I got this a long time ago from Jake B! Thank you! This isn’t really labeled other than ‘chocolate oolong’ but I’m pretty sure it’s from Liquid Proust because I recognize his style of packaging teas. And there are only 13 search results here for ‘chocolate oolong’. It looks like the photo too – a mess of chocolate colored everything. I wish there was an ingredient list with this, but it looks like dark big leafed oolong with rooibos, assorted chocolate ingredients including flat little squares. I wouldn’t say the flavor is drenched in chocolate – it’s almost like a berry flavor to me. Probably the oolong coming through mixed with the rooibos tastes like berry to me? With an acceptable hint of roast from the oolong. It is sweet though. On the second steep, much more of the roast comes through. With hints of rustic cocoa here and there. I notice a few bits of apple in the steeped leaves now. Third steep, not noticeably stronger flavor other than more flavor from the oolong. It seems like a distant memory now that I was tasting berry in that first cup. I definitely think using two teaspoons was the right idea. And it looks from other tasting notes this might be SIX years old now. I wouldn’t think this tea was chocolate focused during any of the steeps, but I do love Liquid Proust’s experiments. :D
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 14 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 6 minute steep
Flavors: Berry, Cocoa, Roasted
ah, listening to the new Lord Huron album now and it’s the album necessary for Pandemic Year #2. Soso good.