Morning Thunder

Tea type
Black Yerba maté Blend
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Dark Wood, Smoke, Dirt, Earth, Hay, Bread, Chocolate, Burnt
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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53 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I decided to make my own version of 52teas Malted ChocoMate since they are out of the blend on their website and I absolutely love it. I added 3 spoons of chocolate malt powder to hot water,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m dying. This is my tea to drink on those days where you have no sleep. It tastes gross but usually gets me moving at least. Not sure how today’s going to go. Well my day started at 12:30 am with...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thursday Jan. 20, 2011 1st steep of the day Needed a JUMP Start This Morning so went with the Thunder. Good Morning Cup as the name indicates. Bold Black Tea with a Outdoor’ise Flavor. 5 min. steep...” Read full tasting note
  • “Back on the mate train… we’ll see how long this lasts. Haha. This blend’s good because the black tea takes the edge off of the smokey note in the mate and amplifies the caffeine content of the...” Read full tasting note

From Celestial Seasonings

Morning Thunder is an earthy combination of maté—a South American herb—and mountain-grown black tea that gives you the lift you need without the coffee jitters. Maté is traditionally shared at gatherings of friends and family, and is passed around in a hollowed-out gourd and drunk through a silver “straw” called a bombilla. Because both maté and black tea are rich in antioxidants, a cup of this robust brew is a healthful and exhilarating way to start your day.

Ingredients: Roasted maté and black tea.

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53 Tasting Notes

1015 tasting notes

I decided to make my own version of 52teas Malted ChocoMate since they are out of the blend on their website and I absolutely love it. I added 3 spoons of chocolate malt powder to hot water, steeped 3 bags of Morning Thunder in the concoction for 5 minutes, and added a healthy splash of milk. Awesome! It is very similar in taste to 52teas version, however my version is milk chocolate while theirs is dark chocolate. I’m giving this tea a ratings boost because I can use this two ways and it is much easier to come by than waiting for a reblend from 52teas.

5 min, 0 sec

how resourceful of you! I’ve been wanting to try morning thunder anyway. Good to know it’s so versatile :-)

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871 tasting notes

I’m dying.

This is my tea to drink on those days where you have no sleep. It tastes gross but usually gets me moving at least. Not sure how today’s going to go.

Well my day started at 12:30 am with my carbon monoxide detector going off. I thought for the first minute someone had broken into the house and it was the house alarm going, I lay frozen in bed. Once I figured it out, I got up to investigate. The darn alarm was malfunctioning and kept going off like there was a gas leak but it was reading well below normal levels of carbon monoxide. Resetting it only worked for about 2 minutes. I tried removing it from the power source but it didn’t like that and started screaming at me so I had to rip the back of the detector off and remove the battery. After thoroughly inspecting my house, I opened all the windows and went to bed. But then I couldn’t sleep, I was imagining I had nausea and headaches for the rest of the night/morning.

I even drank a red bull at 6am on my commute to work, but it isn’t working. I find this tea tastes gross. Very roasted mate. Super strong and bitter aftertaste. No fancy flavourings to cover up the taste. But I am hoping it does the trick because I have a long day ahead of me. I need some thunder today.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

That sounds awful :( I have to say it reminded me of the Friends episode where Phoebe tries to remove her fire alarm that won’t stop beeping haha. I hope your day gets better!


@Courtney I couldn’t help but think of the same thing…

Hope you manage to get through your day Lala. :( And tonight you’ll just pass out I bet. I’ll be a bit dead today too. I’m used to a fairly early schedule, and sure enough my last few work days in a row I got up at 6AM. Today I was AWAKE at 6AM with no hope for more sleep, and I close tonight … which means I don’t get home until midnight. Sigh.


I suppose an outsider looking in would think it was hilarious. And in a few days I will probably think it was hilarious. But today I am still tired and irritated. I’m totally a Debbie Downer today.


Oh no, I definitely don’t think it’s hilarious. Losing nearly the entire night of sleep isn’t funny. If I lose even just an hour or two, I feel like a corpse the next day. :/


Ha ha. I was meaning to say that it is funny, thinking of the friends episode, although not funny at the time it is happening to you. My brain just isn’t functioning properly. Day almost over. In zombie mode.

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400 tasting notes

Thursday Jan. 20, 2011
1st steep of the day
Needed a JUMP Start This Morning so went with the Thunder.
Good Morning Cup as the name indicates.
Bold Black Tea with a Outdoor’ise Flavor.
5 min. steep with Rolling Boiling Water.
Gets the Morning Rolling.
Keep on Steepin

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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737 tasting notes

Back on the mate train… we’ll see how long this lasts. Haha.
This blend’s good because the black tea takes the edge off of the smokey note in the mate and amplifies the caffeine content of the brew, which is exactly what this wretched coffee addict wants in a breakfast tea. I really appreciate the non-jittery aspect of mate— I just wish I liked the flavor more. The black tea definitely makes this one drinkable for me.

Flavors: Burnt, Dark Wood

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I haven’t had this in ages. Thanks for the romp down memory lane!


I didn’t know Morning Thunder was a black tea/Yerba Mate blend! I see it at my grocery and always assumed it was just straight black tea. I’ll have to give this a try!


This is a blend that always seems to find its way back into my collection. I’ll get a box, drink two or three cups of it, forget how much I like it and ignore it for a few months, and then cycle back to it.


I forgot about this tea! I’ve put it on my shopping list. :)

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81 tasting notes

I really wanted to enjoy this tea. I like Yerba Mate and this seemed to combine Black tea with Mate. However, i was a bit disappointed. The Yerba Mate or Black Tea wasn’t strong. I’ll try another cup and see what went wrong. Also, I’m not really a Celestial Seasonings fan. I like my teabags with staples, individually wrapped and hermetically sealed in foil because I brew my tea’s on the road and like playing with the tea strings until they break. I brought it to work but I think its going to be shoved in a desk drawer for awhile until I can unload it at the steepster meetup on 8/8/12. The bison and box artwork are catchy.

7/2 – I put two bags into my cup of hot water. I am awake, and the tea has a slight smokey flavor.
To add more flavor, I added loose mate to it.

7/31 – I finished the box!! Overall, there is caffeine in the tea, and as mentioned before, I mixed Yerba Mate and sometimes sugar to it. I drank it hot and cold at work as the first cup of the day and sometimes as an afternoon tea.


You know…there’s just something about the name that says “bathroom”. Makes me laugh!!!!

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22 tasting notes

I must commend them on this blend. The tea bag smelled good, packaging was fresh, the tea bag looked large like a Mate Factor portion, and I really loved how simple the ingredient list was. Ingredients: Roasted Mate & Black Tea.

I enjoyed this because many companies try and hide behind ingredients such as chicory, cinnamon, etc. This blend seemed like mostly Roasted Mate, possibly a 60/40 blend, Mate to Black Tea.

Off first taste, it was smooth. I only used one teabag but it was stout enough for me. My bias toward roasted mate kept me from loving it, but I love the idea and the smoothness. It gave me a good buzz as there is probably quite a bit of caffeine in there. The stringency of the Black Tea was nice. I enjoyed this blend. This would be a very good intro to Mate for someone totally against the idea of Mate. I feel made into an espresso blend, and made into a Morning Thunder Latte, that could be amazing. The round, smooth taste of this blend was very pleasant and could be a once a week staple.

I commend Celestial Seasonings for the simplicity of this drink, and its attempt at a Mate blend. I had emailed them many times about bringing in Mate not knowing this blend existed.

For people that are die hard CS drinkers, this is for you. If you get your buzz from CS, then this is where to go. Good drink Celestial Seasonings!

175 °F / 79 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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3 tasting notes

I drank this the other morning, because on a rare occasion- coffee sounds too thick in the morning. But I enjoy caffeine. So I chose this little buddy.

I prepared it the way I prepare everything. Splenda + Creamer.

I have to say, it was a good way to start the day. I didn’t really feel the energizing effectiveness (as I never do) but the taste was pleasantly strong, even with creamer in it. And I kept thinking I smelled campfire… but this was MATE not lapsang souchong… so maybe I imagined it. But I enjoyed it. :)

4 min, 30 sec

And it has a buffalo, so bonus!
Did you get something from LTR that had lapsang souchong in it? If you did and this box was next to the bag, you might actually be smelling campfire. I had a plastic bag of yunnan near another plastic bag of black currant tea and now my yunnan smells like fruit. Boo.

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49 tasting notes

My wife picked this up as a replacement early-morning tea for me—we’re nearly out of Twinings and this was $1.50 cheaper (a big deal for us on a tight budget). I was apprehensive, but this was actually quite delicious. The taste is different than what I’m used to, but I really enjoyed it.
Aaaaaaand then I decided to try it without milk or sugar. I’m afraid I’ve ruined it. Although it was supposed to be my early-morning tea (which I make sort of like a builder’s tea, when I don’t have the time to make loose-leaf or sachet, but still want a nice cuppa), I don’t think it can be any more. I didn’t like the taste at all without milk and sugar (the earthiness of the mate was just too much), but now I can’t help but taste that flavor, even when it’s properly sweetened and milked up. Oh, well.

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3011 tasting notes

Greatly needed this morning for medicinal purposes. (Bad cat night. We have one that gets bored easily and wants us to wake up and keep her company.) I am generally not a huge fan of mate flavor—too sharp and smoky—but I heartily endorse its wakey, wakey effects. A little milk camouflages it and brings out the tea part of the blend enough for me to get it down.

(While flipping through reviews of Morning Thunder, I found an old one that included a recipe for fake ChocoMate. May have to give that a whirl.)


Sorry you didn’t get a good night’s sleep!

Superanna’s husband gave her a star projector for Christmas – you know, dreamy lights and moving constellations projected in the bedroom to promote relaxation and peaceful slumber. The cats think it is a giant multidot laser pointer, and reacted accordingly. No peaceful slumber was acquired.


Minnie watches TV (the 6 a.m. exercise show for senior adults is one of her favorites) and approves my wardrobe choices when I’m laying out what to wear to work. If there is no notable nighttime neighborhood activity to observe in the wee hours, then she just wants to talk.

Mastress Alita

I didn’t sleep well last night either. I heard the cat being a cat, but I don’t think she woke me, I think my budding migraine did. It wasn’t until she decided to slip into bed with me and was purring against my back that I started to drift off again… and then the alarm went off for work. Sigh.


No one will ever be able to invent a substitute for purring cat heating pads.


Ashmanra, sounds like gmathis needs to get one of those star projectors and put it in another room!


Tea-sipper: great idea!


:o) Last night’s feline wake-up call was “Mom! Look! Rain!”

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26 tasting notes

This is my go-to breakfast tea. I’ve always got a box or two in my cupboard. I now live in the Midwest, and on winter mornings below 20F, when I have to be in the car before 6am (and stay in it for >1 hour commute), this tea is what gets me going—sans jitters.

There’s also something I love about the artwork on the Celestial Seasonings box. I feel sucked into it every time I look at it, and can almost feel the brisk morning air that the bison is snorting back out of his nostrils. I love the gorgeous sunrise, and the feeling I get that there’s a big, grand day ahead.

For those of you who drink your tea black, I think you’ll enjoy this one black. The roasted mate gives it a nice flavor on top of the black. For me though, a bit of milk and sugar makes this tea a treat and makes “everything” (the wee hour, the ice, the long drive, my carpooler) better… :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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