Coffee Pu'erh

Tea type
Food Pu'erh Blend
Not available
Coffee, Earthy, Alcohol, Cake, Cocoa, Cream, Dirt, Earth, Milk, Sweet, Vanilla, Amaretto, Artificial, Smooth, Thick, Creamy, Almond, Chocolate, Bitter, Caramel, Toffee, Butterscotch, Mocha, Nutty, Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate, Hay, Nuts, Roasted
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 1 g 12 oz / 349 ml

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163 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I had the last of this in my to go mug this morning. Goodbye, delicious coffee pu’erh, I hardly knew ye. Ok, so I actually knew it almost every morning for the last week. I love this stuff, but I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This stuff is absolutely divine. But this is coming from somebody who drank coffee before she drank tea. I now prefer the latter over the former but that’s not what this review is about – I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Eeek! I forgot all about my reaction to this one last time and ordered it again, only this time as a latte. Hey if I’m limiting myself to one hot tea per week I might as well splurge a tad, right??...” Read full tasting note
  • “Okay, so, I have never had a pu’erh tea before. I’m a reformed coffee drinker (3 cups a day) and I am still a little out of my element here. Completely happy and joyful about exploring the world of...” Read full tasting note


How it tastes
A decadent combination of earthy pu’erh, bold coffee, creamy vanilla and almond

This pu’erh is the ultimate tea for coffee lovers. Laced with real coffee beans and rich vanilla, it’s the perfect alternative to your morning latte. Traditionally sipped by Chinese emperors for its digestive properties, metabolism-boosting pu’erh is a satisfying way to put an extra spring in your step.

What makes it great
• A tasty and satisfying option for people trying to switch from coffee to tea.
• Makes a killer iced latte. Say hello to your next afternoon indulgence!
• We added a rich base of pu’erh, well-loved for its metabolism-boosting properties.

Ingredients: Pu’erh tea, Roasted coffee beans, Natural (coffee, almond, vanilla) flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

163 Tasting Notes

51 tasting notes

Got a tiny bag of this (16g) just because I’d never tried a puerh and this one smelled the best to me (plus I like mates, which are coffeeish at times so this seemed like a good bet). It certainly has a distinct scent from other teas. “Earthy” and “roasty” come to mind and it kind of reminds me of the maltiness of like….rich soil. Not that it smells/tastes like soil. But it has the same rich, malty qualities. Oh lord, this is what happens when I try to explain things…
So I brewed it for 4 minutes with near boiling water and it was VERY dark. Coffee dark, which was nice. It did taste coffeeish, but reminded me very distinctly of the kitchen of my late grandmother who was a heavy smoker. Sort of like…stale coffee and old cigarette smoke. There was definitely a stale, ashy stagnance to it.
Needless to say that while I appreciated the trip down memory lane, I am not a fan of puerh, which is why I didn’t give this an awful rating. I think its hard to accurately rate a tea when I just don’t like the tea type.
It does have a lot of flavour and is quite robust, so I imagine that it would be quite good if you do like puerh.
Glad I got to try it in a small quantity, because now I know and I’m not out a chunk of money with a 25g bag kicking around.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Ha, I’m not really a fan either! This was my first pu-erh many moons ago and it wasn’t my thing.


oh dear no, this is a terrible example of pu’erh lol! perhaps the ginger pu-erh?


(goes well with honey!)


Thanks for the heads up! Next time I get to a store I’ll try a bit of that and see if it improves my opinion of pu-erh!


if that doesn’t work I can send you some real unflavoured pu’erh! I find the DT versions have a little bit of a fishy smell anyhow


Indigobloom – completely agree that the DT ones are fishy, but the ginger one is one of the better ones :)


I agree! esp since I mostly drink it when sick :P

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119 tasting notes

In an attempt to finish (or at least try) all of the 4872876548 samples that I have, I decided that I would make a goal to finish all of the ones that the wonderful Bonnie sent me forever and a half ago (thanks again, Bonnie!).

I decided that since it’s still early (well, early-ish), I decided to pick this first out of my remaining selection as it’s coffee and it fits the theme. I did a quick (15 seconds?) rinse of this to get rid of the the fishy smell and then I brewed at 200 degrees for 5 minutes. This is good! I wouldn’t say I like it as much as the chocolate orange pu-erh, but I like this one a lot! It has a nice and smooth coffee flavor (like when you get iced coffee and it tastes like coffee but without the harsh bitter edge to it) and it also has a nice caramel flavor to it. This is good! Actually, the more I drink it, the more I like it! This will definitely be going in the basket with my next DAVIDsTEA purchase! I plan on steeping this one again and making a latte (as par Bonnie’s directions). I think that will be heaven on earth!

Thanks again Bonnie!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Good job!

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814 tasting notes

i can smell the chocolate, caramel and almond flavour. this one is better than the rest of davidsteas pu-erh’s at least. but that’s not really saying much.

they do flavoured and fun teas so well. for example their oolongs are always enjoyable. so it seem strange to me that davidsteas made an entire collection of pu-erhs and somehow managed to suck all of the vibrancy and poetry out of the leaves. like a white tea or some jasmine pearls, even if the tea isn’t the best harvest ever it can still be good. it can still put you in touch with nature and have some depth.

i procrastinated and procrastinated drinking this coffee pu-erh for a very long time cuz i was dreading how bad it might be. but honestly, it might be the better of the pu-erh set. so if you like davidstea and you wanna drink pu-erh, pick this one or chocolate orange. but also, go buy some pu-erh somewhere else too. and keep giving it a chance.

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33 tasting notes

I was a little scared to try Pu’erh due to coming across many that describe a fish like odor and taste to it. But the earthy, dirt taste that some described intrigued me to get some.
I am not sure why I chose this one for my first pu’erh but I was on DavidsTea for the first time and this one caught my eye. I am thinking due to the coffee flavoring and the idea of having another nice breakfast tea.
The tea comes in a nice mylar resealable pouch. The tea is very dark with whole coffee beans in it. The aroma smelled of chocolate and almonds. Not the strong fake amaretto liquor flavoring but like roasted almonds. To my delight there was no fish smell!
This tea brews up nice a dark, like a cup of coffee. I added cream and sugar to it. I should of tried it straight but that is how I drink my coffee mostly and I wanted it like my coffee.
You know how you tip up the hot tea and the steamy aroma fills your mouth and that is your first taste? That was where I got a faint taste of very fresh sushi, a mix of extremely fresh tuna and mild seaweed. Not really strong but it was there and it was so quick I might not have noticed if I had never read any reviews on pu’erh. Once the tea liquor was on my tongue I tasted creamy chocolate, then almond and then caramel. Some how I missed any coffee flavor though. The aftertaste was very earthy, I am not sure I would describe it as tasting like dirt but the taste was very pleasant, not bitter. With subsequent sips the sushi taste goes away, still no coffee taste. This tea did dry my mouth out a little after each sip.
Overall pretty good, but I don’t think I would purchase it again.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I’ve read from others that Davidtea’s pu’erh is often fishy, maybe another company would have one you’d like :)


I will definitely try some more pu’erh. I loved the earthy, robust flavor. I think I just leave coffee as coffee and tea as tea!


i will agree, drink more puerh OTHER than davidstea if you can. cuz if you liked this one you are gonna super love those. i swear they tasted like entirely different teas to me.
i do like their chocolate orange puerh though. i bought a lot of that one. :)


Ditto to the chocolate orange :)

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13 tasting notes

Ugh!! Soo not my cup of tea!!! It smelled like fishand tasted like fish and i dont like to eat fish much less drink it. It was my first purea and to be honwyt im scared to try another one i dont know why i tasted and smelled fish their were no other flavors just fish and tea taste. I do enjoy coffee alot tho


I can’t get over the fishiness that Pu’erh has, either. I notice it the most in my Ginger Pu’erh and I don’t know any tips to reduce it.


Do a quick rinse of 20-30 seconds in boiling water, dump that water, and then steep it again as usual. It should get rid of that taste!


What momo said. :) Also, if you steep it in a gaiwan, using short steeps of 45 seconds for the first infusion, and so on, the flavors won’t become so intense.


how does one do a rinse? :D never done one before!


A gaiwan makes the rinse very easy. Just pour the hot water over the leaves, count to 10 or 15 and then strain off the liquid. Then brew as usual.


Well thank you ill try that i never had purea but my friend loved this tea she said i was crazy and didnt sence any fish about it! Ol but thanks so much everyone!


10-15 second rinsing? thats a bit overkill. I haven’t had many flavored pu-erh but I rinse pu-erh for 1-3 seconds, toss water, then first steep is ~30 seconds. second is 15 seconds, third is 30 seconds, and increase 15 seconds for all subsequent steeps. Some pu-erh I increase to 30 second incrementing. I also use ~1.5 tsp in a gaiwan which holds 3 oz of water.

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200 tasting notes

A while ago, I brewed up some Cafe Puer from Lupicia which is basically the same concept as this tea. I liked it a LOT, but then when I went on the website I saw that it was discontinued. Well, that’s what I get for drinking older tea. So when I saw David’sTea had a very similar tea, I knew I would have to get it. I stopped in on my trip to New York and picked up a small amount.

I brewed some today, and I think I didn’t use the right leaf ratio because it’s pretty weak. I can definitely taste the coffee notes, but it’s more like water with coffee essence. I bet there’s more to this tea, I just have to use more leaf next time. Until then, I’ll hold off on a rating.

This is the one downside to having small amounts of tea. You don’t really get a lot to play with. But with all the teas I wanted to try at DavidsTea, there’s no way I could justify buying 50g of each. Oh how I wish I lived close or at least closer to a DavidsTea.

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871 tasting notes

This tea has a mix of loose leaf tea mixed with whole coffee beans.

The dry tea smells almost like a mocha, a bit of coffee, a bit of milk chocolate. It smells creamy.

The brewed tea is hard to taste when it is hot, there is almost no taste. The taste starts to appear as it cools. It has some elements of coffee, but I wouldn’t really say that it tastes like coffee. There is a slight coffee taste very quick in the aftertaste but then it disappears. There is a kind of cocoa taste to the tea. This one is a bit creamy and does taste smooth. The coffee taste is either blending really well with the tea or it is completely masking the taste of the tea.

Also made this one iced as recommended by the David’s tea. I used double the amount of tea for 4 minutes in boiling water, then added ice. It is not too bad. It tastes like a drink that may be not mixed well. Like when it feels like there is sediment floating around in the drink. It tastes like really weak coffee. Not earthy, but dirt-y. It is very dry tasting. My vote would be to have this one luke-warm and not hot or cold.

Overall, if I am looking for coffee, I think I will just have a cup of coffee and save the tea for tea-time.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1113 tasting notes

I forgot to pack my daily tea to bring with me to work today! Lately I’ve been bringing whatever I’m in the mood for any given morning. So today I’m stuck with whatever is hanging out in my desk tea stash. I used to really love this tea! Now it just tastes like hazelnut coffee…meh. It is alright, I’m just more into straight teas these days, I think…or more sophisticated flavored teas maybe! shrug

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133 tasting notes

An offering from the Sweet Indulgence sampler…

I have mixed feelings going into this. I really like coffee, but haven’t had it in months. But the fishiness of pu’erh is kind of a turnoff. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE seafood, but not the old-fish-outta-the-water smell it can sometimes have.

Brewed 3 grams in 8 oz. of water and waited to cool down some. I can taste some fishiness, but it’s not bad enough to not drink the cup. There’s a slight sweetness to this brew, unlike actual coffee.

I added a touch of milk and found that it’s very nice with the addition.

Resteeped for 6 minutes. Added sweetener and milk and found that I like this version the best, even though the coffee pu’erh is sweet enough on its own. The additions tend to bring out the sweetness and muddle the fishiness.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec

you could try rinsing it, that might help with the fishiness.

Will Work For Tea

Oh, I forgot to say that I did! It was really quick – like 5 seconds. Maybe a longer rinse?


Couldn’t hurt to try, I guess

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86 tasting notes

A nice lazy Saturday morning. I love these kinds of days, and they come so rarely for me. I’m trying to get my butt in gear to go visit the Farmer’s Market, but first some tea.

I really like Coffee Pu’erh. Smoother than coffee, stronger than most teas I drink. Today I’m having it latte style, and it’s wonderful. This is the only pu’erh I’ve ever tried, so I’m not sure about the fishiness that everyone keeps talking about. I’ll have to get some and try that. With this, I really love the chocolate tones. I get the barest hint of caramel today. But it’s mostly the coffee/tea combo that I really enjoy.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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