Additional notes: Sad sipdown! This is a five year old blend and tastes brand new (somehow with COFFEE BEANS??) and I just love this mix of flavors. I really would like to buy more. Oh the trick of having sipdowns not lead to more orders… It’s dark yet sweet and not a gross sort of coffee. This is the perfect coffee puerh and so happy it ages so well. If a reblend is like this, I will be impressed. Raising the rating from 93 for consistency alone.
Edited to add: Also, previous steep sessions have had at least seven coffee beans in the infuser, and I only see ONE coffee bean this time… so all of that lovely coffee flavor must be a flavor addition of some kind? I guess I like that much more than real coffee.
2020 Sipdowns: 60
I would love to drink this tea, because the concept of blending tea with coffee seems fascinating. I’m curious, do the beans seem heavily or lightly roasted? Logically, they should be lightly roasted to not overpower the pu-erh, but I’m just guessing here.
Sorry, my knowledge on coffee is very thin, so I have no idea if these are light or dark roasted. I only know it’s delicious.
It’s okay.
And I’ll probably try it myself soon, because Bird & Blend currently has some sale with free international shipping, so that’s definitely one of the teas I’m going to put in my basket.
dreamloomer: thanks for your message, but unfortuantely I can’t reply. Please contact me on my e-mail: (first name).(first 3 letters surname)95 at I would gladly share some my teas with you!
I can suggest from sale items: Chocolate digestives, The Night Before Christmas
From not-sale: carrot cake, moondrop dreams and Vicky’s Sponge Cake
I would love to drink this tea, because the concept of blending tea with coffee seems fascinating. I’m curious, do the beans seem heavily or lightly roasted? Logically, they should be lightly roasted to not overpower the pu-erh, but I’m just guessing here.
Sorry, my knowledge on coffee is very thin, so I have no idea if these are light or dark roasted. I only know it’s delicious.
It’s okay.
And I’ll probably try it myself soon, because Bird & Blend currently has some sale with free international shipping, so that’s definitely one of the teas I’m going to put in my basket.
Oh I hope you like it!
dreamloomer: thanks for your message, but unfortuantely I can’t reply. Please contact me on my e-mail: (first name).(first 3 letters surname)95 at I would gladly share some my teas with you!
I can suggest from sale items: Chocolate digestives, The Night Before Christmas
From not-sale: carrot cake, moondrop dreams and Vicky’s Sponge Cake