Oh Canada!

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Caramel, Green Rooibos, Honeybush Leaves, Rooibos, Toffee
Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Maple, Sweet, Rooibos, Tobacco, Vanilla, Maple Syrup, Wood, Artificial, Earth, Candy, Nectar, Nutty, Pancake Syrup, Sugar, Sugarcane, Creamy, Autumn Leaf Pile, Butterscotch, Sweet, Warm Grass, Grain, Hay, Wheat, Butter, Toffee, Marshmallow, Marzipan, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 4 g 18 oz / 547 ml

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  • “Oh Canada! Oh the incredible aroma! I’ve been having this often recently! I like it a lot a lot a lot! However it’s time to share now: Mini-Contest Time :) - Rules To win: You must comment on this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was recently given 2oz of this tea from my Reddit coffee and tea exchange partner which beats the 10g sample I had in my cupboard. So it’s time to use this sample and see if I like this tea since...” Read full tasting note
  • “I feel like a maple. There really aren’t enough maple teas out there to be honest. This will satisfy your maple craving but I wish there was one out there without artificial flavouring. Even if I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Got this as my second eggnog latte as it came recommended by the sales associate when I asked them what would be a good caffeine free option other than Creme Brulee. Also, I had considered this one...” Read full tasting note


It’s all about the leaf

Looking for a taste of Canada? Try this red rooibos tea. It’s sweetened with (what else?) maple syrup and sprinkled with delicious maple leaf candies. Plus it’s 100% diplomatic (well, caffeine-free) and tastes great in both our official languages. With green rooibos, honeybush, caramel and toffee bits to shake things up. A truly authentic Canadian experience.

Ingredients: South African green and red rooibos, honeybush, caramel bits, toffee bits, candy leaves, artificial and natural flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and tree nuts

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

287 Tasting Notes

148 tasting notes

Last tea of the day! I really like this. I’m not typically a rooibos fan, but if it’s dressed up right I’ll drink it, and this is delicious. Like eating a maple donut but not as sweet. As I’ve said before I’m not a big fan of sweetened tea, and this is just about right for me. A little sweetness without tasting like I just poured some sugar in my mouth.

My partner just tried a sip and said “I want pancakes”.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Ha ha, I used to pour sugar in my mouth all the time. =P

Autistic Goblin

I think they call them pixie sticks… little sticks of nothing but sugar….


OMG I remember those! I haven’t had those since I was a kid. I used to love their tart sweetness. Nowadays I skip the middleman and go right for the raw sugar. :D


I had a sweet tooth when I was a kid, but for some reason the older I get the more I like savory foods!


I’m getting to be the same way, Claire, but in my case, it’s selective. For example, I can’t tolerate the heavy sweetness of soda (not even the natural/good kind) anymore, but I’ll go through a slice of pie (or cake, or cheesecake, or an eclair…you get the idea) in no time at all. =] (Great, now I want all those bad-for-me things.)


I can’t eat gluten anymore, so it tends to limit desserts at least!

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160 tasting notes

Late last night, I was in the mood for tea and a book, something sweet to go with a great book. So, looking in to my drawer, I realized that I still hadn’t gotten around to trying this tea! There was so much hype about how sweet and tasty it was that I knew instantly that this is what I needed to enjoy with my book!

It smells so Much like maple syrup that it makes me want pancakes! Deliciously sweet and rich! The bright colored leaf sprinkles and little caramel cubes make is super fun to watch steep.

Once steeped it smelled so delicous, maple all the way with a hint of wooziness from the rooibos that actually works really well! It is a brownish red appropriate for maple color. With a dash of milk added it tastes like a maple success! Wow… It is sweet and incredibly brassy without anything added! I added a bit of sweetener, just because maple syrup is meant to be sweet! I loved this cup! Sadly I only purchased 2 oz of this and I can imagine it is going to go fast! I hope that I will be able to get my hands on some more of it soon! :)

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks to Jessie I can finally take this one of my Tea Bucket List!!!! Woot!

This aroma is amazing!

I might be a little partial as I grew up right on the line of Western New York and Ontario and I LOVE CANADA. As a Sabres Fan I grew up with BOTH anthems, too! AND…since I have been doing genealogy have found out that my Great Grandfather was born in Canada – apparently his father ran off with his secretary – to Canada – had my Great Grandfather and then came back to the states about a year later! The three of them were missing for approx 2+ years in the meantime…oh skeletons, eh!?


The maple is outstanding and the sugary-sweetness is right on! There are caramelly-notes and the honeybush is nice, too! It’s sweet and smooth and candy and maple Niiiiice!

Very nice!

Ahhhh! LOVE this!

Tina S.

Oooh, you grew up in my neck of the woods! And what an interesting story to stumble across!


:) – Yuppers! We lived in many Buffalo Suburbs, etc….last addy was in Lockport :)

Tina S.

I’ll frequently cross over the border and shop at the Walden Galleria :D


Yup!!!! My old stompin’ grounds! :) Was just there about two months ago :)

Daisy Chubb

love the story!!


Oh, I missed this! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and that it brought out some family history. :)

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676 tasting notes

Second Review. Playing with Tea.
Today I’ve been in a playful experimental mood. This is not an infrequent state of being for me. Usually I whip up a new dish in the kitchen…and now and then I create a tea infused recipe like hibiscus tea honey or earl grey vanilla pudding. Tonight I was cold! With the temperature dropping from 81 at 5pm yesterday to 34 at 9pm tonight…I wanted some non-caffeine tea that tasted good to warm me up! The gears began turning. Ah, I have this Oh Canada tea but it’s a little too sweet for me. Maybe it’s too maple for tonight. What will I do? Light-bulb! Bing!
I went hurridly to my Spice Cupboard…picked out my Cube brand Applewood Smoked Salt (really good) then went to my Tea Cupboard and pulled down the Black Tea/Lapsang Souchong box picking out the Lapsang Souchong. Now ready for action, I was set to steep a pot of Oh Canada adding a small pinch of Lapsang Souchong and another pinch of Applewood Smoked Salt to the brew basket!
Steeping done, I poured the brew into my mug, added some sweetening (I’ve had this tea before and knew that even though there is lots of maple flavor, adding sweetening brightens the flavor) and took a big sip. This is a winner! Not too strong but just right! The slight salty smokiness really brings a fabulous sense of campfire pancake breakfast with syrup feeling to this tea that I find is better than the 52 tea’s version of pancakes. (I know that sounds conceited…but this has more smoke so I mean it at least for me!).
Try mixing this recipe if you have this tea!


Sounds really interesting! I am definitely not at the experimentation stage yet (nor do I have many ingredients with which to experiment). So I’ll live vicariously through you right now!


*wanders off to store in search of smoked salt..
I must try this one day!

Daisy Chubb

Wow sounds delicious, my mouth is watering for sure o_o

Invader Zim

I like how add Lapsang Souchong to a few of your teas!


Cube is in L.A. and they often have spice sales online. Their spice bottles are huge and beautiful! Love their smoked salts. In town we have Savory Spice Shop which was on Food Network and has an online store. They are fresh and fantastic! I love White Truffle Salt …just a tiny bit packs flavor on rice or quinoa.


That sounds sooooooo good! Like when your bacon gets in your maple syrup!


You are so right Ian!

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814 tasting notes

it snowed here this morning. the weather app called it a snow shower.
and it seems appropriate to drink this tea and all considering it’s named Canada. but honestly this will be the last time i have this tea. it’s a sample pouch i had left over from a davidstea order of the past. and even as i smell it now next to me … :( frowny face
i blame the honeybush. i fee like it dries my mouth out. idk
today hasn’t really been a good tea day. i brought 3 iced teas with me in mason jars. (on top of two warm brewed teas.) i was excited that they would probably be delicious and i might learn to like cold tea more. but dude i am really not into iced teas very much. i keep trying different things but i just can’t dig it. i wouldn’t be surprised if summer comes around and i’m STILL drinking hot tea exclusively.


the last time because you don’t like it, or because you ran out?


oh, cuz i don’t like it. an di don’t have more. and i won’t buy more. if i have to do a caramelish type pooibos HAHAHAHA typ0o!!#$


You know, I haven’t seen snow all winter? Iced teas aren’t my favourite either; I drink hot tea all year. :/


hah so, what i was saying was that, that there are several other rooibos teas i would choose over this one. for instance creme caramel is a better option than this one in my opinion. but but but……i think i might be outgrowing rooibos. ……better stock up on coco mint!


I prefer rooibos when it’s mixed up with stuff that smothers the taste so I don’t notice it as much


I wanted to love this one cause of the maple but I thought there was something off about it.


I drink hot teas all year too. I do not like iced tea at all. I’m surprisingly okay with room temperature tea though.

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218 tasting notes

Having another one of these iced. So good! Distracting me from the fact I got no sleep last night due to crazy winds (80-100km/hr) and it only got down to 25oC overnight. Ugh. I know its summer, but seriously, calm down weather! Plus, it’d be nice if the whole south east of Australia didn’t get extra crispy, bushfire style.

On an unrelated note, I have a friend who as just moved to London and is looking for a tea pot. Since we all understand the struggles of finding something that is funtional, pretty and speaks to us in a deeply personal way, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions I could give her?

On another unrelated note, who else loves Clara Oswin Oswald?

Boiling 7 min, 15 sec

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709 tasting notes

Haven’t had this in 6 months? Really? Silly girl. This was another treat reclaimed from the back of our cupboard. Rather than being 7 or 8 deep on one shelf in the cupboard, our teas now live 3 or 4 deep on these little DIY shelving units we bought. I’m quite a fan of the new setup, really.

Anyway, Oh Canada! My home and native land…I love my country, I love Maple syrup. This is good. There are candies and caramel bits in the tea. Also good. I love sprinkles in my tea, (sometimes). Dry, this smells mapley, but a coworker said “not quite”. I disagree, but oh well. Steeped, even my coworker had to admit that this smells like maple syrup.

The taste is wonderfully maple, and I was getting a weird almost french vanilla cappuchino taste today. That was a fantastic thing though, as I enjoy cappuchinos, but not the sugar and fat in them. This is a richer, ‘thicker’ sort of flavour than most rooibos’, likely because of the addition of caramel. I think it was a wise choice, and this (much like mojito!) is actually becoming a fast favourite after months of solitude in my shelf. Luckily, this is part of the permanent collection, so i can replenish at will. I think this might actually be one of David’s Tea’s yummiest sweet rooibos!

As I carry on my mug, I’ve noticed that the taste thins out a bit as it cools. As with syrup (for me!) this is a bit better warm than cool, but delicious either way.

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec

What kind of shelves did you get? I’m looking for ideas for tea organization. I heard about CD organizing boxes to hold the packets.


We just picked up two shelves at Zellers. They were $20 each and only three feet by 1 by 1. They’ve each got two movable shelves. We put them side by sied so it looks like a bigger unit, and they’ve got all our tea, some pretty journals and part of our liquor cabinet (we’re running out of room in the apartment! :D) I don’t know if it’s ideal, but it holds it all, they’re not too deep and it’s not hidden away. We put some of our favourite teawares on top for display.


@QuiltGuppy – me too – spill, Uniquity! :)

@Uniquity – I love maple: candies, REAL syrup, the works. This tea sounds beyond heavenly…


It doesn’t quite live up to real syrup, but it also doesn’t carry the real syrup price tag, so I can live with that! : )

I’ll try to remember to take a pic of my setup and put it on here. It’s nothing snazzy, but I like it.


Wasn’t there a thread before of people’s tea cabinets? That would be a fun one to do again, or to add to… like the fave teacup thread. Although, I’d rather die than post a photo of my tea mess that spreads out across multiple cabinets. Actually, just today, I picked up seven of the CD holders to see if I can get most of it organized. :) (Fingers crossed!)


Congratulations! I’ve got a little wicker basket I use for some of my sample bags. Luckily most of my teas are tinned, so they are semi stackable. Yay for stacking!

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230 tasting notes

There is not a lot of this tea left. I wish DAVID’s offered tins that held just 50g, because this one is a once in a while dessert tea the large 100g tins makes this tea seem daunting. Does that make sense? I like this tea, but just in small, small doses…


that makes total sense!! I’ve been searching for a 50, or even 25g tin for months! Afraid to use the dollar store variety, filled with all that BPA blech!


Try TeaDesire, they have beautiful tins…
They don’t have 50g tins, but they do have 25g and beautiful 100g tins that I have sitting on my kitchen counter.


thanks MaddHatter! I’ll keep those in mind for sure. For now, I’m trying to stay local… shipping costs and all *sighs


looks like they have some really nice teas, I wish I could order a bunch!!


I’m not about to give this company anymore money for teas. I went into their Naniamo store, and nearly died! as a former sales rep for various companies I was shocked and appalled at their up-sales tactics and lack of friendliness, their oolongs are impeccable, but I am hard pressed to spend the money. But They are the only place I have found tins I like (until DAVIDs gets some new fashionable ones)


oh. another one of THOSE companies. Le sigh…


David does small personalized tins for weddings and such. I wonder if we emailed them on-masse if they would get the hint we want smaller tins and sell them un-personalized.


I remember an employee mentioning that there is something in the works for smaller tins – but that could be just me perpetuating rumour?


If you find tins somewhere else be sure to bring them into DavidsTea, as you can get a 50 cent discount off your tea by bringing in any tin, not just a DavidsTea tin (so long as you are getting 50 grams or more) :)


Teaopia now has some small washi tins. Not too expensive, and with Davids, you can get nearly any amount of tea as I’m sure you know. I haven’t checked out to see whether Silk Road has any small tins.

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the evening courtesy of Uniquity…..

While I am not a huge fan of rooibos at this point, this one is pretty good. The maple flavor goes very well with the base. It is definitely an enjoyable evening treat.

Steeped for 8 minutes by the usual volume and temp.

Boiling 8 min or more

Note to self - I want to try mapling (how’s that for a new vocabulary word?) up some of my plainer teas this fall. We’ve had a stretch of sweaty Indian summer but cooler temps on the horizon that make experimental sweetening sound pleasant.


Mmmmm. I agree! I have a handful that would be so much better maplized! …Or is that maplified!


I’m not fond of rooibos myself, but I am trying to branch out to find some that I like. I smelled this and Creme Caramel yesterday. I might have to give one of them a try…maybe as a tea to go. I bet it is awesome as a latte.

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212 tasting notes

I tried this one again today. Sandy passed it to us.

I still think there is some thing off with this particular batch. I get a lot of maple syrup and rooibos. There is a strange burnt taste. Burnt is probably the only thing I can really liken it to. It reminds me of brush fires.

It’s very sweet and would be totally awesome if the bad flavor would just disappear.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Burnt? I mix mine with lapsang souchong and a sprinkle of applewood smoked salt!
Tastes like breakfast!


That does sound interesting!

Sandy Stith

It’s the batch, Missy. Dylan wrangled me a sample in the last DAVIDsTEA order and it’s really, really yummy.


That is quite awesome to hear. I like maple and rooibos too much. :D

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