Thanks so much Steep City for sending me some samples! Very appreciated! I love the packaging and logo of the samples. This one sounded amazing. With it being the first day of spring and still snowing, I think I’ll try this tea and hopefully be transported to somewhere tropical (spring weather-wise was so early last year!) There was a HUGE mango chunk that fell into my infuser, so they aren’t lying! After a three minute steep, the color is orange hued, almost like the mango itself. The black tea doesn’t overpower the flavors, and there is just enough hibiscus to make this taste perfect. I can always tolerate hibiscus if it is the perfect amount! It definitely tastes like mango, but how couldn’t it with that huge piece? The cup even maintains a bit of starchiness that a mango has. I really like this one! It’s nice if you want a bit of caffeine with a fruity flavor. The second steep is just as good. Very genuine and authentic mango. It’s juicy, refreshing, thirst quenching, and everything I was hoping this tea to be!