814 Tasting Notes

Umm apparently I drank this tea once already!

But really I’m here because I told a guy via text I wasn’t interested in dating. After more conversation he eventually asked What counts as a date? And what’s just hanging out?
He’s 15+ yrs younger than me.
I’m 41 and antisocial. Idek what to say. And I’m not crazy enough to google this crap.
I’m not interested in intimacy. Is it even possible to just be friends with ppl?
I really wanna be friends, but is that just naive of me.
I’m bummed and need advice. So bummed.

Thanks for being the only place I feel comfortable enough to post! Steepster will always be special.


I have to say I don’t know what counts as dating any more. It’s very generational, it seems. My 13 year old thinks it means snapchatting and going for pizza after school, and maybe Facetiming. Maybe it’s better not to use any terms and just say happy to be friends but not interested in anything romantic or physical?


Omg I’m seriously glad I asked because that definition of dating is a keeper! Hilarious! I love it so much. And laughing really helped my mood instantly.


I don’t purport to know what dating is. I have been married for 31 years and my husband and I never actually dated. We met and then just…hung out. Listened to music. Played guitar and sang, and then got married eight months later. But what troubles me is that it sounds like this person may have been persistent enough to make you uncomfortable, and that’s not cool. He is pretty young, so maybe he didn’t mean to be that way, and maybe I don’t know enough about what was said and it wasn’t really that way at all. But if he did pressure you and make you uncomfortable, he might be looking out for only what he wants, and not being considerate of you. And we here on Steepster stick up for our won! Go with your gut instinct on whether to “hang out” with him because the pressure might continue, but I do think SOME people can just be friends. Others don’t get boundaries!


own not won!


You guise are really making my night! Thank you! I don’t think he’s being pushy. He’s actually being very normal which is why I didn’t think it was going there. I’m just THAT awkward. On top of which I’m WAY out of my depth. I value your perspective. Your comment helps me to ask myself more questions!


I kinda think dating and hanging out can be the exact same activities….it’s more about the expectation of those involved. Ie. going to the movie with a friend, going to the movie with someone you’ve got romantic feelings for. If he’s truly ok with being friends then you should be able to do whatever…. it if he’s just hoping to hang out in the hopes that something more will come of it….blah. I’m pretty anti social as well, so I value the time I spend with others a lot.


you guise are Great. so great.
also, you might find this as hilarious as i do.
but his text today simply said “We should go with my two goth girls. They are married and your age. Theyre the ones with the passes haha“
i laughed at myself so hard.
and now this ex-dance-major is REALLY looking forward to dancing!!


the club is private so we need passes which is one reason why i’ve never been.

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OMG is it possible i never logged this tea?

i purchased the 24 days of tea this year.
i have a bad habit of hoarding the tea samples so this year i’m hoping to drink them at a steady pace and on schedule.

i like this tea! better than i thought i would. i tend to not love david’s chocolatey ones so much.
yay 24 days of tea win.

In other news…
I got a hamster!
i’ve never had a hamster before. he better get ready to be spoiled rotten.


yay for pets! :)


Yeah! I normally don’t like their chocolate either but this one is awesome, in my opinion.

Roswell Strange

Ooh – what’s the hammy’s name? :D


i settled on a name this weekend. I’m gonna stick with Oddree’s first suggestion and name him Bauhaus. When I posted it in a hamster message board this weekend someone said it’s the name of a swedish hardware store haha.
which is weird but also funny as heck.
Art Movement,
Goth Band,
Nordic Hardware Store

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i bought this off amazon, it arrived yesterday, and put Kusmi Apple in it overnight.
i don’t think i used enough leaf, but it was still GREAT to be able to enjoy a very cold & brisk cup of tea before I started my day.
you put the loose leaf directly into carafe. when i poured the tea through the built in strainer, only one single little measly scrap of a single leaf ended up in the cup. … I think that’s amazing.
i’m very excited about this cold brew carafe.
it’s so convenient, i would even just store cold water in it in the fridge. but i have SO MUCH back stock of tea, i’m hoping this will help me drink it down through the summer.
(Hey! maybe i should get one for my work fridge! — best idea ever.)


i got one for my work fridge. destiny.

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drank Candy Cane Crush by DAVIDsTEA
814 tasting notes

I drank this tonight as I watched more SMASH episodes.
it’s low in caffeine so it’s a good bet for the evenings.
and i love the vanilla and mint teas always.

i watched the eps where Jeremy Jordan sings one of my favorite songs, and i couldn’t stop giggling because the man has some beautiful pipes! but sadly he really can’t dance.
and they do what they can to cover it, but even the little bit of dancing they show is hard to watch.
in the recent Supergirl episode they put him behind the piano and left him there. and it was beautiful.
his singing brings me chills and often ends in my spontaneous fitspump.


Omg, SMASH! I haven’t thought about that show in ages!


welcome back!

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cavocorax gave me this tea sample in February 2014.
and i’m just drinking it today.
it’s yummy. but i should probably try it again with some sweetener. i’m still a total newb when it comes to matcha.
i was eyeing the david’s tea matcha mixing tumblr last night. i think i’ll love matcha once i’m patient enough to figure it out. currently i’m just a little lazy. i put a couple mini scoops in a small rounded cup, use a matcha battery powered whisker to blend it with the water, then add some almond milk and whisk some more.

my side topic right now? i have too many planners. i have a journal/bujo, a weekly hobonichi planner and a daily hobonichi planner, and i keep a 6 ring Filofax style planner, i’m only mentioning this now, because i realize i should probably create a section in my 6 ring planner for tea. i currently keep a section for money, one for fountain pen inks, and one for tv shows i (binge) watch. i’m gonna work towards adding a health and a tea section. don’t worry. you can expect updates. : )


OMG Fountain pens! I keep an old fauxdori with an insert made from big box craft store sketch book paper in it for ink tests. I should crack out a new insert for tea!
Currently using an Erin Condren but I think next year I’ll switch back to my color crush/filofax copycat planner from last year with new inserts. Or go crazy and get a ARC style one.


HAhahahah at the time that i read your comment, i had literally just opened a package containing 2 storage 6-ring binders, and a planner for office meetings. and the day before that, i received a delivery that included 2 other planner binders i’d bought on super sale. i’m fully aware that it’s too many binders.
i don’t have any Color Crush or Erin Condren in my collection but I’ve watched So Many youtube videos about them heehee!
i love talking paper products :)
if you go crazy and try ARC, please let me know how the experiment goes!!

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had this for breakfast today.
nom nom nom.
it does say pancakes in the name after all.
not as tops as the tiramisu, but still pretty yummy.

other things that happened today,
i bought chapstick for the first time in years,
i helped my sister set up her new apartment, and
i learned that lego now makes legos for girls and they include the makings of a yacht and an RV for glamping.


…and a very sweet little LEGO mobile observatory with telescope and little astronomer. Got it a while back for a good friend to put together with her granddaughter.


i drank this again today, 05/30/2022, and i hate it hahaha.
i took one sip and tossed it. bye bye.

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my tea order arrived yesterday!
yesterday was John Watson’s birthday!
i ordered from another tea company recently and the tea was meh. there are lots of samples i haven’t tried yet because my first couple teas were so meh.

but this new tea company was the total opposite.
A Quarter to Tea was yummy and great!
There was a bright large thin red candy heart in the blend and i picked it out so i could save it for later haha.
ya know, for when i Really Need It.

It’s likely i’ll buy more of this tea.

also, i’m binge watching SMASH. i don’t recommend it. but i’m enjoying it immensely.


“I don’t recommend it, but I’m enjoying it immensely” is the perfect summary of SMASH.


Also quite in love with AQTT after a mere few samples. Always awesome to find a great new tea company!

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drank Coffee Cake by DAVIDsTEA
814 tasting notes

A friend of mine came over to teach me calligraphy. I was never that interested in this Coffee Cake tea, but she saw it and showed immediate interest. which is also interesting because she doesn’t really like coffee.
And the experience of drinking it together and having her enjoy it so much, gave me a very positive opinion of this tea as well.
it always smelled good to me, and my favorite teas are always the cookie and cake types (vanilla, brioche, chocolate, french toast, etc), so my liking it wasn’t a big leap.
now, a few weeks later, i find myself coveting the last oz i have. i might have to place an order. (and maybe buy one of those new tea cups.)


I really liked this one – I had missed out trying it the first time it was available, so just got a skinny tin of it this Christmas! Mmmm.

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my label says Toffee Chocolate Hazelnut" but i think it’s the same as Crunch.
i ordered it as part of the cookie sampler, and that’s the name of the tea included in the cookie sampler online.

my first sample from this company.
i’m not sure i steeped it long enough but it’s probably not very strong either way.
a good tea for 11:30 at night i suppose! i guess that’s all i have to say about this tea at the moment. not bad, but not a ton of personality yet. a tea can change after you drink it a few times though, so don’t commit this to memory.
today oddree and I went to see the opera Lâ Amour de Loin at the fancy movie theater. they broadcast it live from NYC. it was sublime. full of themes of aloneness (not to be mistaken for only lonely) and independence and conflict that is an innate part of the human experience.
then we walked through the outdoor mall, the brass trio played Carol of the Bells, and oddee bought me a gift of fancy soap and fancy make-up.
it was a good day.

the box i got from Angry Tea Room was missing a sample i ordered, but that’s okay. it was just a sample. and i still have 9 to try which is plenty. so it’s all good.

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drank Winter Sprinkles by DAVIDsTEA
814 tasting notes

i bought these (probably because i was drunk shopping) and i bought some premade sugar cookie dough and i’m baking cookies with these sprinkles in them right now. and it smells delicious. teeheehee

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