After quietly scoffing at the husband of a friend who had one of these little gadgets (except that his was glass) a couple of years ago, the potential benefit finally hit home this past week. When I first saw one I thought it was silly – I have infusers and strainers and teapots and mugs and what do I need a fancy dump-it-into-your-cup infuser? Sure, it’s a cool mechanism but that’s it, right? I mean, I can watch tea steep in a glass teapot. So what does this do that I don’t already do?
Well, after using it for a whole evening of steeping, I get it. I can steep, see the leaves swirling around, use one less piece of equipment and still be able to use a pretty teacup. It takes up less room than one of my normal teapots and still holds enough for at least 2 full cups so I don’t have to get up often. :)
I didn’t realize when I bought it that it was plastic. This was the only kind the local tea market had and I probably could have shopped around but I tend to get in an immediate gratification mode when I have a target in mind. :) I don’t avoid plastic, but I probably would have gotten glass if they had one.
I’m glad they didn’t have glass. I can see enormous potential for taking this with me on trips and I don’t have to worry about it shattering in my luggage. Sure, it would be easier if it were still the microwavable version, but even if I have to heat water in the cup I steep in or in a hotel room coffee pot (blech), I can see this getting a lot of use.
Total Klutz Update: Be very, very careful where you set this down. I forgot it drains when the aperture is pressed upwards. I sat it down on a cluttered table while gathering some laundry. I soon had more laundry to do in addition to blotting the carpet dry. When I realized what that running water sound was, I picked up the pitcher and sat it down on a dresser that had an empty plastic shipping envelope on it. Apparently the plastic had ridges just high enough to trigger another flood. Sigh. Ah, well, there are worse things for a carpet to smell like than Santa’s Secret tea. :)
Yeah, I really try to avoid coffee pot tea. That brew basket just holds the coffee taste. Yik. I’ve not had dessert black tea tainted fruity green tea but it doesn’t sound appealing.
I have something similar that I got from Teavana, called the Perfectea Maker. It is BPA free and has lasted for a long time. I love it and use it all the time. Its very handy when you want to re-steep multiple times too. You do have to be careful to have it on a fairly flat surface. I have the 16 oz and the 32 oz sizes.
Coffee pot tea is the worst, along with dessert black tea tainted fruity green tea.
Yeah, I really try to avoid coffee pot tea. That brew basket just holds the coffee taste. Yik. I’ve not had dessert black tea tainted fruity green tea but it doesn’t sound appealing.
I have something similar that I got from Teavana, called the Perfectea Maker. It is BPA free and has lasted for a long time. I love it and use it all the time. Its very handy when you want to re-steep multiple times too. You do have to be careful to have it on a fairly flat surface. I have the 16 oz and the 32 oz sizes.