Coffee Pu'erh

Tea type
Food Pu'erh Blend
Not available
Coffee, Earthy, Alcohol, Cake, Cocoa, Cream, Dirt, Earth, Milk, Sweet, Vanilla, Amaretto, Artificial, Smooth, Thick, Creamy, Almond, Chocolate, Bitter, Caramel, Toffee, Butterscotch, Mocha, Nutty, Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate, Hay, Nuts, Roasted
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 1 g 12 oz / 349 ml

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163 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I had the last of this in my to go mug this morning. Goodbye, delicious coffee pu’erh, I hardly knew ye. Ok, so I actually knew it almost every morning for the last week. I love this stuff, but I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This stuff is absolutely divine. But this is coming from somebody who drank coffee before she drank tea. I now prefer the latter over the former but that’s not what this review is about – I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Eeek! I forgot all about my reaction to this one last time and ordered it again, only this time as a latte. Hey if I’m limiting myself to one hot tea per week I might as well splurge a tad, right??...” Read full tasting note
  • “Okay, so, I have never had a pu’erh tea before. I’m a reformed coffee drinker (3 cups a day) and I am still a little out of my element here. Completely happy and joyful about exploring the world of...” Read full tasting note


How it tastes
A decadent combination of earthy pu’erh, bold coffee, creamy vanilla and almond

This pu’erh is the ultimate tea for coffee lovers. Laced with real coffee beans and rich vanilla, it’s the perfect alternative to your morning latte. Traditionally sipped by Chinese emperors for its digestive properties, metabolism-boosting pu’erh is a satisfying way to put an extra spring in your step.

What makes it great
• A tasty and satisfying option for people trying to switch from coffee to tea.
• Makes a killer iced latte. Say hello to your next afternoon indulgence!
• We added a rich base of pu’erh, well-loved for its metabolism-boosting properties.

Ingredients: Pu’erh tea, Roasted coffee beans, Natural (coffee, almond, vanilla) flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

163 Tasting Notes

5 tasting notes

For me, someone who loves coffee, this was a terrible substitute. For the tea lover in me, I was sorely disappointed as well. Weak yet bitter, the almond did nothing for it either.

The pu’erh’s strong flavours were done a disservice by the bitter, yet bland and water-y, coffee flavouring. The almond flavouring did nothing for me either.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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129 tasting notes

I’m someone that doesn’t tolerate coffee. Yes, I do enjoy Coffee Crisps bars and coffee cakes but I cannot swallow one sip of the sweetest Brazilian coffee. After trying Jumpy Monkey and actually liking it, I thought I would give a try to another coffee tea. Once steeped, the liquor is strangely opaque, like coffee. Unfortunately, this is too much for me. Maybe more vanilla aromas would make it better for me but, as it is, it’s too strong and too bitter.

However, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this to someone who is transitioning from coffee to tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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11 tasting notes

i can taste the puehr tea, the coffee and also the vanilla taste!

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107 tasting notes

it’s good coffee..but not tasting any puerh. hmmm…maybe flavored puerh is not for me. did a side by side with samovar blood orange and natural tea leaf lavender puerh. i was able to detect puerh in the others but the coffee flavor in this makes up for the lack. great for those wanting to sub tea for coffee but now im wondering about the caffeine content of this.. it might be half coffee half tea lol

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71 tasting notes

This is a really strange tea, but I like it with milk and sugar. Definitely tastes coffee-ish.

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79 tasting notes

Huh I’m amazed I never commented on this tea before. I drink this somewhat regularly and have a couple different ways I like to make it depending on what I’m going for. Typically if I want it to be more sweet coffee/chocolatey dessert tea, I steep it for about 2 minutes and put a bit of sugar (honey seems “wrong” with this one to me on account of the coffee) and almond milk in it. If I want it to be more earthy and tea-y, I let it steep for 5+ minutes, depending entirely on how much attention I’m paying it.

… I’ve been tempted to see how short steeps go for this, but just can’t be arsed to experiment when I really quite enjoy this as I’ve been doing it.

Also, I do rinse it briefly (~10 secs) with cooled boiling water off the start, which I don’t know if it’s “necessary”, but the initial rinse liquid does smell a bit wonky to me. If nothing else, in my mind it’s a good thing.

Edit: Oh of course NOW I see my old review pop up on the page. Oh well. I hope this one might be a bit more helpful at least.

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333 tasting notes

There are coffee beans in this blend! It has a pleasant, coffee-like aroma as well. I was a little wary of the base as I have not tried any of DAVIDs pu-erh blends before, but it did not display any offensive qualities. There was no fishiness, and reviews to the contrary seem to be from some time ago, so they may have improved the blend since then. As for the quality of the taste…was it earthy? Possibly. Did it taste like coffee? A little bit. Was it smooth and recognizably not black tea? Yes. Did it have its own complexity or distinguishing qualities? Not so much. But oddly enough, it was enjoyable to drink—maybe I just craved that aromatic, coffee-and-caramel experience in the morning. In all, if I were to recommend a flavored pu-erh blend, I would pick a different one (the tea base is much more pronounced in Lupicia’s blends, for instance), but this isn’t bad either. Thanks to beelicious for the sample!

Sakura Sushi

Glad to read your review. I was mildly curious about this one, but I always thought that if I wanted something that tasted like coffee, I would just, y’know, drink coffee. ;)


It doesn’t taste quite like coffee, either…so if you want coffee, the real thing is still your surest bet :)

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6 tasting notes

I am addicted to this tea! I used to be an avid coffee drinker but was finding myself getting bored with my daily cup so I thought I would try some more teas. I was initially quite scared to try a Pu’erh tea as I have seen some comments mentioning rotting fish. I was pleasantly surprised when I brewed this and and detected only a slight oceanic scent. This does have a slight earthyness along with a subtle chocolate-coffee flavour I just cant get enough of. This coupled with the fact that I cannot detect any bitterness in this tea it makes for a very drinkable cup.

5 min, 0 sec 1 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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41 tasting notes

Ha! That’s it! I always tend to oversteep my teas. This time I’ve tried this again for no more than 4 minutes and that’s the key! The pu’erh earthy taste is very subtle now, I mostly get coffee and a hint of vanilla, much much better!

Flavors: Coffee, Vanilla


Hahaha, I used to do that too, and once I realized it, there was such an incredible difference.


Yes, I thought black teas were quite forgiving with steeping times but not this one apparently… Now it tastes a lot more like a coffee crisp :)

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190 tasting notes

I was craving something rich and coffee-like today so I opted to get a hot up of Coffee Pu’erh. This tea smells amazing as a dry leaf and when brewed. It is definitely related to coffee but made more gentle by the smooth, earthy pu erh, instead of coffee’s usual acidity. Chocolate is present throughout the flavors, perhaps even more strongly than the coffee flavor. This is an example of a blend that tastes sweet in a rich way instead of just a candy-like way, and I enjoy it much more than the usual sugar-inspired blends at Davids Teas. I took this tea without sugar or milk, and let it steep a little long. I bet as a late this is amazing. This satisfied my coffee/late cravings without sugar, acidity, and lighter on the caffeine. This might become a new staple for me as a way to drink less coffee. Every bit as satisfying in mouthfeel, taste, and smell.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cocoa, Coffee, Creamy, Earth

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