I’m going to have to try this again. I ate a few pieces of chocolate and then drank it, and then went back to it hoping the chocolate aftertaste would have subsided, but I wasn’t nearly as enamoured with this as everyone else. Actually, I haven’t been enamoured with any 52 Teas blend so far. I have a theory that maybe packaging, presentation and promotion (and reputation) do a lot to affect someone’s rating of a tea, even inadvertently. If this was called ‘Coconut Garbage Flakes’, and blended by a mean jerk instead of a cool everyman’s nerd kind of guy, maybe everyone else would feel the same about it as I do. Not that it tastes like garbage, I was just giving an example of crappy marketing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s alright, but I notice a weird chemical taste to it, in the back of my mouth. And when I stick my nose in my cup and inhale, it smells like cat pee.
Sorry guys, I said it. I’ve wanted to love every one of Frank’s teas that I’ve tried (via swap) but I’ve been disappointed so far. Marshmallw Treat Genmaicha was good in the end, after I compared it to a straight genmaicha. But still left something to be desired.
After drinking Davidstea’s Coconut Oolong, I’m on the hunt for an equally amazing black coconut tea, and I don’t think this is it.
That being said it is possible that the chocolate seriously ruined my taste so I will try again before rating this, because I don’t want to be unfair. And I don’t want any hate mail either!! I will happily eat my words if I’m way off here, because I wanted to love this!
Thanks to Emilie for the sample of this (no, really!)
(boiling, 3 min)
Edited to add
Yeah… no. Tried it again last night, hoping for the best and it’s just…yucky. That sums it up. Still smells like cat pee once brewed. No coconut taste that I can notice. I feel like there’s something wrong with me because everyone seems to love every 52Teas blend ever, except me. I dumped the rest of this out, because you know why? Because my newest DellaTerra order arrived yesterday – NO BRAINER. I would love to find a 52teas blend to love. Le Sigh.
Thank gawd for swaps!!
Edited again
I want to add that there’s a possibility the batch I tried may not have been fresh and possibly even starting to change tastes on account of age, so the tea company shouldn’t be blamed for that. However I have no way of knowing so my rating stands. If I ever try this again from someone else I will let you know if it tasted better!
do you normally transfer all of your bagged teas into tins? I wonder if I should start doing that…
I do if I have any empty ones lying around. It really does keep them fresher than plastic bags. I dunno about the foil ones, though. They could be better.
if I have a heavy ziploc bag (not clear), say the one the tea came in, I normally do not transfer to a tin. I find that sometimes the tin changes the flavor (due to the alloy maybe). If I don’t consume the tea quickly, I may tranfer to a tin if the tea is almost gone. I generally don’t use tins as much any more.
I did read somewhere that the tins were supposed to be better than bags I have transferred my expensive teas but I am leaving the other ones where they are now for the time being. Still, it would be sad to see so much tea go stale!
As long as it’s a heavy foil-lined resealable bag (which many tea retailers seem to use) I don’t worry about transferring it… those pouches are probably more airtight than most tins!
STALE TEA! WHAT A TRADEGY!! I agree Dinosara, you can push the air out of the bags, then seal them tighter by rolling and rubber banding the bag.