A sample from the sale! What a magical blend this sounded like: oolong with the unique combination of pear, raspberry, orange blossom. Sadly hibiscus. I can tell the hibiscus is TAMED though, as the brew always results in a gorgeous blush pink color and not the bright red of hibiscus overload. The brew is lovely to look at in a clear mug. However, there is a bit of tartness that tends to take over anyway. I hope some of this tartness is from the raspberry. I can’t really taste pear or orange blossom which is a shame. The aroma of pear is certainly in the blend and I know B&B can do pear teas well (Jasmine Poached Pears). It reminds me of another of B&B’s blends — I’m not sure which, but it’s another blend with the promise of great flavors but the result is just a slight sour fruit flavor… no hint of oolong… there are so many big fruit pieces here, so I’m just a bit disappointed. Two teaspoons should be plenty flavorful for a mug. Full disclosure: I’ve never had prosecco.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 1 minute steep
Steep #2 // 13 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 3 min