58 Tasting Notes


This tea remains one of my favorites. Not sure if it’s sold in loose leaf, but I prefer the silk sachets for convenient and lack of that papery taste. I recommend double bagging per cup for the tastiest, sweetest, spiciest cup of tea you can acquire. Had my first cup of it in several months and LOVED it, per usual.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I love the aftertaste of this tea. When I drink it straight with no additives, I steep it for 3 minutes, 4 or 5 minutes when I add milk (which I rarely do now that I’m doing the WeightWatchers thing). This tea is REALLY tasty with milk… brings out the sweet taste of the currant. Still lovely sans sugar or milk. Made it with nearly boiling water simply because that’s what was available to me.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Wild Sweet Orange by Tazo
58 tasting notes

BLECH. Acidic, unbalanced, generally just very gross. I wanted to like this because I was so excited to see something with licorice root, but I couldn’t taste it at all. Disappointing tea.

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drank Zen Iced Green Tea by Tazo
58 tasting notes

My go-to iced beverage when on the go, MUCH better unsweetened! This is one of my favorite cold teas.

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Amazingly flavorful tea with NO need for additives!

4 min, 0 sec

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drank Green Tea Latte by Tazo
58 tasting notes

Rocking an venti iced no classic green tea latte with an extra scoop of matcha powder at this very moment. :) A summer favorite!

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Very, very tasty tea, fraught with cinnamon and spices and a touch of citrus. I really enjoyed this, and did a recent video review of the tea for http://steaptv.com that will appearing next week. :)

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drank First Love by TeaCuppa
58 tasting notes

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drank Gyokuro Imperial by Teavana
58 tasting notes

Had this again yesterday after reviewing it on STeaPTV.com, and I’m still really enjoying. This time had it at 175 degrees with the Zojirushi water machine, a Finum tea filter (small) and I did a 2 minute steep, because I said so. :)

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drank White Peach by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

Nice, light tea that’s nice for carrying around at work when I’m a little caffeined out. :) Flavorful, not too heavy on the peach, liked it. Had it for the first time earlier this week.

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