Crème Brulée

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Not available
Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Cream, Custard, Milk, Rooibos, Sweet, Caramel, Butter, Candy, Barnyard, Creamy, Toffee, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 1 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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175 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My very first order ever from DAVIDsTEA arrived on my porch this evening! Hooray! This is a creamy, burnt sugar-esqe rooibos dessert tea. There is definitely something artificial about it – almost...” Read full tasting note
  • “This just really isn’t spectacular. At least, not for me. I actually have even more of it now because the DT near me was celebrating it’s first birthday over the weekend and giving out goody bags...” Read full tasting note
  • “For some reason I had it in my head that green rooibos would not be as rooibosy as red. This cup is proving that not to be the case. Though it is not immediately recognizable as rooibos it is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Rummaging through the cupboard this evening I decided to have some of this one. I have a litre of whipping cream in the fridge, and I’m trying to drink a lot of teas I can put it in… I can’t make 1...” Read full tasting note


Sweet seduction

No one can resist this organic green rooibos tea. Seriously. The aroma is just too outrageously tempting. Creamy, caramel, decadent, rich. And the taste! How can something so sweet be so light and fresh? Plus, rooibos is caffeine free, making it the perfect drink for after dinner or before bed. Could life be more wonderful? (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: Fair Trade Certified green and red rooibos, safflowers, calendula marigold. With natural flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

175 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

My very first order ever from DAVIDsTEA arrived on my porch this evening! Hooray!

This is a creamy, burnt sugar-esqe rooibos dessert tea. There is definitely something artificial about it – almost like one of those flavored creamers (which is actually a flavor I kinda like every now and again).

I wanted to try this as-is first, but in the back of my mind I planned to use this as a mixer with my rooibos chai to make a vanilla/caramel chai. I think it will be better suited to that purpose than straight drinking. Don’t get me wrong — it’s satisfying by itself — but I think it will be fantabulous with chai spices. I used to do this with a slightly fakey creme roobois from Teavana and it was one of my favorite caffeine-free things in the world. I’ll post another review when I make a mix with this to tell you if it lives up to my dreams :)

I must have been in super magpie mode (shiiiiiiiny!) the day I placed my order because I got some crazy stuff. Look for gold balls, tiny sugar lips, and all kinds of nonsense in my upcoming reviews!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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709 tasting notes

This just really isn’t spectacular. At least, not for me. I actually have even more of it now because the DT near me was celebrating it’s first birthday over the weekend and giving out goody bags with a sample of this and Green Seduction. We ended up with three of them (I wanted the tins!) but that also means three more cups of Creme Brulee to drink.

I find the smell really unappetizing, though luckily the flavour is a little better than the aroma. At first I get a slight hint of caramel but mostly end up with a sugary icing-esque flavour. It’s definitely not memorable and for me, sadly, not all that enjoyable either. I think I might mix a bit of it with something more interesting so I can power through however many grams I have left. I believe MaddHatter recommended a mix with Oh Canada, which I might try, except I like Oh Canada! : )

EDIT: I think part of my problem with this one is that it somehow gives me a coconut sort of a vibe. Oy.


I mixed it with coco chai rooibos.. ;o)

Although I am told that mixing it with Oh Canada apparently gives the tea a more “french toast” flavour, so I am told, I have no tried it yet.


Hah, that’s it! I don’t have any coco chai rooibos though. Maybe I could mix some with saigon chai, another one I don’t really love and see how that goes. Might make them better, might make them worse.


never hurts, right?

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6444 tasting notes

For some reason I had it in my head that green rooibos would not be as rooibosy as red. This cup is proving that not to be the case. Though it is not immediately recognizable as rooibos it is definitely there. And there is a tint of caramel but it is not sweet like I anticipated it would have been. Honestly, I am not sure what I am tasting. It is like really weirdly artificial. Mostly it just tastes like something is missing. This won’t be a restock and I think I will send the last 1-2 tsps to Roswell Strange so she can try it out.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy this. :( I actually liked it when I got it to go with a bit of agave.


I think sweetener would help but I don’t sweeten my teas.


I hardly do unless it’s a bit of honey when my throat is sore. In any case I was thinking of picking this up but maybe I won’t now because I can’t be bothered adding things.


Haha. I think I wanted more sweetness so it would definitely be an easy remedy for someone willing to sweeten their teas. But if you don’t want to add anything, I don’t recommend it.


I may go for the chocolate mint rooibos instead. ;D


I was not a huge fan of that either (in fact I am selling mine now because I stupidly bought 50 g) but I think that is more because I am not a huge lover of chocolate and mint.


I handle green rooibos better than red, but yeah, this one doesn’t benefit that, iirc.


I actually kind of like this one! The odd person out. :) It’s good with a bit of coconut cream. Mmm.


Green rooibos is awesome, but it kind of defeats the purpose if they’re going to mix it with the red variety.


I like this one with a bit of milk… hmmm… never tried coconut milk, I think that would be quite delicious too

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2291 tasting notes

Rummaging through the cupboard this evening I decided to have some of this one. I have a litre of whipping cream in the fridge, and I’m trying to drink a lot of teas I can put it in… I can’t make 1 litre of whipped cream and eat it all, omg.

It’s really good in this. Hides the flavour of the rooibos a bit more, and is generally delicious. I was going to have Birthday Cake, but was concerned the whipping cream would be too much. :)

I’ll probably finish this tea up tomorrow. Tasty, but not something I need to keep around. Rooibos isn’t my favourite, although I’ll drink it!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

you could. yu could also make a creme brulee reduction and FLAVOUR said whipping cream!!!!! egad! rooiboos….. just read that bit. deep frying fixes most things. probably even rooiboos? lol!


So far my favourite whipping cream is 1/2 cup cream, 2 tbsp maple syrup, and a pinch of fancy salt. So good, especially in smoky or roasty black teas.


fancy salt?


French sea salt in this case. Basically not iodized table salt.

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1271 tasting notes

Uggg, today was crazy. I did an 8 hours brazilian jiujitsu seminar. It was very painful, hot and tiring. I was pacing myself with lots of breaks and water, but it ended with feeling really busted up and overloaded with information.
Finally got home, painfully foam rollered myself and had tea.

I love this tea mixed with a little peppermint – really adds extra oomph and relaxing. The sweetness in DT’s Creme Brulee is great! Great conclusion to a day!

Hoping I don’t wake up in total DOMS agony tomorrow.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1220 tasting notes

I’m hoping that because it’s been awhile since I had this before, I’ll like it better with the rest of this sample. Just hopefully it won’t be “OMG NEED TO BUY NOW” levels of liking it.

I still don’t really get creme brulee from this, at least this time it doesn’t taste like peanut butter. I honestly have no idea what it really tastes like. Like a very sweet green rooibos, I guess. Maybe a bit of vanilla, but just nothing creamy, or caramel.

Oh well at least it’s gone now. Though I could go for some real creme brulee…

(anyone else’s notices tab not loading?)

Daniel Scott

Mine is loading now, but I have had it not load at all in the past. It’s an ongoing site problem that seems to hit different people at different times.

Also…peanut butter? Not creme brulee for sure, but still an interesting flavour idea. I’d drink it.

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125 tasting notes

Oh, how much of this I used to drink last year…. It was my favourite evening tea. I either outgrown it or got tired of it or maybe both. Either way, I think I have an ounce of it I have to finish.

Overall it’s tasty, I’m just not in love with it anymore. I think I fell out of love with rooibos in general, I tend to steer away from it these days.

OMGsrsly mentioned adding a whip cream made with maple syrup to it in one of the reviews… That’s an idea! I didn’t have whip cream but I had whole milk and maple syrup.

Mmm.. ok… I could totally drink the rest of the package this way. I usually don’t add any sweeteners to my tea and only occasionally some milk but some teas need help and this is one of them. Besides, maple syrup is superfood, it’s so good for the body.

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16936 tasting notes

Taste bud orgasm.

Once again, I ponder how this has such a low rating here in Steepster. It is simply the best rooibos blend I have ever tried (and I keep some pretty good rooibos/honeybush blends stocked); and I’ve yet to have anything but a flawless cup (which is why I’m bumping this up to a 100 rating).

I added milk tonight, and shit this is good. Like, you KNOW it’s a good tea because I don’t even give a fuck about all the swears in this tasting note – I’m THAT excited. Usually I try to sensor myself at least a little bit…

There were three other teas steeping/sitting in the kitchen when I made this and yet, it still managed to drown out the individual aromas of all three hour teas with its mouth watering caramel deliciousness!


I wish I had your tastebuds when it came to this blend. This and Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride. Btw, what are the rooibos/honeybush blends you like to have stocked?

Roswell Strange

The ones I feel I “need” to have stocked (other than this one) are: Butiki’s Rootbeer Float Honeybush, Tea Desire’s Victoria Mint/Sweet Toffee/Latte Macciato, Della Terra’s Lime Chiffon (but this is lower on the list), this one/Gingerbread from DAVIDsTEA (I’ll be sad once my tin of that is gone since it was limited edition), and solely based on last night’s cup Pineapple Bacon Rooibos from 52Teas. I probably (this one aside) feel the most highly towards the Tea Desire blends; I think they do rooibos very well.

Roswell Strange

And, actually, I think CuppaT’s Apple Strudel Pistachio is probably on the same level as Lime Chiffon.


Ahh those are all pretty tasty. I think my rooibos/honeybush go-tos are Butiki’s Rootbeer Float Honeybush, Della Terra’s Lime Chiffon (and Lemon for cold brewing), Della Terra’s Cappucino Caramel Crunch, DAVIDs Birthday Cake, 52 Tea’s Strawberry Pie Honeybush, and Apple Strudel Pistachio (once I get around to placing that order). Oh and I like Nina’s rooibos blends.

Roswell Strange

I used to love Birthday Cake (it was my loose leaf introduction blend), but it’s lost its magic to me – especially compared to this one ;)


It was my intro too! I think I keep it around because I haven’t found a rooibos that compares. I don’t mind Oh Canada but I prefer Birthday Cake still.

Roswell Strange

Oh Canada! made for a really rich and different sort of cold brew.


Totally agree. I liked it hot initially but then I discovered much better teas and in an effort to use the leaf I cold brewed it without expecting much. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised.


wonder if i should try this some day haha


I just discovered davids rooibos blends; I wasn’t so into them before, but I really love Rooibos de Provence.


THANK YOU. I have no idea why this tea has such a low rating. It is probably my favourite non-caffeinated tea ever. Up there with Forever Nuts, and waaay lighter so you get a lot more bang for your buck. MUCH RECOMMEND!

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323 tasting notes

I got this from Davids as an “instead of paying shipping I can get one more tea” tea.

Upon opening the bag, wow, there’s a lot of color in there. It smells a lot like caramel.

Knowing it was a dessert tea, I steeped it with a bit of German rock sugar and immediately added a splash of milk.


This tastes like I’m drinking creme brulee. It tastes like I’m drinking dessert. I don’t understand it, I really don’t. It was almost off-putting how accurate the flavor was. I found it difficult to finish the cup, not because it was bad, but because it was the wrong time of day for it (if that makes any sense).

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Wow, now I want some. :o)

Terri HarpLady

Buy some & send me a sample! ;)


Terri – I’ll add some to the envelope!

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6119 tasting notes

Mmmmm, sweet and only lightly tasting of rooibos, which works well. Perhaps not quite creme brulee though, to be honest – it just tastes kind of caramelly. Which is ok with me. I definitely seem to lean more towards artificially sweetened creamy/sweet/caramelly rooibos blends (e.g. Birthday Cake, Alpine Punch) than fruit-flavoured ones.

Anyhow, dropping the rating a few points on this one simply because it was one of my first-rated teas, and compared to other rooibos, it’s not at the top, and I had it rated rather high. Big plus for it, however, is a lack of little candies floating around in it that make the tea scummy.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I thought about picking up a sample of this at DT’s a month ago.. but passed. I now regret that haha. Also.. I never mind tea scum for some reason. I don’t think I have let my tea cool enough to encounter it fully (to be honest I can’t picture it in my mind either.. hmm.. maybe this is why I burn my mouth so much..)


Well, as some other people have said, it’s basically just a nice vanilla rooibos. I probably prefer the flavour of say, Birthday Cake, but sometimes the scumminess gets to me. There isn’t a lot of rooibos flavour, which is also a perk!


The rooibos flavour is what always worries me about trying rooibos teas. Its too much for me sometimes and so I just don’t drink it. I will have to try this one!


If you’re interested in it, I can send you a sample? IIRC you’re not near a DT location, right?


That is so kind of you! I live about an hr and a half drive away from one… Which is very convenient for my wallet, but not so much for tea shopping haha :)


Steepster is driving me mad right now. I will send you a PM as soon as I can (or you can, to remind me.) Urrrgh. I don’t even know if this will post.

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