7 Tasting Notes

drank Oh Canada! by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

OMGGG. What a smell.
It is exactly like hot pancakes with gallons of pure maple sirop.
When I bought it , I wanted to wait for the perfect time to taste it for the first time, to wait until I would really need that sweet treat !
Because of the smell, I really expected a strong taste of maple and caramel, maybe a little too sweet but in fact, this is the perfect right balance in my cup.
I added some milk into my second infusion, and it really brings out all the flavour.

Maybe I expected it to taste stronger, but it is still a excellent tea for a Saturday night treat :)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Happy Kombucha by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

Reaaaaally love this one. In fact, my favourite oolong ‘till now I think.
I feel kinda hippy drinking it..haha. It is SOOOO tasty, full of fruits, but not too much (Actually, I think it coulnd’t be too fruity for me..) I especially taste the pineaple and mangos, and I really like it.
I think I’m gonna drink it in the bus tomorrow morning, maybe it’ll bring some sunshine and some help to wake me up ?!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Vanilla Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

Hmmm, I’ve always been a big vanilla fan, but this time..I don’t understand
Maybe I let the bag in for too long and it’s my fault, but it is the third time that I try it and the taste isn’t sweet at all. It is more like a bitter taste..and I can’t even say I liked the smell.
Unfortunately for me, I made a mistake on my last online purchase and I ordered two pots of this one !! :P
Maybe I’ll end up liking it, I hope so. Maybe I should add some milk or sugar in ?

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Secret Weapon by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

I’m so disappointed! When I heard about this tea, I couldn’t wait to buy some because the description seemed awsome for me..I asked few people who already know this tea and they weren’t really exited by it. I hesitated to buy it, even if the smell is just so amazinggg!
(I’m not used to buy just a cup, I prefer to try a small bag and brew it at home)
I didn’t wait too long to have my first cup of this and damn, I think this is one of my favorite. I really should have buy more of this because I feel I’ll get addicted to it. I find it very creemy, both rich and sweet. I reallyyyyy taste almond and a bit of cocoa.

They say this is good for immune system too ? Woahhh I need more!
I don’t know why, but there’s something soothing and comforthing with this tea…

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drank Secret Weapon by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

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drank Love Tea #7 by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

This the very first tea I tasted from Davidstea and woahhh, this is insane. I didn’t remember how much I was craving for this tea. Especially with milk (there is not a lot of tea that I drink milk, but this one tastes like paradise ! )
I can drink it as a desert because the chocolate is really there (When I don’t yield to my mom’s apple pie or a big brownie, mhmmm) . The strawberry taste stands out more than chocolate , I think. Just smelling this tea makes me happy !
I felt like making it in my thermos this monday morning, after a too short spring break..

Anyway, it made my day. loveeeeeeee it!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

I get huge cravings for this tea as well! Sooo good

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drank Read My Lips by DAVIDsTEA
7 tasting notes

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