Birthday Cake

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Green Rooibos, Honeybush, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Red Rooibos, Sprinkles
Cake, Sugar, Sweet, Vanilla, Caramel, Maple, Rooibos, Maple Syrup, Brown Sugar, Cookie, Frosting, Pancake Syrup, Sugarcane, Candy, Cheesecake, Cream, Honey, Smooth, Almond, Coffee, Anise, Butter, Butterscotch, Creamy, Cinnamon
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 3 g 19 oz / 559 ml

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284 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Ok, so the tasting note for this is technically being posted AFTER my birthday has ended, but I did manage to squeak this cup in before the clock ticked midnight. Hooray! But yes, what better time...” Read full tasting note
  • “This cooled quite a bit as I got distracted by Lupicia and other tea related things. Now I am sipping on this as I continue to watch Homeland. It is always a nice, pleasant cup. It is also one of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Inspired by MissB, I made myself a giant mug of this. Topped with maple whipped cream, of course, since I have SO MUCH of it in my fridge. My apartment smells like candy, and the tea tastes so good...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipping this delicious little treat while catching up on paperwork and anticipating my birtday…which is Saturday…I’m not the kind of person to try to keep their birthday quiet. Anyway, such a...” Read full tasting note


Party like it’s your birthday

What’s the best thing about birthdays? It could be the presents, or spending time with loved ones, but let’s be honest. It’s all about the cake. With vanilla icing, and lots of sprinkles. And this sweet and festive rooibos blend brings the taste of birthday cake to your cup any day of the year – sprinkles and all. Best of all, not only is it low in calories, it also has all the goodness of rooibos. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

Ingredients: Red and green rooibos, honeybush, freeze-dried ice cream bits, sprinkles, natural and artificial flavoring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and eggs

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

284 Tasting Notes

16975 tasting notes

Ok, so the tasting note for this is technically being posted AFTER my birthday has ended, but I did manage to squeak this cup in before the clock ticked midnight. Hooray!

But yes, what better time to drink Birthday Cake than on your birthday? This tea was my choice today for a little celebration for myself instead of actually doling out the cash for a cake (which turns out I got anyway at work). It brewed up perfectly tonight to; which is fantastic! I couldn’t ask for a better cup of this!

Slightly woody, a little eggy, a whole lot of cakey vanilla! Birthday tea nirvana!

Also, I have to share here because I’m really excited about it! Next Wednesday, I have a date! I sorta know the guy, though not super well – but from what I do know of him I think he’s pretty awesome, and I’m definitely excited (HE HAS A BEARD!). So we’ll see how that goes…


YAY!!! Congrats on the tasty birthday cake tea on your birthday, the cake at work, and the date!!! Sounds like it has been a pretty good birthday.

Sami Kelsh

Birthdays and cake tea and a date? Aww yeahhhhhh! high fives


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday :)


I know this is an old post, but I was looking into this tea and read your tasting note on it. It brought up a question in my mind so if you wouldn’t mind I am going to ask you it. Were you excited because he had a beard and you like beards or just that he had a beard and that is new to you. Sorry to bug you, just curious ha ha.

Roswell Strange

Ha, no worries :) I was excited because I very, very much like beards and facial hair in general.


That’s awesome! You and I would get along swimmingly as I feel the very same way. :)

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6444 tasting notes

This cooled quite a bit as I got distracted by Lupicia and other tea related things. Now I am sipping on this as I continue to watch Homeland. It is always a nice, pleasant cup. It is also one of my oldest teas (August 2013) so I am hoping to finish off what I have soon but I’m sure I will be restocking it as it is one of the few caffeine-free options I consistently enjoy.


I didn’t even see your note. :D

Roswell Strange

Mine is also from August 2013 (my older teas minus things from swaps and such) XD Also, I got your Birthday Package today! Thanks so much <3


Yay!! I am glad it arrived. The birthday stuff is wrapped so you have the option to wait to open it on your actual birthday or not. I figured I would leave that up to you :)

Roswell Strange

I cheated and opened it all ;) Honestly, I didn’t even think of waiting until I’d opened everything and only then did I go “Wait, maybe I should have waited for my actual Birthday…”.

Roswell Strange

Also, I’m over 200 again ;P

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2291 tasting notes

Inspired by MissB, I made myself a giant mug of this. Topped with maple whipped cream, of course, since I have SO MUCH of it in my fridge.

My apartment smells like candy, and the tea tastes so good with the little bit of maple syrup, cream, and tiny bit of salt. So sweet and dessert-y, it’s perfect for those times you’re craving something sweet, but are still full from dinner.

I forgot how much I actually enjoy this one. Definitely prefer it to their Creme Brulee.

(I had a late dinner at 8pm because I went to see Thor 2. The movie was OK. Darcy was even more fun than I thought she’d be (Haven’t seen Thor 1 yet.), but there’s so much lead in to other movies at the end that it made me confused. I think it assumed more prior knowledge than it gave. I also prefer drooling over Captain America and the Black Widow, but that might just be me. :) )

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I loved reading this. :) And of course, now I want to try making my own whipped cream concoction.


I got a litre of whipping cream on sale. I’m not entirely certain I’ll be able to finish it. O.o Delicious, but so overwhelming.


You haven’t seen Thor 1 yet? That might explain why you thought 2 was just ok. :P I thought Thor was the WORST of the Avenger series movies, although I know people will disagree with me. It just seemed cheesy and ridiculous. :P


I would love to see more Black Widow too. :) I doubt she’d ever get her own movie, but she’s just so badass.


I had to watch that with no sound, but still – awesome! :)

I didn’t have any interest in watching Thor 1. When the dude who plays him bulks up and gets all puffy for the part, his attractiveness level goes way down… and honestly, superhero movies are about 1) eyecandy and 2) action.

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160 tasting notes

sipping this delicious little treat while catching up on paperwork and anticipating my birtday…which is Saturday…I’m not the kind of person to try to keep their birthday quiet. Anyway, such a delicious treat and the weather here got milder but just for today…never too hot for hot tea anyway.

Terri HarpLady

Happy upcoming birthday! :D

Josie Jade

Happy Early Birthday!!


Happy Early Birthday. :D Celebrate with… TEA!


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy Birthday!


HBD!!! I love this tea, too — my whole kitchen always smells as though I was baking something tasty when I make that tea! haha

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357 tasting notes

The smell of this seemed a bit oversweet, so I was cringing as I took my first sip of this tea. But I quickly found out that it tastes pretty good– it really was like vanilla birthday cake. You know, those sheet cakes with about a half inch of icing that usually has things like icing balloons or icing rosettes across the front. Don’t get me wrong this is a sweet rooibos, but I think it’s one of the better ones I’ve had from David’s Tea. I wouldn’t keep in stocked in my cupboard, but I’d probably repurchase it on occasion.

I must say, the greasy film this tea leaves on my mug is a bit of a turn off, but it’s not a huge deal for me.

On the flip-side, when I read that the ingredients include freeze dried ice cream bits, I said “cool! Astronaut food” I was instantly 12 years old again.

I can’t say the word Astronaut without thinking “Astronaut Mike Dexter”

Whoa! Random thoughts…I think I’m overtired…off too bed


Astronaut Mike Dexter…dream man.


lol – I’m happy to see that reference made sense to someone other than just me ;)

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806 tasting notes

some days are just so cold you need a little cake to help you get through it. It’s -42C right now and I’m the official mascot for icicles everywhere.

Iced 5 min, 0 sec

Oh wow! (That’s -43F) as much as I want too, I guess I should stop complaining about our +8F.

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863 tasting notes

Haven’t had this one in a while!

It really is a great rooibos. It leaves a film on my tongue, which I don’t really like, but it is naturally sweet and tastes like icing. And I love me some icing!

For whatever reason I’ve steered away from the caffeine free teas in my collection but I really do need to change that. This one is far too good to go 6 months (!?) in between cups!

Boiling 8 min or more
Terri HarpLady

I also didn’t drink much in the caffeine free genre for awhile, but now I’m trying to tone down my caffeine in the pm, so I’m revisiting those teas too. :)


Film on your tongue?! Uh oh.

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6119 tasting notes

Absolutely delicious. My roommate (who is leaving me in two days :( ) wanted to have tea with me tonight, so I was scouring my rooibos/honeybush blends and came across this one. Too precious to let her have a cup of it, but I had some myself (she had Alpine Punch and loved it, so I don’t feel bad!)

Why on earth do I have this rated so low?! Dessert in low-cal beverage form!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec

gross gross gross gross gross :P

Autistic Goblin

oh don’t worry Sil I’ll drink yours :D


Helena – thankfully i only got a small sample from Indigobloom. you can have all of the rest of’s at the store waiting to be brought home grin

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516 tasting notes

I’m pretty happy with this purchase. Although when I realized I went into DT and came out with 2 rooibos’ I kicked myself in the butt haha. (This one and Jolly Jellybean).

However, I was really not disappointed. On the contrary!

The dry smell is suuuper sweet, like funfetti cake mix YES! I frequent a recipe blog that uses funfetti all the time, so the smell of this tea makes me smile :)
It smells sweet, and looks even sweeter. More sweet.

Brewed! It’s still sweet! Man it’s delicious. Almost creamy from the ice cream bits and there is a strawberry flavour that is reminiscent of a pound cake with fresh cream and strawberries.

All in all, I hate those Safeway/Grocery Store bought cakes, but having a tea that tastes like them is 100% better!


I really haven’t been enthralled by DT’s latest couple sets of offerings. Three cake flavoured teas? Four citrus teas? Bleh. Glad to hear this one’s not bad – I had low hopes for it (but plan to pick up samples of everything anyway when I make it back there).

Daisy Chubb

Yeah it is kind of like… all the same thing inyourface! And the cake teas are all the same but.. slightly different… so it’s really weird. But! It’s tasty at least, I’m looking forward to the other cake teas, although I doubt I’ll break the bank on them haha


this one reminds me of Oh Canada, only a little more vanilla ish..
I think they’ve all been done already, there is little territory to explore!

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1220 tasting notes

Birthday cake birthday cake it’s been so long. This popcorn shop opened up in the shopping center nearby (we’re also getting a Starbucks, a froyo shop, a burrito place, and I think a bagel place? RECESSIONWHAT they seriously added another building to house all but the Starbucks) and it is basically the worst. They have 200 flavors and keep 100 on hand all the time. I had to get birthday cake. I’ve been munching on it since Monday and finally finished it but I want more cake.

Wanting just one more cup of tea for the day, I figured it had to be this.

The popcorn was more like white chocolate with sprinkles, maybe some kind of cake crumb in there but the chocolate really controlled everything. So this tea is a bit more what I want right now.

I still get more frosting than cake from this, and it still tastes like maple syrup just a bit. When it cools it starts to taste a bit more like cake. I don’t know about you guys but I like a modest cake to frosting ratio. I don’t want so much frosting that my poor cake is getting crushed underneath.

I have a couple new cake teas I bought to try and I need to get my paws on Red Velvet Cake. I think out of the set of cake teas from earlier this year this one remains my favorite. I’ve been giving people Ice Cream Cake a lot so I need to try that one again too.

I’m going to have to make such a big DT order come actual birthday time…jury’s still out whether I’ll get more of this one though despite the fact I really do like it. While it’s good I just am not sure it’s something I need to keep around.

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