Radioactive Marshmallow Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Brisk, Cream, Marshmallow, Tannin, Vanilla, Tea, Astringent, Custard, Malt, Savory, Tannic
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 17 oz / 503 ml

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From 52teas

Tea of the Week for May 10, 2021!

This amazing blend starts with a bracing blend of CTC Assam black teas & is blended with marshmallow root & vanilla beans. The vanilla & marshmallow soften the edgy tea just enough to bring a wonderfully sweet note to the cup. This is the tea to jumpstart your day! Vigorous!

Makes a stellar latte, too!

It’s also VEGAN, gluten-free, allergen-friendly & all natural!

ingredients: black teas, organic marshmallow root, organic vanilla beans, organic cornflower petals & organic natural flavors

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

16 Tasting Notes

397 tasting notes

Homemade Advent Calendar from AJRimmer: Day 8

I really like the brisk, robust base here — it’s smooth and bold, with just a little tannin kick at the end. I do think it aaalmost overpowers the fluffy vanilla marshmallow notes, though. You really have to wait till this cup cools for the creaminess to pop!

But this is one of my favorite flavor profiles, so it’s hard to go wrong!

Flavors: Brisk, Cream, Marshmallow, Tannin, Vanilla

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314 tasting notes

It’s back – for a very limited time! It’s a great wake-me-up kind of tea. A very bold, rich CTC Assam blended with marshmallow root & vanilla bean. It’s so good!

Please don’t click on the “buy now” button on Steepster’s page for this tea as it won’t take you to my website to purchase this tea, it will instead take you to a tea from Adagio that is not at all like this tea. Instead, visit my website if you’re interested in this tea! Thanks!


Another one, please message me.


Hey, @derk! I did message you on it already. :) Thanks!


Where did my comment go?


Hi @ashmanra – did you comment on this note? I didn’t see it. :(


I am wondering if Adagio deleted it? It was an observation that putting their link there was disappointing and not the actions of a good tea company.


I had actually typed a much more strongly worded one, backspaced it and put a nicer version, but it seems to have disappeared.


@ashmanra – Interesting. Yes, I agree with you, it’s not the actions of a very good company.


Perhaps I made a mistake and didn’t post it properly. It was rather late. I will try to give the benefit of the doubt.

Mastress Alita

To be honest they are so inactive with ever doing anything involved with this site (look at how much we have to beg any time the dashboard goes down!) that I can’t imagine they would take the time or effort to delete a single comment, especially one posted over the weekend.


I expect you are right, Mastress Alita. It is quite possible that after I deleted my rather heated comment I may have typed the second and thought I sent it but didn’t. My apologies for jumping to a conclusion that was almost certainly wrong.

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1968 tasting notes

Working on sipping through a sample pack. This is okay, but not my favorite 52Teas marshmallow or vanilla blend.

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2593 tasting notes

I definitely taste some marshmallow and vanilla, and milk helps to make the creaminess of this blend pop a little more. The base tea is pretty hearty. I enjoyed the flavor most after my cup cooled to room temperature. I feel like everything meshed better that way. It turned out simple, but pleasantly light and fluffy, if that makes sense.

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16975 tasting notes

Geek Steep S2E10 – Ghostbusters (1984)

This is the tea that I chose to drink during our episode recording for, well, probably obvious reasons. This might just be the closest tea out there for a representation of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man that you could possibly find! I debated heavily doing it for my main pairing, but I ended up finding my other tea first…

It’s a really nice tea though; ooey gooey creamy marshmallow but light and a little airy! It made for a nice gently flavoured tea to sip on throughout our conversation while also being perfectly on theme – and even better because I drank it in a ghost mug! Truthfully, 52Teas has other marshmallow teas I prefer but this one was just unbeatable in this moment!


Good call! I can’t believe GB is that old (ahem, I can’t believe I’m that old).

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244 tasting notes

This blend is remarkable because I like it—and I shouldn’t. I don’t like vanilla, and it features prominently here. I didn’t think that marshmallow had much of a fragrance of it’s own; it does! As soon as you open the packet, you can smell it. The brew is some of the smoothest black tea I’ve ever had: no bitterness, no harshness, no dryness or tickle at the back of the throat, nothing.

If you like vanilla and marshmallow and black tea, this is a really skilful blend and I think you’ll like it.

[Edit] Yes, I forgot about it and totally oversteeped it but it was fine.

Flavors: Marshmallow, Tea, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 18 OZ / 532 ML

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6119 tasting notes

(52teas (Anne) 2022: 254)

I had a really bad run of severely oversteeping all my teas today. This is not one to oversteep; it was quite bitter mixed with marshmallow. Even diluting it didn’t help all that much. Oh well.


Yeah – this one should not be oversteeped. Sorry that happened. :(


At least it wasn’t a sipdown! Haha.


I really like this tea – but because the base is a really strong CTC base, it’s one that will definitely get bitter if it’s oversteeped.

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4333 tasting notes

Sipdown! (27 | 436)

I didn’t really get marshmallow from this one.

I can smell it in the aroma a bit, but I feel like the strong CTC base overpowers it to the point where it’s barely there. It’s mostly a very brisk black base with a touch of savoriness to it. There is perhaps a hint of vanilla there. But then there’s quite a bit of astringency at the tail end of the sip which fights against any creamy or fluffy qualities that may be there.

So not a winner for me. But I’m glad not everything is a winner, as I already have way too much tea as it is! XD

Flavors: Astringent, Custard, Malt, Savory, Tannic, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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2970 tasting notes

You know I am not sure I steeped this correctly. Hmmm. I can smell the marshmallow in the leaf, but I’m not getting it in the cup. Did I oversteep, understeep? Anger and ancient god of tea brewing? Hmmmm.

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6444 tasting notes

Round 2 of battles is this tea, Radioactive Marshmallow vs. Honey Black by DAVIDsTEA. The two were paired because of their black tea bases being paired with a sweeter flavour note. Check you the review for Honey Black here:

We all know I love me some marshmallow black teas from 52 Teas. This is no exception. It is nothing super complicated. It is clear marshmallow flavour – sweet and fluffy. Atop a medium-bodied base. The two pair well together, making for a smooth, easy drinking tea. Really, really nice!

Honey black is similarly simple and smooth but this tea just edged its way to the win by highlighting flavour over base. Plus, I tend to grab marshmallow teas more often than honey.

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