58 Tasting Notes

drank Zen by Tazo
58 tasting notes

At Starbucks with iced Zen, unsweetened, light on the ice. :) Nom nom.

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Light, but flavorful. Nice today since I’m feeling under the weather and it’s hot but not overwhelming… like a broth. :) 7 minutes at 195 degrees.

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drank Gyokuro Imperial by Teavana
58 tasting notes

Savory, very light, enjoyed it very much, even at a 2 minute steep rather than a 1 minute steep. Reviewed for today’s episode of STeaP Live: http://steaptv.com

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

Good morning! :) Starting off with one of my faves.

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drank Zen by Tazo
58 tasting notes

I drank this several times over the weekend, iced and unsweetened from Starbucks. My favorite iced tea. :)

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drank Pi Lo Chun by Teavana
58 tasting notes

Tried this today while shopping in Easton in Columbus at the Teavana store and really enjoyed it. Light but flavorful, definitely recommend. This was actually my first Pi Lo Chun.

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea at boiling for 4 – 4.5 minutes. Very flavorful, tastes like real strawberry and not gross flavoring. Highly recommend. :)

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One of my all time faves! 4 minutes, boiling.

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