Buttered Rum (Organic)

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea Leaves, Coconut, Cornflower Petals, Vanilla
Butter, Coconut, Milk, Nutty, Rum, Spices, Sugarcane, Artificial, Alcohol, Vanilla, Caramel, Butterscotch, Cream, Creamy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Fair Trade, Organic
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 357 ml

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Yo ho ho-conut

Hot buttered rum is so delicious we want it all day long. Unfortunately, most employers frown on workplace drunkenness, so we came up with this rich and creamy alternative. Toasted coconut and vanilla beans mingle with black tea in a caramelized caress of flavours. Decadent hot or iced, it also blends perfectly with dark rum, brown sugar and a dash of milk – so go ahead and indulge your inner pirate, off the clock. (MK Kosher)

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About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

414 Tasting Notes

17027 tasting notes

Heh, I forgot I steeped this up and it’s been sitting for like 20 minutes in my kitchen – and here I am like an idiot playing Pokemon and wondering why the house smells so yummy and buttery when no one’s cooked anything or used any butter or anything like that all day. At least I apparently took the teaball out before I forgot about making it…


So actually, the original reason for making this was to work on using up some of the really old leaf (meaning, from late August /13 – which I suppose isn’t too long ago) I have from DAVIDsTEA. This was one of my very “first” discoveries. I think it was actually from my first big purchase, to be honest. First DAVIDsTEA purchase, for myself, was Birthday Cake – and the second was 100g of six or seven different teas. I bet, if I thought really hard (or just read the labels on the tins) I could remember which ones they were, too…

Birthday Cake
Buttered Rum
Peppermint Amour
Salted Caramel
Pink Flamingo
Love Tea #7
Movie Night

Yeah, that sounds right. I still enjoy most of those quite a lot. Yay me, for picking out some really good ones as beginning teas! Anyway, this cup in particular is really coconut heavy and rich – but sadly the butterscotch notes I usually enjoy are a bit milder than I would prefer. I’m a little tempted to go make a mug of hot chocolate infused with some of this, because that’s really tasty. But I think not…

It’s getting a little late considering I’d like to get back to having a more ‘work appropriate’ sleep schedule, for when I inevitably have a job again. So maybe no more tea tonight. I had a pretty good tea day, though! No really major misses out of the new teas I tried.

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VariaTEA 11 years ago

MY FIRST PURCHASE WAS BIRTHDAY CAKE TOOO!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Actually, I bought others at the same time but the reason I want to Davids was to try their Birthday Cake tea.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

I realize now my excitement might have been slightly excessive.

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Technically my first purchase was Birthday Cake and Quangzhou Milk Oolong, both for my friend Skylar as a birthday present. She’s probably the biggest tea drinking friend I have (rivaled only by Robyn, whom lives here in S’toon with me) – and a HUGE part of why I even got into tea. It makes me sad because she’s a city away and I don’t get to talk tea/have tea with her plus I moved here before I really got into tea, so I’ve never really gotten to flip out about it with her. But I kept buying the Birthday Cake for tea drinking friends as a gimmicky kind of gift. It was a combination of my Mom coming back from China with some loose leaf that was yummy (I have no idea what it was, thinking back on it: it was heavily fruity and totally has hibiscus and other berries but there’s a darker kind of tea leaf in it, maybe an oolong) and getting really curious about the Birthday Cake I kept buying people that finally got me to try it. And look where I am now…

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Also, that was an unnecessarily long reply.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Haha I liked it.

I got into tea because I got sick and then decided I liked tea enough while I was sick, I would try other teas. And when I looked up DAVIDs online (having always walked by but never gone in) and saw they had a Birthday Cake tea I was sold. Then I started drinking teas and now here we are.

Plus, once I got into teas, it became more of a thing among my friends. Now when we hang out, we have “tea parties” which basically means we do what we usually did and I bring tea :P.

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

I grew up with bagged mint teas, and when I worked at the movie theatre my favourite thing ever was Bigelow’s Mint Medley drowned in cream when I had early morning/opening shifts. It kept me awake and alert. But other than that and the very occasional other teabag (usually a cinnamon/apple herbal) I jumped straight from bagged mint to loose leaf. I don’t think I’d ever tried a bagged tea with actual tea (just herbals) prior to drinking loose leaf…

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Oh, yes I had! RiverBlend Plantation’s Saskatoon Berry – which is black. I didn’t like it, at first. I didn’t know about tea getting bitter, though. So I was heavily oversteeping.

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6768 tasting notes

Jaime! Thank you!!!!!!!

She sent me some of this to try and I really REALLY Like it!

At first sip I could totally taste the rum comparison! After my first sip I started to notice some other things!

I could taste the vanilla as it cooled a bit but found it to be a bit peppery the colder it got, actually. This isn’t a bad thing! I think it contributes to that warm rum type taste without it actually being warm in temperature.

OH YES! And Coconut! LOVE the Coconut in this!!!

I like the buttery notes.

I was sitting here sipping – almost chugging, actually – while watching Harry Potter Trailers! I won’t be watching it this weekend when it opens but hopefully soon-after! Can’t wait!!!!

AND…I am throwing this in the SIPDOWN because I started and finished what I had today! :)

Jaime 14 years ago

I ordered a 100 gram tin this morning!

Bad Jaime, must decupboard more tea…

Kristin 14 years ago


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516 tasting notes

Oh my – found enough for one cup of this at the bottom of a tea drawer.
Um, yes. Hello! I still over-did it that time when I drank 100g in a week – but my love for you is returning Buttered Rum.

The sweetness. The coconut. The amazing rummy aftertaste. Yep, falling in love all over again. My wallet.. er.. not so much ;)

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tigress_al 13 years ago

wow, 100g in one week…that is crazy! Did you also know that this is amazing as an egg nog latte during the christmas holidays!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

ohh man I’ll have to add that to my list of holiday drinks! It may have been closer to a week and a half, but it was way too short a time to drink that much tea and not get sick of it haha!

Kittenna 13 years ago

Wow… the only sort of tea I could imagine going through that much of in that short a time would be a heavy fruit tisane, used for icing!! E.g. Tropicalia, Luscious Watermelon. :P

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Yeah, I wouldn’t do it again, but it was my first “hallelujah! tea is delicious!” tea – that may have put me over the edge ;)

CHAroma 13 years ago

Hahahaha! And I thought 56g in a week was a lot. :P

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3294 tasting notes

Let me tell you true. Once a mighty storm blew up around me, the Kracken rose & swallowed up all me mates & ship, and only I survived, afloat on drift wood until I felt sand between me toes. Marooned, I was, with nothin’ but coconuts & fish, an endless beach of palm trees & coves. Hopeless, it was.
Ah, but luck would have it that I chanced on a treasure so vast, so rich: casks of the finest rum that had washed ashore.
Coconuts & rum, love, is there more to life than that?
“Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirates Life For Me”

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caile 12 years ago

lol! I’m going to make this one later!

Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

I be tempted to pick me up a case o’ this tea later.

Nxtdoor 12 years ago

Coincidentally, my boss has an eye infection and his doctor gave him an eye patch to wear. I’m beginning to wonder if his doctor is effin with him. Lol

Nightshifter 12 years ago

Best tealog ever! :)

Lariel of Lórien 12 years ago

Drink this while watching Pirates of the Caribbean?

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

LOL! My sons & I are planning our 2nd annual Halloween pirate event. Last year we all dressed up as pirates & spent the whole night singing pirate songs while we handed out candy. This year we want to make the porch look like a pirate ship…somehow…Maybe turn some sheets into sails, hang a jolly roger flag…still working on all that. :)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Regarding this tea, I thought it tasted terrible, LOL.

Ali Bee's Bake Shop 12 years ago


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985 tasting notes

Oh Buttered Rum, How I love thee….. Creamy, buttery, sweet, coconutty, and something ‘otherly’ that must be rum.

And I am eternally grateful to my generous Canadian tea drinking friends who have helped supply my addiction! Thank you to Ottawa Tea, Uniquity, and the most recent package from aisling of tea. I do think I could be bribed to do just about anything with the promise of Buttered Rum. (I probably shouldn’t have said that!)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Daddyselephant 14 years ago

Be afraid, be very afraid…I have a phone interview with DavidsTea on Wednesday. stocks up on Buttered Rum for future Jen favors

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863 tasting notes

Butiki had a sale and they were on all the teas I wanted to try. AND they had the exact gaiwan I’ve been wanting – the earthen one with a spout (me and hot water are just SUCH a bad idea without a spout), AND it was payday.

So, bye bye monies.

But at least I work the next three days so the package will be like a reward for me being a productive citizen. :)

I wanted something buttery tonight (I love that my tea collection is that varied that I can want something “buttery” and actually have an option that fits) and coconut and vanilla are always among my favorite flavors so this worked well. I used about 1.5-2 tsp. to 10 oz water and added some sugar, but no milk. It didn’t need any extra creaminess – the butter note was very prominent on its own. The dry leaf has that tang of alcohol in the sent but luckily it isn’t evident at all in the brewed tea.

Just what I wanted. Yay!

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec
Sil 12 years ago

Green or brown? Or is it a different earthen gaiwan? Lol

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303 tasting notes

This poor tea. I got it in the mail today from my friend C, who is a very lovely and brilliant man, but with a fairly limited understanding of the reign of sheer violence and horror that is inter-European shipping. So like the nice, innocent Canadian he is, he put two DavidsTea tins in a padded envelope and dropped it in the mail for me when he was in London.

And thus the journey of terror started for the two unsuspecting Canadian tea tins.

As most of you know, DT tins aren’t the most robust in the world, and if you pack them together, in a somewhat floppy, soft envelope and don’t tape the lids or put them into individual plastic bags, all bets are off. Upon arrival, the padded envelope (when gently rustled) sounded much like an oversized tea bag and smelled very strongly of buttered rum.

So I crossed my fingers so very tightly that the tiny swoosh-swoosh coming from the envelope was not, in fact, an oolong swoosh.

If true disaster had struck, I would have separated the little oolong pearls from the black blend, but I never would have known for sure how much they’d affected each other.

But when I cut the envelope open, the oolong tin was just sitting there, lid in place; pristine, sort of glowy.

Seriously, my whole day today has been one of blessings and dodged near-disasters. I went out to buy lettuce. At the store, I realize I switched jackets, so I left my card behind. But the cashier is super nice and stashes my stuff for me until I get back. I come outside, and it’s pouring down. But I get to share an umbrella with a nice lady while I wait for the tram (mine even arrives before hers) and she teaches me all about a couple of really good bus lines in the meantime. Back at the store, no less than SIX PEOPLE let me jump the line, even though I explain the cashier is holding stuff for me. As I get back out again, it’s pouring down even worse, but this time around I brought my umbrella, so I can offer to share it with a girl who’s getting soaked. Turns out she’s taking the same course I took at the university here a few years back, so I get the latest gossip on the irresistible and illustrious Professore P. Then, in the street, I meet a guy I’ve been meaning to e-mail forever and I can finally invite him to do that thing (no, not that thing – a serious, researchy thing) and he’s excited and then I get home and I have TWO packages waiting for me, both containing awesome teas and lots of love. Oh, and my fax to the Vatican went through.

This day could have been so much worse if it hadn’t been for the kindness of friends, complete strangers, and the resilience of one small, brave DT tin.

So, again – this poor tea – now lost in a very lengthy post about completely different things. Consider this a preliminary tasting note – a tasting prologue.

More will follow.

[Gifted by C, October 2013.]

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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KittyLovesTea 11 years ago

Those sorts of days are wonderful, I hope it continues for you.

Anna 11 years ago

Seriously, my gratitude knows no bounds – I needed this kind of flow today.

Fuzzy_Peachkin 11 years ago

Quite a day! I’m glad people could help you out!

Tealizzy 11 years ago

Wow! What a day!

Tina 11 years ago

It sounds like the perfect day to me! Full of meetings, unexpected happenings and lots of friendly people. What more can you ask for!

Anna 11 years ago

A Skype session with you and M? Which I just got – so yeah; perfect day!

Tina 11 years ago

Yeah! No doubt! So perfect!

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160 tasting notes

I mean, what tea would you drink if you woke up to identity theft? Ok not real identity theft, credit card identity theft. I’ve already reviewed this tea so I’m taking this post as a vent session.

I got a recorded message this morning from one of my credit card companies saying they’d like me to call them to verify some recent transactions. I get this a lot from PayPal Bill me Later so I figured it was routine and whatnot. Called them back, and it turns out that there was a transaction attempted yesterday in Brooklyn NY for $900 somewhere (ummm I live in Northern Vermont), then there was another one for $750 in Target in Brooklyn (Vermont is one of the only 3 states without a Target, which just adds to my frustration). Luckily, my shopping habits are so that I didn’t have nearly $750 left on my limit and it got declined. There’s this angry badass side of me that wants to track down the SOB and sue the shit out of him (or her, sorry) but then there’s the tea drinking side that thinks a good meditation, a hot cup of a decadent tea, and my favorite lipgloss is all I need to bounce back.

Has this happened to anyone else? I know it’s super common in the US but I don’t know a single person who it has happened to and I never in a million years thought it would be me.

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Shmiracles 12 years ago

listen to this! A case of credit card fraud sets an amateur sleuth on a crime-solving caper…

Shmiracles 12 years ago

it hasn’t happened to me but i worry about it all the time. seriously.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

This happened to my mom through paypal a few ywars ago also and it was a nightmare to get the money refunded. I don’t ynderstand how someone can justify stealing another person’s money. I hope everything works out!

Jackie O 12 years ago

it worked out ok for me because the transactions got declined…because like what 23 year old social worker has ANY available balance on her credit card? haha. Someone legit made a copy of my card and swiped it, it wasn’t even an internet thing, and I had the original in my wallet the whole time.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

Oh my goodness, that’s scary! I’m glad it was declined!

Dinosara 12 years ago

Ugh, I feel you. My CC number got stolen the other day. It has happened a lot to me at this point, mostly because one of my previous credit cards from one particular bank was super unsecure and kept getting stolen. I literally had 3 new credit cards in 6 months, and it happened to some friends of mine with a card from the same bank. One time it was a copy-of-my-card thing like this, while I had the card in my possession. This most recent time it was a different card, but still annoying. Mostly just that though—annoying. You are never liable for the charges (even if they did go through) if the card is still in your possession, so its the inconvenience of waiting for a new card in the mail and updating your credit card information with places. I keep a backup card for just such occasions so I don’t get stuck without a CC.

Dinosara 12 years ago

Oh, and I could look back through my tasting log to find out what I drink afterward… usually one of my faves for comfort. :)

momo 12 years ago

My mom got a specific CapitalOne card for international travel before we spent a week in France, though I was there for my study abroad beforehand and I had my own card. About 8 months later, they call her about iTunes purchases with MY card number, which was NEVER even used!

My debit card will get shut down all the time if I use it as a credit card. It drives me nuts. I always accidentally hit “use as a credit card” when I’m reloading my transit card and that sets it off. I appreciate that they’re so pro-active about it, but the call to set them straight comes as soon as the train goes underground.

Veronica 12 years ago

It happened to me through a PayPal. It was such a pain to get it all straightened out. I stopped using PayPal because of it.

I hope you are able to get everything cleared up quickly!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Happened to my Mum when she was on vacation in Europe!

yyz 12 years ago

My aunt had her number swiped at a gas station and the thieves racked up $1000 in gas, bought a set of china and went to a fancy restaurant, luckily the credit card company forgave her these charges. On a more humerous note my cousin had an aunt who hardly ever used her card and almost never for large transactions, so when she spent over $300 for an outfit for her sons wedding the CC company called her almost as soon as she got home.

Claire 12 years ago

It’s happened to my Dad and it’s happened to Rayn. The person who stole Rayn’s cc number tried to buy a washing machine at home depot with it.

Alphakitty 12 years ago

Credit card theft seems almost inevitable :( I know SO many people it has happened to! A nurse at a hospital swiped my mom’s card (while she was in heart surgery) and bought dinner for an ENTIRE TOWN in Mexico. My boyfriend got his card stolen by someone trying to donate thousands to an Australian school… strange stuff.

Rob Rauschenberg 12 years ago

That’s awful, I’m glad the charges didn’t go through. Thieves are getting smarter and smarter. Technology makes it easier and easier for people to steal. Its so sad.

tea-sipper 12 years ago

This happened to my mom last week.. just in smaller amounts. hmm. I’m sorry it happened to you!

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6119 tasting notes

Comparing this one to Market Spice’s Rum Butter, this one is a little sweeter and more candy-like in aroma. Sniffing it, I am also reminded of some of DavidsTea’s rooibos blends. Not sure if it’s a flavouring association (although in this case, hopefully, since the bases shouldn’t be similar!).

Flavourwise, it’s a bit astringent, but sweet and rummy-tasting. There is coconut in this one, and it does come through a bit – perhaps that’s part of the flavour association? I should compare this to coconut cream pie as well. Haven’t had that one in a while since my bad experience one day in the field (using uber crappy field station water), which turned me off all teas I had that day (Malted ChocoMate, Jane Austen Mafia, Coconut Cream Pie, Blueberry Rooibos).

Although this is an unintended comparison, in terms of a desserty flavoured black, I think I liked 52teas Pot O’ Gold better than either of these. And although this one is sweeter and more desserty, the base of Rum Butter is definitely more appealing. My choice however, might be Pot of Gold… (I should do a direct comparison with Rum Butter though, as those two are the most similar. I guess it’s because of the butterscotch flavouring being pretty similar to buttered rum). So, bonus for coconut haters!

Another downside of this one is more oily scum on the top – Rum Butter barely had any. It’s possible that it’s due to the coconut flakes, though.

Second infusion (96C/5min): tastes a bit sweet/buttered rummy, but not a lot of base tea. Not bad, not great.

Dropping the rating here; I had it quite high but really wasn’t enjoying it as much as I apparently had previously.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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Lucy 13 years ago

I have been cold brewing this one (warm brewing in all honesty) and I find the creaminess comes out really well that way.

Kittenna 13 years ago

Warm brewing?? Do explain!

Lucy 13 years ago

Haha just using lukewarm to a bit warmer water. I dont measure the temp exactly, but definitely around 60-70*c I would say and let it sit for a while… Then put it in the fridge after 30 min. I just find I get so much more flavour and creaminess out of the coconut

Kittenna 13 years ago

Interesting. I should try it!

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902 tasting notes

So, basically, if a tea has something like “champagne” or “whiskey” in the name, I’m going to buy it, if for no other reason than I can drink it at work and pretend it’s a lovely cocktail or glass of wine. Buttered Rum? Of course I’m gonna try it!

The smell is fantastic. I was basically huffing the stuff as Chloe was working her tea magic. The taste: rich black tea, with creamy butter, the barest hint of coconut, and rum. Rummy-rum rum. I’m drinking this first cup straight, and will be adding the recommended milk/sugar to the next.

I have plans for this tea, yes I do: the morning of the first snow day (yes, I get snow days: let the envy start), I’m going to brew a big pot o’ this up, spike liberally with rum, sit in front of the window, and simply gaze at the fallen snow.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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Jaime 14 years ago

With brown sugar and milk, it’s okay. Now, keep in mind that I prefer unaltered tea, and am crap at figuring out how much milk/sugar to put in a cup. It does taste more buttery this way, but I prefer the plain, unaltered version myself.

Kristen 14 years ago

going to go try this one now!

Jaime 14 years ago

Let me know what you think!

Kristen 14 years ago

OMG Jaime I LOVED this one!!! I have to post my tasting note but am already plotting my next David’s Tea order and will be stocking up on this one!!!!

Jaime 14 years ago

Yup, I’m thinking I’m going to need a big tin of this! Was a great way to start the day!

Megan Parrell 13 years ago

This rummed up tea and watching falling snow idea sounds delightful! may have to do it myself!

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