I must say, I’m really happy I got in on the Bluebird Tea Co. group order a while back, just because their teas are really unique and interesting (plus the shipping is $15 or something). So hooray for Steepster! Anyway, I confess, this is actually the second time I’ve made this tea. The first time, there was way too much raspberry leaf going on for me – I’m not sure if I just got a lot of it in my 1.5 teaspoons or what, but it was strong. I don’t consider raspberry leaf to be a particularly pleasant flavor, it’s one of those things that people drink for its health benefits, not for its taste. It’s kind of musty and weird. So for this cup, I picked the raspberry leaf out of the tea after measuring it out. Don’t laugh!
Steeped, it smells like raspberry jam. Hm… There’s not a lot of flavor here, which is a shame. But at least there’s not a ton of raspberry leaf going on! I can taste a bit of tart raspberry, more similar to the fresh fruit than jam. Otherwise, there’s not much going on except a light-bodied black tea base. I think this one may just not be for me, as others seem to love it…
If anyone has any suggestions on how to steep this better or make it taste more like the sponge cake that others seem to find, let me know!
Flavors: Raspberry, Tart
Wow, I haven’t had that candy in over five years!
We were in an Asian grocery a week or two ago and I said something similar, and my husband remarked he had never had it. So clearly we had to purchase some haha.
Haha nice. Does he like them?
We ended up with two more bags, so yes!