From my Queue…
Ok, finally writing the tasting notes from the date I had with Face Eater like three weeks ago; these are essentially the last things in the queue (a few things from the last couple of days are left; but nothing this old).
To start the date off we went to DT; he got this one hot To Go and I got an iced Secret Weapon – review for that to come right after this one. Honestly, this isn’t the tea I would have recommended since it was essentially his first cup of tea ever – but he saw the name and decided this was going to be what he was having, before even really looking at the others or learning what was in it other than the, rather obvious, mint.
He did like it though; enough that after his cup he decided to buy 50g. Part of me really, really wanted to talk him out of it because I don’t think he’ll actually drink it regularly – and so the coconut in it is probably going to turn before he can finish it. But he was so proud of himself buying tea, so I just didn’t say anything…
We also decided that it’d be fun to make a DAVIDsTEA’s “Worst Hits” sampler for him; things that he just absolutely wouldn’t like at all. Don’t ask me why he wanted this because I don’t know – but the sort of cruel part of me was more than happy to oblige.
His sampler included:
- Lapsang Souchong Star
- Genmaicha*
- Hibiscus Punch
- Queen of Tarts
- Garcinia Goodness
- Coffee Pu’Erh**
*The sales associate recommended this one because we suspect all of the teas FE makes are going to be terribly prepared and fucked up, so he thought this would get really bitter and gnarly.
And this one was picked less so because we thought it’d be bad but more because he was curious what “earthy” tea tasted like and we thought it’d be a good way to introduce him to Pu’Erh without it being super unfamiliar since he’s a coffee drinker.
So far I know he’s made the Lapsang – and hated it. He did it side by side with Mint To Be as a ‘control’ and about halfway through each cup he mixed them together. Yeck.
The rest of the date was kind of nice too; we went to a comic book shop and I helped him pick out a Spiderman comic and a Deathpool comic to start off with (Spiderman’s my favourite hero, and Deathpool is the hero he was more curious about). I can’t remember what arc we decided on for Deathpool, but for Spiderman I thought it’d be fun to start him off with the Clone Saga. I know it’s controversial, but I really liked it…
The rest of the date was ok; we went out for pizza and had a good conversation. At the end he dropped me off, and there was another kiss – with less face eating! But if I’m being honest, I don’t know if there’ll be a third date. I mean, I feel terrible considering I just put together a super nasty package of tea for him and convinced him to drink it all – but as interesting as I find him, and as great a time as I have there’s just one really important problem…
I’m just not attracted to him. Ugh.