Hot Cinnamon Spice

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Allspice, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Citrus, Clove, Orange, Spices, Brown Sugar, Dark Wood, Earthy, Spicy, Sweet, Tea, Thick, Cloves, Artificial, Candy, Honey, Orange Zest, Citrus Zest, Hot Hay, Straw, Fireplace, Cocoa, Cream, Malt, Toast, Nutmeg, Fruity, Sugar
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet, Tea Bag
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 2 g 12 oz / 362 ml

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341 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m not feeling particularly verbose today, but I just wanted to give this tea the shout out it deserves. It didn’t taste nearly as “zippy” to me this morning, although this is one of those teas...” Read full tasting note
  • “Gloomy, rainy … this calls for some Hot Cinnamon Spice! I believe this is my first of the season! What more can I say about a tea I drink at least once a week all fall and winter? The proof is in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Today was a great day for tea! I received a sachet of this to sample with the Cranberry Autumn and it smelled so good that I had to have it tonight. Good thing I don’t have a sensitivity to black...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the morning….. Fall is in the air! Yay! I love Fall. This is my most consumed cool weather tea. Red hots in a cup, no sweetener necessary. It is like magic. Usual teapot method.” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Our most popular flavored tea worldwide, Hot Cinnamon Spice is an assertive blend of black teas, three types of cinnamon, orange peel, and sweet cloves. No sugar added. This tea is also known as Hot Cinnamon Sunset. They are the same tea; the name varies only in certain packaging.

Ingredients: Black tea, orange peel, cinnamon, cloves. Contains natural and artificial flavors.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

341 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

I’m not feeling particularly verbose today, but I just wanted to give this tea the shout out it deserves. It didn’t taste nearly as “zippy” to me this morning, although this is one of those teas that doesn’t need to taste identical to itself in order for me to enjoy it.

I have many things to be grateful for. I had a lovely weekend, it’s a short work week because of family day yesterday, today is my birthday and the past year has been pretty good, but instead I just feel tired and grumpy and listless. I just want to go home and crawl into bed (although I tend to feel like that pretty much anytime I’m stationary at a desk for an extended period of time, which I assume would provoke any person to feel this way ha). But yes, this tea is a perfect, sharp cinnamon heart, does well with very little in the way of additions, and is very warming as it goes down. it’s a no frills added cinnamon tea (with like no detectable base at all) but that fit the bill just right today.

Show 17 previous comments...
Daddyselephant 11 years ago

Happy Birthday! Hope it perks up for you.

keychange 11 years ago

Thanks! I imagine it will once I’m home this evening :)

mrs.stenhouse12 11 years ago

Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day :) good tea always makes it better!

Shmiracles 11 years ago

oh wow YAY happy birthday! i hope you get to do all of your favorite things! like burn down your desk ;)

caile 11 years ago

Happy birthday!!

keychange 11 years ago

Haha yes burn down my desk! and then the office would be closed for a few days…though it might be my fault LOL. Thanks guys!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

Happy birthday! Hope it gets better as the day continues :)

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Happy birthday!

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Happy Birthday! Enjoy some favourite teas, hopefully the day will get better :)

keychange 11 years ago

Thanks! I just need to wake up haha. Soooo sleepy.

Nightshifter 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!

MissB 11 years ago

Happy You Day! Hope it starts a year full of abundance in every sense of the word.

moraiwe 11 years ago

Happy Birthday! Hope your day perks up and becomes wonderful :)

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Happy birthday. :)

Sil 11 years ago

Hope you have an amazing evening to kick off another year of being awesome! Happy birthday!

Kamyria 11 years ago

Happy Birthday!! I hope your workday goes by quickly so you can go home and enjoy the rest of your special day… hopefully with a cup of delicious tea. :)

keychange 11 years ago

Thanks so much, all of you! I’m feeling a lot more awake and happy now! haha.

ashmanra 11 years ago

Happy birthday, keychange! I hope you have a great evening.

Anna 11 years ago

Aw, happy birthday! I hope you had a beautiful day.

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1112 tasting notes

Gloomy, rainy … this calls for some Hot Cinnamon Spice! I believe this is my first of the season! What more can I say about a tea I drink at least once a week all fall and winter? The proof is in the 1 lb bags I go through!

It provoked a conversation at work about how we need to order yet another big bag to split for the coming months … which made me peek at the Harney site … which made me realize it has a redesign! It looks quite nice – take a look :)

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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ashmanra 12 years ago

As you may remember, this one is way too hot for me! I am pretty excited, though. I just made a batch of Cinnamon Dolce syrup like Starbucks has, and I want to try adding it to tea, probably a nice Ceylon!

JacquelineM 12 years ago

Oooh, how do you make that?

Hesper June 12 years ago

Oh, it does look very sleek!
I have been wanting to order this tea for one of my winter teas.
But, I have to wait a month since I just placed 2 tea orders recently;)

ashmanra 12 years ago

Boil one cup water, one cup brown sugar, one teaspoon Vietnamese cinnamon or other strong cinnamon. Easy! This is what they use to make their Caramel Apple Cider. If you order it with whip (we don’t) they swirl whipped cream on top and swirl Carmel syrup on top of that. I have used it in the cider and loved it. I can’t wait to try it in tea! And actually, Starbucks uses Treetop Apple Juice, not cider. It is delicious and smells and tastes like apple pie.

Hesper: you will probably love Harney Hot Cinnamon. I used to keep it on hand just because so many people love it, even unsweetened it is almost too sweet because of the types of cinnamon! But it tastes like Red Hots to me, and I have never cared for them, if you like them, you will love this tea! I am just a wimp!

Hesper June 12 years ago

I do like red hots:)
The syrup recipe sounds tasty too!

JacquelineM 12 years ago

ashmanra – that sounds amazing and I can think of a million uses (ice cream drizzle being what instantly popped into my head!). Thank you!

Hesper June – people tend to love or hate this one – I love it! It cheers us all up at work.

gmathis 12 years ago

Mmmmm….drizzly ice cream!

TeaBrat 12 years ago

Not to sound whiny, but I think I liked the old site better! Maybe it is just what I’m used to?

JacquelineM 12 years ago

I like the organization of this site – it replicates how I like to look for teas. I also like the bigger photos where you can see the color of the tea liquor too :)

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863 tasting notes

Today was a great day for tea!

I received a sachet of this to sample with the Cranberry Autumn and it smelled so good that I had to have it tonight. Good thing I don’t have a sensitivity to black tea, as I’ve just had two cups of it back to back!

I LOVE this. How is it sweet when there’s no sugar?! It’s just a hint, granted, but it is enough. The spice is ALL cinnamon but I love cinnamon so that’s okay. It is very warming, which is perfect for tonight, and it smells pretty much like Big Red gum (yum!).

I may need to get my hands on more of this….

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Show 9 previous comments...
TeaBrat 13 years ago

wahhh. I want some!

KeenTeaThyme 13 years ago

This is one of my faves, and definitely one of the best from Harney and Sons. :)

JacquelineM 13 years ago

I’m addicted to this as well!

JoonSusanna 13 years ago

@Amy – If I had any more I would send you some – I had that one teabag and it’s gone and I am sad. :(

@KeenTeaThyme and Jacqueline M- I’m thinking it must be one of Harney’s best – I can’t get over how PERFECT it was. I hate that I only had one teabag to try – I totally need more!
In your opinion(s), is there a difference between the loose leaf and bagged? I would absolutely die if the loose ended up being better, because the bagged version is fabulous!

JacquelineM 13 years ago

I had the sachet as my first try of it, loved it, then bought a loose tin, and I thought the loose even better! Maybe only because I could control the amount of leaf myself – I don’t know – but I do think the loose is better :) I had to purchase again – this time I got the pound!

K S 13 years ago

This tea gets so many positive reviews I guess I am going to have to give in and pay the $10 B&N (in their cafe) wants for the tea bags. Seems a bit high for bags but apparently you all seem to believe it is worth it.

JacquelineM 13 years ago

K S Maybe try a cup first. The other thing about this one? People who don’t like it usually HATE it!

K S 13 years ago

I have read this described as tasting like Red Hots – my all time favorite hard candy. Never thought of just buying a cup… doh! I think we are going there tomorrow. If we make it I’ll take the plunge.

JacquelineM 13 years ago

KS – then you are totally safe! :)

KeenTeaThyme 13 years ago

I have loose on hand if anyone wants to try it! I gave away the two bags I had left to my mom. ;) Just PM me, I’m always happy to share!

K S 13 years ago

KeenTeaThyme – thanks for the offer. Won’t be necesary, I made it to B&N today and bought a cup. Yum!

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning…..

Fall is in the air! Yay! I love Fall. This is my most consumed cool weather tea. Red hots in a cup, no sweetener necessary. It is like magic.

Usual teapot method.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
tea-sipper 13 years ago

It IS like magic! I’m always amazed at hot sugary sweet this one is!

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1118 tasting notes

Woke up late. My daughter missed the bus. My cat decided this morning was a good time to play hide-and-seek. Yeah. It was obvious I wouldn’t have time this morning to make a pot of tea, so I looked at my bagged teas and chose this one. Such a good choice. After scraping the ice off my car windows I had a lovely cup of spicy tea waiting for me. Between my Hot Cinnamon Spice and my daughter’s cup of Candy Cane Lane the car smelled divine, and we had a nice talk as I drove her to school. Bad day averted.

stephanie-v 12 years ago

I love this post. Glad your day turned around so quickly and in such a nice way!

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193 tasting notes

What an April Fool’s Day!!! I woke up on April 1st in Eastern Pennsylvania to snow….crazy weather! I NEED spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I had this perfect cup of cinnamon spice tea to wake me up.

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JacquelineM 14 years ago

I woke up to the same joke from Mother Nature! Poor flowers and seeds!

gmathis 14 years ago

We had rain all day yesterday in Missouri interspersed with flakes the size of quarters.

DecemberMint 14 years ago

We still have more than enough snow on the ground here. Fortunately the weather is beginning to cooperate after not seeing the sun for 2 weeks :) (I think we stole your good weather!)

The tea sounds delicious! I love cinnamon-spiced teas <3

Gary 14 years ago

I used Raleys ORANGE SPICE Black Tea To Chase Away The PA SNOW Today
Seems Like the ORANGE and CINNAMON Does it.

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1719 tasting notes

Started off my day by going to Steak & Shake and ordering the portabello mushroom sausage skillet, bagel (cream cheese of course) and Darjeeling tea. Very good start but left me with onion breath – go figure. Then off to the pet store before swinging by Barnes & Noble. Ordered a cup of this in the cafe.

I was so excited that it really did smell like red hots and big red gum. HOWEVER, the tea was so hot I burned my tongue and I was still dealing with onion breath. Sat in the window stirring for like forever trying to cool this down. Cinnamon, orange, & clove – some of my favorite add ons for tea all in one cup. I really enjoyed this. Can’t say I could taste the black tea – which was CTC in the sachet – and I probably wouldn’t want this every day but will definitely add it to my Christmas list.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
gmathis 13 years ago

What a luxurious morning!

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2816 tasting notes

I’m still here housesitting and trying to finish off some samples I got at the SF International Tea Fair. I remember this tea made me totally nauseated, but at the time I thought I might have used too much tea. I decided to try it again – brave or stupid?

This is one of their little tea sachets so I thought I’d use a big 12" mug of water. I do think it is better when it’s mellowed out a bit but it is still quite an overwhelming experience of sweet clove and cinnamon. It is like drinking a cup of liquid red hots. I rather like spicy things (chai, for example) but this is still way too much for me. I hope I can convince my BF to drink the other sample. Otherwise if anyone wants it, let me know.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec
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ashmanra 13 years ago

No thanks! So many people adore this tea that I have to keep it on my tea shelf, but the only way I can drink it is half and half with a plain black tea to tone it down. I tried the green version and it was like drinking pure cinnamon syrup, but oddly I found that more palatable than the black tea. My oldest daughter couldn’t drink it, though, even though she loves cinnamon. She said it was way too sweet and syrupy.

TeaBrat 13 years ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one who has the same reaction! I can see it would be better mixed with some plain black tea.

K S 13 years ago

I love the way its fragrance fills the room (even when its sealed up in the drawer). I even like the intensity of it in the cup. That said, it is like divinity or some other really rich food. A little goes a really long way. I can see where toned down would be a plus with this. Have either of you tried the Market Spice version? I believe it has orange in it. @ashmanra, I have the pepper mango and am waiting to steep it at work where I have a better set up.

TeaBrat 13 years ago

no, I haven’t tried the Market spice version, might be worth a try someday. I do like cinnamon but not when it’s this strong!

ashmanra 13 years ago

I haven’t tried the MS version either. I try the Harney one about twice a year to see if my tastes have changed, but so far, no, still the same. I have made it half and half with Southern Season Ceylon Extra Fancy and it was more civilized!

Dylan Oxford 13 years ago

Marketspice does have orange in it. MS is one of my favorite teas, but a few people have been turned off by it though… they kind of spray flavoring oils over it, and the look of the ‘dry’ leaf is a little disconcerting. I use little quotey thingies around dry because the leaf never looks dry, because of the amount of flavoring oils used. It’s that flavored.

It also seems to be systematically destroying any tin I put it in. I can’t quite put my finger on why, but we’ve had it in three different tins, and the lids slowly get harder and harder to open. It’s like a scooby doo mystery.

ashmanra 13 years ago

Harney’s Hot Cinnamon Spice can not be washed out of any tin it is in. I called them and asked for a new mini tin for my wooden chest because I could not refill the HCS tin with any other tea. It would have just tasted cinnamon, too! The person I spoke with told me you simply can not get the scent out, and it also ate the black paint around the outside of the top of the tin!

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

Amy, your description of red hots is how I imagined it would be, and while I like cinnamon, this would be too intense for me!

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2970 tasting notes

Goodbye, Hot Cinnamon Spice. Its been an experience!

Sil 11 years ago

yay for sipdowns!

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

What Sil said!

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545 tasting notes

NOT backlogging — I drank this tea a few hours ago!

We got Indian takeout (cauliflower and potatoes, spinach and chicken, and lamb with onions and bell peppers) earlier this week and I really wanted a cup of Hot Cinnamon Spice after dinner. But, it was nighttime and I was all no-caffeine-this-late so I did not have one even though I knew I was going to be up late that night.

Tonight, I ate the leftover takeout while my husband was at work and then had a mug of Hot Cinnamon Spice cause I knew I was going to be up late and I really wanted one again. I steeped it up in a real big mug cause I knew it didn’t resteep and I thought I’d be wanting quite a bit of it and might get out of making two mugs this way. It was quite good, but I think I could have used more leaf.

So I’m bumping up the rating 5 points cause I really love this tea to an 88, which is on the high end of the great range (80-90) cause it’s nearly awesome (90+).

Which brings me to be bit of a brief ratings rant. This makes this tea my highest rated tea. (Yes, I am a hard grader.) But I have other teas that I like better than this one. But those teas are plain blacks and such, which I’ve rated in the mid-80s, cause I’m sure as my tea drinking career progresses, I will have better examples of these teas. I try to drink a tea and rate it as far as where it goes on my words scale (awesome, great, good, and so on down) then place it numerical on whether it’s towards the higher or lower end of each category. I do this instead of ranking teas compared to each other in general or with in a certain kind of tea. I trusted that it would work fairly well on lining teas up with how much I liked them and it has so far. But this tea definitely falls where I put it for me on my liking scale. It’s just odd for me that it’s higher than teas I like more. But I feel they should also stay where the are for what they are. This discrepancy bothers me a bit. But I don’t want to change it. I’m trying to tell myself it’s okay because it takes into account somewhat how much I like a tea for whether it’s a good example of a darjeeling, sencha, flavored black, or whatnot. Anyways, this did not end up being a brief rant. Sorry to write so much. =)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Paul M Tracy 14 years ago

I’m with you on the rating system. As I started racking up tasting notes over time, I’d think to myself “wait, but I really liked this other tea more, so I should move that score up. But then there’s this other one too…” I could sit and juggle scores all night.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 14 years ago

Yeah, I’ve decided I’m not going to do that. Or I’d be moving my scores around pretty often. I might change a rating if I end up liking it more or less as I continue drinking it after the initial time or at the end of the supply of it if my view on it has changed.

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