Tea type
Black Chai Rooibos Blend
Black Tea, Cardamom, Chocolate Chips, Chocolate Flavor, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Cocoa Nibs, Ginger Root, Natural Creme Flavor, Orange Peels, Rooibos, Vanilla Flavour
Artificial, Cacao, Candy, Cardamom, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Clove, Cream, Ginger, Spices, Vanilla, Cloves, Orange, Cake, Nutmeg
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 19 oz / 556 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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32 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Ohkay. I’ve been impatiently waiting for this package all day. I’ve been hiding in my room because I was so tired after work – I won two contests and associate of the month, and that takes effort,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok I started writing this last night but got distracted by hockey failures. Thank you to Starfevre for the sample of this, I had been thinking about getting it previously so a sample really really...” Read full tasting note
  • “thank you, Starfevre, for the trade! I adore the BBC Sherlock, that I caught by accident one day. I rarely just sit at the TV and flip channels. That time I caught the first airing of the first...” Read full tasting note
  • ““Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don’t you think?” – Mycroft Holmes thank you Shadowfall for this taste of the Queen. haha tv joke. anyways, i don’t really prefer chai’s but even...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

No brother, I have not been eating more cake. I’ve been drinking it.

Inspired by BBC’s Sherlock, which I am in no way affiliated with. This is created purely for my own enjoyment.

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: black tea, rooibos tea, ginger, cinnamon, orange, cloves, cardamom, natural chocolate flavor, dark chocolate chips, cocoa nibs, natural vanilla flavor & natural creme flavor

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 5 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

Company description not available.

32 Tasting Notes

323 tasting notes

Ohkay. I’ve been impatiently waiting for this package all day. I’ve been hiding in my room because I was so tired after work – I won two contests and associate of the month, and that takes effort, especially for an introvert like me!

The people across the street are moving, so there have been big trucks going by all day. Each time I see one I check – is it UPS? No? Damn.

This time it was, and I raced downstairs to intercept the deliveryman before my mum or dad could… no need for them to know I’m buying more tea.

Smelled them all – they all smelled great. I honestly started with this one, even though the chai spice aroma was a bit overpowering and intimidating, because a friend of mine tried it and said she didn’t like it, and it was bitter. So this is me proving her wrong.

I immediately went for a macchiato with this. Why not a latte? Because for some reason “Mycroft Latte” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

Steeped 2tsp/8oz, boiling water, 2 minutes. Added about 6oz milk and 3oz foam.

The first thing I taste is the cream, followed by the vanilla rooibos. I suppose there’s a hint of chocolate in there too. I don’t taste much chai, but that’s a-okay with me. (Leave the chai and spices for Moriarty.)

This is great, and I don’t regret owning a 3-oz bag of it at all. Probably not something I’d purchase again (so many teas, so little time!) but definitely not one I’m eager be rid of.

Edit: And because of all the foam on top, it sort of gives it that feeling of drinking whipped cream. No complaints here. I’m just going to sit here and rest my tired feet (no cushioning whatsoever in the shoes I wear to work, and yet they’re more comfortable than the ones with cushions. Go figure.) and listen to Underworld’s Olympic Ceremony opening song – it’s gorgeous. I love them.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

So excited for my blends to get here! :) It’s so great when some of my favorite things combine.


Which ones did you order?


Watson, Sherlock, Loki and TARDIS. :D


Ooh! One of my friends has Watson and TARDIS, and we had a 221tea party tonight – the two of them are great. And Loki is on my to-get list!
I got Mycroft, Mind & Heart and The Woman, and I really want Inspector too :)


Loki tea! Want!

Autistic Goblin

I’ve tried the Mycroft blend but found as I did with most Adagio teas that my tastebuds didn’t like them… not sure why. I’m glad you like it though :D


I don’t really like most of their flavored blacks on their own, but with milk and a short steep time I enjoy them. And I’m glad I figured this out :)


Michelle – officially requesting some of TARDIS for our swap later in the year. Don’t even care what it tastes like, THERE’S A TEA NAMED AFTER THE TARDIS FFS!!! Anywho…. clearly suffering withdrawals and desperately want series 7 to start…. oh dear.


Definitely. I’m actually working on some of my own DW blends – I can put those in for you too as well!
And I cannot wait for Series 7. I’m so excited for it! (And I’m currently watching The Lodger now… go figure!)


That’s a funny ep. Doctor Who teas, the pinacle of taste! (yes, that was a pun…)


It makes sense until you look away for two minutes and then you don’t have any idea what the hell happened. But I love Craig and Sophie :)

Autistic Goblin

Oh yes I heard season 7 starts soon according to the Space channel. They have been running commercials for it… I try not to scream HURRY UP! at the TV. All hail the TARDIS and Doctor Who :D


Late August/Early Sept apparently, a lovely pre-birthday treat for me!


Aug 25 was kicking around for awhile but I don’t think it was ever declared official. When’s your birthday?


Mid September. And the other half’s is late August, so it’s good either way!


They finally came yaaaaaay. Unfortunately it’s too late in the day for caffeine, boo. :(

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1220 tasting notes

Ok I started writing this last night but got distracted by hockey failures.

Thank you to Starfevre for the sample of this, I had been thinking about getting it previously so a sample really really helps!

I am especially glad because I don’t like this very much. The rooibos chai is way too dominant of a flavor. When I first saw this blend I was like, ooh chocolate spice cake?? But it’s more spice. And that’s it.

I still keep forgetting to finish this but really I need to try this again in some other way so there’s more to it than the chai!


I can definitely identify with hockey failures. My team is in a hellish slump.

I find that Adagio’s chocolate blend is very light on the chocolate. It would probably be lovely with a base like Laoshan Black.


I really shouldn’t complain because they’re still first in the east but it was the Islanders


Habs fan? They’re my backup East team now that Gomez is gone and I love Gionta. My team has lost to the whole bottom of the Eastern Conference in the last month and went from 1st place to “Why me?”


yes. I think I can figure out you are a Devils fan from this, right? haha I thought they were going to be unstoppable too. Now it’s just Chicago with a ridiculous point streak…we had half of one.

I expect it to end soon for the blackhawks now that ESPN is paying attention to them, it would only figure that when they start showing up they ruin everything. I’m also bitter.


Yep. Big time Devils fan. When Marty goes down, they don’t seem to know what to do with themselves. You don’t realize how important he is till he’s not there. I’m currently on Lemaire watch. He usually shows up when the Devils look like this.

The minute I saw the NHL on ESPN’s news feed, I expected the Blackhawks to lose to someone I hate—like the Wild. I don’t particularly like anyone calling hockey for NBC aside from Doc but I hated hearing Melrose jibber jabber about the Devils and the trap all the time. And they ruined my team’s last Cup win with Chris Berman.

I’m sorry I’m polluting your tea note with hockey :)


I was so expecting them to lose last night when I saw something about Sportscenter actually going to the game.

Unless the Habs are on TV here on a weekend, I always watch an RDS feed so I don’t have to listen to anyone. I know the key “le but” and I don’t have to listen to anyone be obnoxious. Though I guess in this case, I wouldn’t mind but I know they get obnoxious about wooo Quebec born players.

But I can’t fully understand so I don’t care hahahaha.

At least with NBC they know Columbus has a team (maybe) and that there aren’t ties anymore.

There is no such thing as hockey pollution for me unless this space was being filled with the bruins!


Sportscenter should just stick to sports they understand like golf and football…and professional bowling and leave hockey to literally anyone else. I like NBC aside from the fact that they employ Pierre McGuire and Mike Milbury. Milbury should be banned from all NHL anything because of how he destroyed the Islanders.

I have Gamecenter so I watch the local broadcasts on mute more often than not. I love watching the game but some of those commentators…are so bad. I’m including the Devils’ guys in that.

Haha! I completely agree only add the Rangers, Sabres, Wild and Kings to that :)

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4345 tasting notes

thank you, Starfevre, for the trade! I adore the BBC Sherlock, that I caught by accident one day. I rarely just sit at the TV and flip channels. That time I caught the first airing of the first episode of Sherlock, sat captivated through it, and watched it for a second time immediately after the first episode aired. I love the idea of Adagio’s fandom teas, so I love to sample them!

This one is delicious. I haven’t tried many of Adagio’s teas but I really like their chai that I’ve tried. Like Starfevre, ginger is probably my least favorite thing in tea other than hibiscus, but I don’t seem to mind it in chai. I do get a bit of a hint of chocolate here, but not much of cream. Otherwise it’s a nice solid black tea mixed with chai. I love the bitterness (in a good way) that this tea has.

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814 tasting notes

“Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don’t you think?” – Mycroft Holmes

thank you Shadowfall for this taste of the Queen. haha tv joke.
anyways, i don’t really prefer chai’s but even though this smells very chai it tastes mellower. which makes me like it. (perhaps i should just short steep all my chais?) plus it’s a vanilla chai AND there is the chocolate chip tea too. so it’s good!
i LIKE it.

i’ve spent the past 24 hours reading a looooong post-Reichenbach fic which is kinda Mycroft heavy, in a lovely way, so i thought this was an appropriate tea for the evening. here’s to the CCTV warrior.

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1598 tasting notes

Hmmmm. This is vanilla chai with cream? I’m not getting that at all. There are some chai spices, but it’s pretty muted. Maybe I needed to steep this for longer in order to get the full flavour.

I know Mycroft is mysterious, but this blend requires too much puzzling for me. Let’s see how I do with my second steep.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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224 tasting notes

Had a sharp clove-y smell out of the bag and I was afraid it would brew as strong as it tasted. While I definitely tasted the chai spices, it isn’t as strong as it smelled and not strong as other blends I’ve tried, which I’m glad of. Don’t really get the chocolate much, though I’m wondering if that’s because I made this in a paper filter and the chips couldn’t properly melt into the tea. Definitely will make this next time in just the mesh to see. It’s alright plain, but I added some cream and brown sugar and it was excellent. Will definitely keep this around for when I want something a little different

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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14 tasting notes

The moment you tear the top off the bag and open it up you know this tea is going to be a lovely, decadent treat. The spice of the vanilla chai and the chocolate mix fantastically to create a warm blanketing scent. Unsurprisingly when it’s brewed it smells even lovelier. While this tea is wonderful plain without anything added, I do take my chai with a bit of milk. I find this makes the taste a bit smoother and really gives it that chocolate-y dessert feeling. This tea really does embody everything I adore about Mycroft as a character. Sweet like the treats he loves so much, like the soft inside he clearly has when dealing with family. Yet, spicy like his snarky comments and demeanour.

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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55 tasting notes

My best friend/roommate here has this tea, and is gracious enough to let me have some whenever I feel like it (lucky, lucky me!!). This is lovely, sweeter tea that I generally have for dessert. Very relaxing blend (the Adagio Cream is one of my go-to teas), the cream balances out the chai nicely. I usually have with one sugar and two milk.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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772 tasting notes

Possibly it’s the season, the holidays, something making me focus on this, but as I try it (and it’s cooled down a lot because I forgot I was drinking it..heh) it tastes like gingerbread to me. It doesn’t help that I’m overly sensitive to ginger tastes, and I haven’t liked it much in the past.

I don’t pick up much in the way of chocolate notes, mainly the chai spices and ginger. Maybe a bit in the very first instant the tea hits my tongue on a sip, but it fades really quickly thereafter.

I’m sure that most people will really love this tea, and I can see myself really enjoying it…if I liked ginger. As it is, I don’t hate it (which is unusual for a tea with ginger in it) so that speaks well of it. But I still don’t like it.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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806 tasting notes

I love the BBC series Sherlock so when I saw there were some blends based on that series I knew I had to try some. Mycroft is a good blend that took me a few sips before figuring out I like it. I don’t like the smell coming out of the bag, but the tea itself is fine.


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