Oh Canada!

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Caramel, Green Rooibos, Honeybush Leaves, Rooibos, Toffee
Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Maple, Sweet, Rooibos, Tobacco, Vanilla, Maple Syrup, Wood, Artificial, Earth, Candy, Nectar, Nutty, Pancake Syrup, Sugar, Sugarcane, Creamy, Autumn Leaf Pile, Butterscotch, Sweet, Warm Grass, Grain, Hay, Wheat, Butter, Toffee, Marshmallow, Marzipan, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 4 g 18 oz / 547 ml

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287 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh Canada! Oh the incredible aroma! I’ve been having this often recently! I like it a lot a lot a lot! However it’s time to share now: Mini-Contest Time :) - Rules To win: You must comment on this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was recently given 2oz of this tea from my Reddit coffee and tea exchange partner which beats the 10g sample I had in my cupboard. So it’s time to use this sample and see if I like this tea since...” Read full tasting note
  • “I feel like a maple. There really aren’t enough maple teas out there to be honest. This will satisfy your maple craving but I wish there was one out there without artificial flavouring. Even if I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Got this as my second eggnog latte as it came recommended by the sales associate when I asked them what would be a good caffeine free option other than Creme Brulee. Also, I had considered this one...” Read full tasting note


It’s all about the leaf

Looking for a taste of Canada? Try this red rooibos tea. It’s sweetened with (what else?) maple syrup and sprinkled with delicious maple leaf candies. Plus it’s 100% diplomatic (well, caffeine-free) and tastes great in both our official languages. With green rooibos, honeybush, caramel and toffee bits to shake things up. A truly authentic Canadian experience.

Ingredients: South African green and red rooibos, honeybush, caramel bits, toffee bits, candy leaves, artificial and natural flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and tree nuts

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

287 Tasting Notes

51 tasting notes

Oh Canada! Oh the incredible aroma! I’ve been having this often recently! I like it a lot a lot a lot! However it’s time to share now: Mini-Contest Time :)

- Rules
To win: You must comment on this tealog the answer to this question : What is the wildest name of tea you’ve ever heard of? Could be funny, strange,creative, or just plain CLEVER!
You may enter many times, as long as you post them on seperate comments. NO LIMIT
I will close this one tomorrow morning and hope to get it out to ya tomorrow!

Prize :
The winner will win a little sample from my Oh Canada tin I love so much :)
It’s good stuff I’m telling you :D!

Good Luck, Follow me for more mini contests like this one in the future.



I’ve always thought Get Lost! (from Republic of tea) was quite rude, kinda makes me wanna b!t{h slap the tea.


Zombie Blood Orange (from Adagio via Think Geek)


And then there’s always Pu Erh (especially if you pronounce it Pooh-AIR instead of Pooh- Err)- points for accurate naming and weird name:)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Great contest…I plan on naming a bunch may the best man or woman win. :-)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Here goes…“Me Sooo Horney Tea Blues” By, Woodie B. Adagio Signature Blend

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

2. Can’t sleep Clowns Will Eat Me By, Elenore Justice Adagio Signature Blend


“dragon balls” i think it’s hysterical


Hahah! I’m with you there, AmazonV! :)


Ahhh Taste My Hot Sticky Buns! (Adagio Signature Blend)


Camel’s Breath Pu-erh Tuocha (Chicago Tea Garden)


And the winner is…………..
AmazonV with the tea: Dragon Balls. hahah could mean anything :P Made me laugh, This was a fun contest, looking forward to more of these in the future.
Please PM me your addy so I could get the sample from my tin of Oh Canada out to you.


Congrats AmazonV!!!! She’s just winning all sorts of things!


LOL — what a great contest! Congratulations AmazonV :) and thanks to all who made me laugh with their responses!


oh AmazonV you opened a whole new scenery in my mind with that comment :D not sure if i should thank you lol

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Way to go AmazonV you totally deserve this win…when I saw your entry I almost spit my tea out. :-)


lol, thanks everyone and especially Jon :) that tea name always makes me giggle, so many different things it could be, ever need a good laugh go read all the tasting notes :) barely anyone can keep a straight face when reviewing them


Man, what a bad day to be out of commission. This sounded fun!

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1379 tasting notes

I was recently given 2oz of this tea from my Reddit coffee and tea exchange partner which beats the 10g sample I had in my cupboard. So it’s time to use this sample and see if I like this tea since I now have so much of it. :)

Holy kitty …. it smells just like maple syrup when it’s steeped. The rooibos is not detectable in the scent (thankfully). Wow I’m so surprised as the raw tea was not this potent.

It tastes like maple syrup too. I have a family friend that lives in Canada and when my mum visited a couple of years ago she bought me back a bottle of real Canadian maple syrup so I do have the basis for comparison. It’s sweet with dark sticky tones and a mellow smoothness. The rooibos base works very well.

Leaving this one short as I just found out my best friend has a brain tumour. Just got off the phone with her, been waiting for the news for a while but didn’t expect this. Shall review this properly when I can think straight.


hoping for the best and that it’s benign.


I’m sorry about your friend. I hope that this is an operable kind since I do have friends that have had successful surgeries.


So sorry about your friend, sending good thoughts your way


Sending well wishes!


Oh my goodness. Sending my thoughts and prayers to you.

Terri HarpLady

Sorry to hear this scary news! Hopefully it will all turn out ok. Sending good vibes for you & your friend.


I’m so sorry to to hear that :( HUGS


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will be okay in the end.

Josie Jade

Sorry to hear about your friend, sending many well wishes your way!


sending hugs and prayers to you and your friend

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806 tasting notes

I feel like a maple. There really aren’t enough maple teas out there to be honest. This will satisfy your maple craving but I wish there was one out there without artificial flavouring. Even if I do think the little maple leafs are cute.

Flavors: Maple

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

Have you tried their Birthday Cake rooibos yet? I swear that tastes even more like maple than this, in an artificial maple sandwich cookie type of way. So I know that wouldn’t solve your problem.

Autistic Goblin

Yeah I have the Birthday Cake one as well. I get a vanilla maple vibe out of that one. Which I am perfectly okay with. We really need a maple fudge one though. I LOVE maple fudge.


You know, I haven’t tried maple fudge before? Next time I see it, I’ll pick some up. :)

Autistic Goblin

You have never had maple fudge??? you poor poor soul. Rocky Mountain usually makes some good fudge. Cabela’s I think has maple fudge as well.


I second Rocky Mountain, they sell mostly in Canada and the US East Coast that I have seen. Maple fudge is fantastic (nothing beans rum and raisin, though).

Autistic Goblin

I hate raisin and rum on their own though so anything with them in it would suffer. I love Rocky Mountain chocolate and fudge though :D


Sweet, next time I pass a Rocky Mountain Chocolate, I’ll see if they have any. I agree, their chocolate is pretty good! So I bet their fudge must be too.


PS: That maple walnut fudge from Rocky Mountain? So scrumptious! Thanks for the recommendation. I can totally see myself getting more in the future. That maple flavour is simply wonderful.

Autistic Goblin

Glad you liked it!

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6444 tasting notes

Got this as my second eggnog latte as it came recommended by the sales associate when I asked them what would be a good caffeine free option other than Creme Brulee. Also, I had considered this one before and thought the maple would be a nice flavor but worried the rooibos would take over. Luckily, that was not the case as the eggnog covered any base flavors while still highlighting the mapley goodness of the tea.


Pardon my ignorance, but by eggnog latte, you mean making a latte with whatever tea (or coffee) + eggnog instead of the traditional milk?


Yeah davids is doing those nose if you want in store


Lol nose.. = now


It is a combination of any tea, eggnog, AND milk


Ah, so out of the loop haha. Hmm, I wonder if Salted Caramel would be a good choice.


I was not a fan of the salted caramel eggnog but to be fair, I didn’t really like the tea much


I love how you tried that already! Going through their teas in my head, I’m just finding it difficult to think of certain teas that would actually go with eggnog.


I have had Santa’s Secret, Eggnog, Creme Brulee, Glitter & Gold, Cranberry Pear, Blueberry Jam, Oh Canada (obviously :P), Apple Custard, Maple Sugar, and Vanilla Orchid as an eggnog latte. A friend of mine had Salted Caramel so I tried hers but I just was not a fan.

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17008 tasting notes


It’s 11:45 (and I started logging at like nine) and I’m finally on the teas that I had today! That’s maybe a little sad? Although I did take a break at some point to make supper, and watch a couple short youtube videos. But still.

Today is Canada Day; technically, for 15 more minutes… I went to DT this morning to finally pick up the carnival blends I wanted to try, get the new tea of the month, restock some things, and get the new glow in the dark perfect mug because teaware! I also picked this one up as a latte To Go because it’s fucking Canada Day and I’m gonna celebrate in my own way!

It was decent; rooibos pretty much didn’t come through at all so no complaints there. I got notes of maple and marshmallow and I enjoyed sipping on it which walking to the bus terminals downtown. From the terminals things got fucked though; recently Saskatoon (like, two days ago recently) changed all their bus routes and I haven’t learned the new ones yet because I don’t bus places often.

I was able to take my normal route to the mall, but apparently my route home is different now and I didn’t think to look it up before leaving. Thankfully I had plans to see Tyrell when I got home anyway, so he just (super sweetly) came and picked me up from downtown. Fuck the new routes though; I mean, yeah I’ll have to learn them eventually but damn. I hate change. And I don’t want to be that person who relies on their boyfriend to chauffeur them around. Nope.

But this was my haul today:

- Oh Canada! Latte “To Go”
- 70g Refill of Movie Night in tin
- 70g Refill of Root Beer Float in tin
- 24g Cherry Snowcone
- 24g Caramel Corn
- 24g Cotton Candy
- 24g Magic Dragon (A new dragonfruit tea!!!)
- The new Soda Shop Glow in the Dark Perfect Mug!!!

So yeah, good tea day!

Flavors: Maple Syrup, Marshmallow, Marzipan


Ooooh I love the Soda Shop mug

Roswell Strange

Next thing I’m writing is my review on it :)


Wait? There’s a glow in the dark mug? :O
Also that’s a great haul!!!


Cavo, the red mug with all the drinks on it is glow in the dark.


Hahah. So ridiculous and awesome.


Hmm, might have to give this one another try. The local shop had some made in a tea pop, and I was far less than impressed. When I commented that it tasted like maple, the salesperson (one of my least favorite people at this location) immediately shot back a “No, it has toffee in it.” Ummm…’kay?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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1220 tasting notes

Dear Steepster,
I messed up terribly. Especially with money. Because of tea, most likely. Okay, for sure. So I need to ignore you for a long, long time. Badly.

If we’ve started talking a swap, we’ll still complete it. I’ll still be here for the tea boxes, those I for sure can’t ignore or leave. I missed a credit card payment. Twice. I barely have money as is because I don’t work, and I also just messed up school and at this point I don’t even know if I can keep going, which is an even bigger problem for money.

I’m working on applying to stuff, it’s kind of hard when you have an ear infection.

update if you were interested in buying tea Anyway, all the tea I had to swap, I put it here to sell: I figure it makes more sense than an auction first (thanks for the idea CJ). http://twominutesforbaking.net/2013/05/21/tea-for-sale/ I’ll be home all day so I can keep an eye on it and I’ll go now to look through the rest of my stuff so it’s all posted there.

Also if you ever wanted to buy stuff from my etsy shop I’d really appreciate it right now.

So after feeling like a total miserable fool I thought I needed something sweet, something I’ve loved, yet I’ve ignored in the midst of all this tea. I can’t believe how long it’s been since this one has seen the outside of the cabinet.

In that time though I have come to dislike rooibos a bit. Ok, a lot. While it smells good in the bag, brewed up it has the rooibos scent of taste bud death. I think it’s lost that mapley goodness. Though I do have some maple granules I could add to bring it back. I don’t have much of this left so that will do.

So that’s about it, I’ll miss you, but I need to get off the path of self-destruction.



hugs you I hope you manage to get it all sorted out in the end.


Amanda I hope everything to be fine soon. You’ll miss us too !


Aw, sorry to hear you won’t be around so much, and I hope things start working themselves out for you soon.


so sad to hear. project new life 2013 commence!


I understand how being here feeds our tea addiction. I hope your hiatus is short and things work out quickly for you!


I am sorry to hear things are going rough for you. I hope things get fixed soon.

Tea and Trees

We’ll miss you! Can you give me a link to your Etsy shop?


Teas and Trees: She has it posted on the right under her bio!

Momo: :( I hope you come back soon, but I understand why you feel leaving for a bit may be for the best.


Yes, on my profile but here it is to make it easier to see also: http://blackbearlaboratory.etsy.com

I have to say though staying away from Steepster and not looking at anything involving tea does not make me want DT’s summer collection any less. Wahhhh.


Miss you already, Momo… hope things will come around for you. I applaud you for having the courage to face this issue of yours. You’re on the right track and your fellow Steepsterites are supporting you :-)

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357 tasting notes

mmmm…maple syrup. Quite a tasty rooibos, which is saying a lot coming from the picky rooibos girl. To me, rooibos is like that vegetable that you don’t quite dislike, nor do you quite like, so you always try just a little. For me its brussel sprouts, I feel like I’m on the cusp of liking them, but I’m not quite there yet. I’m not sure if that’s a relatable comparison, or if I’m way off in left field.

This rooibos kind of reminds me of something I tried from Della Terra Teas…Autumn Leaves, perhaps? I’m pretty sure I was surprised at how much I didn’t mind that one either

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6119 tasting notes

Holy maple! Wow. The scent of this one is POTENT, both dry and steeped. Delicious. I brewed it up last night and the mug has been sitting in my room all day, and it smells absolutely lovely.

I find it difficult to believe this tea has no calories – it is SO rich and delicious! So mapley. So sweet. I can taste the rooibos, but it isn’t taking over, so I can deal with it. This one’s another for the supersweet dessert tea pile. Will have to compare this to Birthday Cake – I think I prefer Oh Canada due to the lack of weird sprinkles though.

ETA: Second infusion is pretty good. Predictably less mapley, but enough remains to make me happy. Downside? I’m not sure what happened, but my little teabag thinger opened in the mug, so there were rooibos sticks EVERYWHERE in the mug that I had to drink around. Annoying… and that’s why I used the teabag in the first place… to prevent that…

Boiling 8 min or more

brave girl!! I’ve only re-steeped rooibos a few times, with varying results.
Have you tried the Maple tea from Second cup? It’s so similar!! more maple like I think. and a bit astringent


I figured it was worth a shot – it still smelled super potent! I haven’t tried Second Cup’s Maple tea – I tend not to buy tea out as I always feel ripped off :P But I might keep it in mind for the next time I feel like treating myself at work (there’s a Scup in a building near mine).


Oh Canada and Birthday cake are very very similar in taste. Birthday Cake has 10 calories per cup though. So Oh Canada wins most of the time. Unless you want to have an unbirthday party (or, I guess. a regular birthday party)


the maple thing is limited at SC, I learned that the hard way with another of their teas I loved lol
Between birthday cake and maple tea… I’m not sure which one I’d choose!

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1792 tasting notes

Honeybush and rooibos normally send me a-runnin’, but I thought I’d give this a chance since I happened to really enjoy Birthday Cake. Some reviewers have sung high praises of this one and even said that they prefer this one. Really! So another exception, I must make.

The picture is showing tiny cubes of caramel. I don’t think I got any in my ten grams. Granted, what are the odds when you buy that little. I have a feeling the caramel plays a pivotal role here.

Why? Because dry, this doesn’t smell nearly as rich and maple-y as Birthday Cake. This is further reflected in the taste. I don’t get nearly as much maple or creaminess as I do in Birthday Cake either. A very small hint of maple, but for me, the honeybush is overpowering the silky maple.

I added milk, which placed a damper on the honeybush, but not enough. The maple is still weak. But it’s not as bad as other rooibos and honeybush blends I’ve experienced in the past.

Honeybush, rooibos, and I were just not meant to be together.


Are you interested in trying a super mapley black tea? :)


I’m always up for that! :D


Ok! I’ll add some to your bag. :)


Thank you! And remember, if there’s ever anything in my (albeit bare) cupboard that sparks your interest, just give me a shout and I’ll make a note of bringing whatever out next time I’m in Vancouver.

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726 tasting notes

So I love my rooibos teas oversteeped (especially this one) so I put this tea directly into my timolino and attached the mesh infuser and now I’m just drinking out the top so I don’t end up drinking all the rooibos.
Dude wait. I could have just put it into the mesh and drank out of the timolino itself! I just thought of that now wow.

But class hasn’t started yet and someone exclaimed “It smells like brown sugar!!”
And I’m just.. yeah that’s me.

Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

Sounds delicious!

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