not into timing my tea and taking the water temperature…too much work for me. Plus, I like my tea really strong.

I don’t understand this tea at all. It isn’t awful. I don’t taste mint until after I have taken a sip…its more of an aftertaste to me. Also, I find this tea kind of chocolatey, and I’m not a huge fan of chocolate flavored things that aren’t chocolates. I don’t taste coconut at all. Also, it kind of tasted like caramel to me. I was expecting this to be a lot mintier than it is, so I was kind of disappointed.

I’ve seen that a lot of people have compared it to Read My Lips and Santa’s Secret. I’ve never had Read My Lips, but Santa’s Secret is one of my favorites. If I had to choose between Santa’s Secret and Mint to Be, I’d pick Santa’s Secret in a heartbeat. It is mintier and creamier. Mint to Be just isn’t living up to my expectations.

Flavors: Butterscotch, Caramel, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Mint

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1 tasting notes

I got a sampler of this tea in a Christmas set purchased in November 2014 at the Grande Prairie, AB Davidstea. It’s lovely, but next time I will definitely steep it longer.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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103 tasting notes

I’ve tried this tea before and liked it more. This time it seems not quite so minty or something. It wasn’t what I expected.

Flavors: Mint

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60 tasting notes

Yup. Minty.

I got this iced when it was the tea of the day sometime in August, and it was nice. If you like mint. I’m not a huge mint fan, so this was just kind of generically minty to me. I suppose I can recall there being some sort of creaminess underneath, and I definitely noticed the caffeine later – oops, should have checked for that before getting it in the evening. Bah! Who needs sleep? Anyhow, it was refreshing and clean tasting and was the right thing to combat the heat of the day, but I don’t know that I would buy any, especially given that most people expect mint “tea” to be tea-free, heh.

If you love mint and want a bit of a caffeine pick-me-up, too, this is your dude right here.

Flavors: Cream, Mint


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114 tasting notes

So I just tried this tea.

I think it’s one of my favourite teas from this company. It’s organic, so unlike a lot of other teas from David’s Tea it’s sweet without having the occasional artificial tint.

It has peppermint, black tea, cornflowers and coconut. It’s got this really cool, minty, fresh, creamy sweetness. It feels like quite a well-balanced tea. It smells really strong and sweet – it was almost overwhelming when I had a look at the loose-leaf mixture.

But don’t worry – it has a really lovely flavour. I didn’t put any honey or sugar in it – it was sweet enough, but feel free to experiment. I didn’t put any milk in it because of the mint base, but there’s that option too.

This is a welcome addition to my cupboard, and I was pleasantly surprised by this tea.

Flavors: Coconut, Cream, Mint, Peppermint

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 14 OZ / 400 ML

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